(PS: This book has almost 20,000 words, but there are still very few flowers and review votes. The review votes are even worse, only more than 30. I beg all readers, if you have extra flowers and review votes, please vote for this book! Thank you very much!)

In the following period of time, Suke followed Professor x~'s advice and started taking classes like other mutant children, learning all the knowledge about mutants and other things.

However, what surprised Professor x~ was that Suke's IQ was so high that no matter how complicated the knowledge was, he would remember it after just reading it once. In just less than a week, Suke had learned all the knowledge they could teach him! You know, for an ordinary mutant child, this is nearly six years or even more than ten years of courses!

After learning all the knowledge, Suke was unwilling to go to class anymore, and Professor x~ didn't say anything.

After all, if Suke was asked to go to class again, what was the difference between that and asking a doctor to attend elementary school classes? After thinking it over again, Professor x~ began to let���Suk learned combat skills from Jean Grey, and asked Wolverine to teach him combat skills, and asked Alex, Cyclops' brother Shockwave, to teach Suk how to control energy.

Similarly, Suk learned very quickly.

In just one week, Wolverine and Shockwave had nothing to teach him.

Moreover, in the recent period, Suk and Jean Grey were almost inseparable, and they were already a couple. Because Suk had absorbed part of the Phoenix Force from Jean Grey before, Jean Grey was unusually relaxed recently, and could even perform simple material control.

This made Professor X very happy. After all, the power of the Phoenix Force is very strong. If Jean Grey can really control it completely, it would be a good thing for everyone.

On this day, Suk got up early, washed up simply, and came to the playground, and Professor X and Hank were waiting for him here early.

At present, Suk has learned all the knowledge and skills in the mutant school, and has almost mastered his abilities, so Professor X is going to let Suk try to expand his abilities.

Or in other words, Professor X wants to know how powerful Suk is!........

"Whenever powerful objects collide, huge amounts of energy are generated, which may be shock waves or other energies...."

"If it has a certain amount of non-material energy, then the power will only be stronger...."

"This energy may be uncontrollable, but you must learn to master it...."

On the playground, Professor x~ explained seriously.

Su Ke frowned at first, then reacted immediately and said,"Professor, is this right?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms and prepared to slap him hard.

"Don't...Don't face us, and the area here is too small, you'd better go further away..."

Seeing this, Professor X~ hurriedly stopped him.

When Wolverine was teaching Suke fighting skills, Suke almost beat Wolverine to death. Although he gradually mastered the power, Wolverine was still seriously injured. However, with his strong self-healing factor, he was not in any trouble.

But it was obvious that Professor X~ did not have any self-healing factor. He was really worried that Suke would accidentally hurt him.

"Okay, I understand!"

After nodding, Su Ke's body floated up. Instead of going far away, he might as well try it in the air. In the air, he shouldn't hurt others.

After flying to an altitude of about 1,000 meters, Su Ke stopped, stretched out his arms again, and slapped his palm fiercely.


In an instant, an extremely powerful shock wave suddenly exploded from his palm and then extended in all directions....

"WTF...this...This is an electromagnetic pulse!"

On the ground, Hank said in confusion. Some of the instruments placed nearby were already emitting smoke, obviously destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse just now.

And behind them, all the electronic equipment in the entire school was also destroyed....

Professor X was speechless again. He thought that Suk could generate shock waves, which was amazing. He didn't expect that this guy could actually generate shock waves containing electromagnetic pulses. This was beyond his expectations again.

When Suk fell, Professor X and Hank didn't know what to say....

What no one noticed was that just when Suk generated the electromagnetic pulse, a few kilometers away, an armor flying in the air suddenly lost power. Amid a panicked shout, the armor fell down and smashed the ground hard.

In the big pit, Iron Man Tony Stark took off the mask on his face and said with a look of shock:"Jarvis, this...What the hell is going on? What attacked me?"..........

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