He walked out of the room quietly, and following the coordinates given by the system in his mind, Su Ke easily found the so-called mysterious substance marked by the system.... but...

Looking through the window, Suk was really confused when he saw Jean Grey lying on the table, feeling bored.

"I said...The mysterious substance you are referring to is not Jean Grey, right?"

Suke asked in his heart with a speechless face.

"The mysterious substance is not Jean Grey, but the Phoenix Force in Jean Grey's body!"

The system replied.

Is there any difference? You know, the Phoenix Force is in Jean Grey's body!

This is a pitfall....

Su Ke was so angry that he wanted to hit someone!

But then, Su Ke suddenly seemed to think of something and asked again:"Wait a minute...The purpose of you asking me to obtain the Phoenix Force should not be just a mission, right? You said before that my body can absorb and emit energy, does that mean that once I obtain the Phoenix Force, I will also possess the Phoenix Force?"

Thinking of this, Su Ke was inexplicably excited again, because the Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe. Once he mastered the Phoenix Force, he would not be afraid even if the goddess of death came! But then, the system poured a basin of cold water on him.

"The Phoenix Force is one of the most advanced powers in the Marvel Universe. The host cannot master it with his current strength, but because of the special nature of the host's body, the host can absorb the Phoenix Force and use it as his own power. In addition, the host can also absorb and emit all the energy in the entire American comic world!"

The system explained.

Su Ke finally understood it. To put it simply, his body is like a super charger that can store or emit all kinds of energy at will, even as strong as the Phoenix Force!

Although he can't have the Phoenix Force like Jean Grey, it seems good....

"By the way, how do we obtain the power of the Phoenix?"

After making up his mind, Su Ke asked again

"It's very simple. The power of the Phoenix exists in Jean Grey's deepest genes. If the host wants to obtain it, he needs to have deep physical contact with Jean Grey. In simple terms, it is..."

"You want me to sleep with Jean Grey!"

Before the system finished speaking, Su Ke had already guessed the answer....

"Yes, this is the most direct method. Other physical contacts are also acceptable, but the power gained will be less. Of course, the host can also let the Phoenix power in Jean Grey's body run wild and then absorb it!".......

Su Ke was speechless, really speechless. He never thought that the system would come up with such a fucked-up idea....

Slept with Jean Grey?

Suk thought so, but there must be a process for this kind of thing, right? For example, they should have a relationship first. If he forced himself on her, he would probably become the most shameless person in the Marvel and DC worlds....

As for letting the Phoenix Force in Jean Grey run wild, Suk didn't even consider it, because the Phoenix Force's runaway is very dangerous, and he doesn't want to kill other people in the school.

Besides, this is a nightmare for Jean Grey....

Su Ke didn't want to hurt this innocent girl

"Who? Who is there?

Suddenly, at this moment, Jean Grey seemed to have discovered something. She quickly walked to the window and opened it.

Then, their eyes met.

Suk was very embarrassed, and Jean Grey was a little surprised.

"Suke, why is it you? What are you doing here?"

Jean Grey looked at Suke in surprise and asked.

Suke scratched his head and said awkwardly:"Uh...I slept too long before, and now I can’t fall asleep no matter what, so I thought of going out for a walk, and I didn’t expect to end up here. By the way, Qin, why haven’t you slept yet?"

"I can't control my power. Even though it's already midnight, my mind is still filled with voices. Because of this, I sleep very late every day!"

Jean Grey said helplessly.

"" So that's how it is!"

Suke laughed dryly, but for a moment he couldn't think of what to do next.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

As if she had noticed the awkward atmosphere, Jean Grey blushed and said,"Suke, do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

""Okay, okay!"

Without any hesitation, Su Ke agreed immediately.

Are you kidding? Jean Grey is an absolute beauty in the Marvel Universe. Only a fool would refuse such an invitation!

Seeing that Su Ke agreed so readily, Jean Grey suddenly felt a little regretful. If other people knew about this, what would she do?...

But it seems useless to regret now, because Su Ke has jumped in from the window....

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night...

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