After calling for several times and still not getting a response from Jarvis, Tony realized that the electromagnetic pulse just now must have destroyed the armor's communication system, so he couldn't contact Jarvis!

He took out his cell phone and found that even the cell phone couldn't be used at the moment. Tony could only sigh helplessly.

He was going to the mutant school to find Professor X~ today. One was to ask about the previous alien crash, and the other was about mutants. However, what he didn't expect was that he was flying in the sky, and suddenly he was inexplicably attacked!

Professor X~ knew that humans could not fully accept mutants, so the location of the mutant school was extremely remote, and no one lived within a radius of dozens of miles. Because of this, Tony couldn't find anyone to help him.

"What bad luck!"

Sighing helplessly, Tony climbed out of the pit and looked around. Not long after, he found a thick rope.

One end of the rope was tied to the armor and the other end was just on his shoulder. In this way, Tony slowly dragged his armor to the mutant school.

In the evening, Tony finally arrived at the mutant school!

Professor X was not too surprised by Tony's arrival, because he knew that Tony would come sooner or later.

Tony's arrival instantly attracted a large number of mutant children. He was completely surrounded before he took a few steps.

After experiencing the incident in Iron Man 1, Tony admitted his identity in front of the cameras of the media around the world, admitting that he was Iron Man. This caused a great reaction worldwide, and at the same time, everyone knew him!

Among the crowd, of course, was Suke, and Suke had already guessed it at this time. Needless to say, the armor that Tony was pulling now was knocked down by him.

"Hi, kids, how are you!"

Seeing himself surrounded by a group of mutant children, Tony hurriedly greeted them, and at the same time he became a little nervous. After all, he did not forget that these children in front of him were mutants with super powers!

""Okay Tony, what on earth do you want to do here?"

A voice sounded, the crowd dispersed, and then Professor X appeared in front of Tony.

"Professor, don't get me wrong, I came to you for something serious, but before that, could you let me in for a drink of water? Just now when I was flying in the air, I was suddenly attacked and knocked down from the sky by an electromagnetic pulse. I'm really exhausted after dragging the armor for so long!"

Tony said faintly, throwing away the rope on his shoulder. As soon as these words came out, the expression on Professor x~'s face became a little unnatural, and so was Hank. After all, everyone knew what was going on.

""Okay, follow me!"

After saying this, Professor X~ began to lead the way.

After walking two steps behind, Tony seemed to have thought of something, and then turned to Hank and said,"By the way, could you help me deliver this armor to your maintenance room? The electromagnetic pulse destroyed the power function of the armor, and I have to repair it properly!"

"No problem!"

Hank replied very readily.

Soon, Professor X~ brought Tony to the office, along with Wolverine, Mystique and others, and of course, Suk!

Although Professor X~ didn't want Tony to know about Suk's existence, he knew in his heart that Suk's current strength couldn't be hidden, so he simply ignored him. Besides

, with Tony's ability, he couldn't do anything to Suk at all....

After Tony drank three glasses of water in one breath, Professor X~ finally spoke:"Tell me, Tony, why did you come here today?"

Seeing this, Tony didn't keep it a secret and said directly:"This is a mutant school. I came here for mutants, not for aliens?"

In the last sentence, Tony was obviously referring to Suke, but Professor X~ automatically ignored it. However, Tony's words still aroused his interest.

""Tell me, what's going on?"

Professor X said slowly.

Although Tony Stark is a playboy in everyone's eyes, his words are too unreliable, but you have to know that this is a mutant school. Professor X believes that Tony will definitely not joke about mutants here!

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