""Don't move! Robbery!"

As the voice sounded, Su Ke raised his head in surprise. Then, he saw two tall men blocking him, one of them holding a pistol.



Su Ke almost laughed out loud. He didn't expect that someone would dare to rob him. Just as he was about to kill the two guys, his heart suddenly moved again.

It seemed that there was nothing to do at the moment, so he might as well play with them......

"Come with us, don't play any tricks, otherwise the bullets have no eyes!" said the gangster with a gun, and asked Suke to walk into an alley next to him.

Suke felt funny in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface. Instead, he pretended to be a little scared and said,"Don't...Don't shoot, I'll give you whatever you want...."

"Boy, take out everything on you now!"

After entering the alley, the gangster with a gun yelled at Suke again, and the other gangster also stared at Suke with a ferocious look on his face. It seemed that if Suke didn't want to, he would do it himself!

"I would like to give it to you, but I don't have anything valuable on me! The most valuable thing seems to be this set of clothes on me, do you want it? If you want it, I'll take it off for you now?"

Su Ke said with a smile

""You little brat, who are you trying to fool? We all saw you coming out of that western restaurant just now. How can someone who eats there be without money? Don't try to fool us. Hurry up and take out the money, or we will not be polite!"

The gangster with the gun said angrily.

"You must have seen it wrong. If you don't believe me, take another look!"

Su Ke said, and his mind moved again. Then he put everything in his pocket into the system space, and then slowly opened his pocket.

The two gangsters were completely dumbfounded when they saw it. This poor guy was even cleaner than their pockets!

Damn it! Did I see it wrong just now?


The two criminals grumbled in their hearts, but they felt helpless....

"Okay, okay, you little bastard, get out of here right now. It's my bad luck to meet a poor guy like you...."

The gunman waved his hand and said impatiently

"What? Are you guys not going to rob anymore?"

Su Ke asked, pretending to be a little curious.

"You don't have any money, what's the point of fighting? Get out of here!"

The two gangsters said, becoming more and more impatient.

""Very good, since you don't want to rob, it's my turn now, don't move! I want to rob!"

Su Ke said, and suddenly a cunning smile appeared on his face.


When the two gangsters heard this, they were stunned at first, and then they couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahahahahaha..."You little brat, have you been scared by us so much that you even forgot who the robber is? Get out of here! If you keep talking nonsense, I will really kill you!"

The gunman laughed, thinking that Su Ke was scared by them.

"So you guys are unwilling to take out the money? Don't blame me for not warning you, the consequences are very serious!"

Su Ke said, with a deeper smile on his face. In his opinion, the game has reached this point, and it's time to end it.

Then, he stretched out his hand, ready to snap his fingers to get rid of the two guys.

"Brat, you..."

The gunman was about to say something when suddenly a glowing rope fell from the sky and was put around him. Then he was hung in the air like a dead pig.


This sudden change instantly made the other gangster panic. But before he could finish his words, a beautiful figure suddenly fell from the sky and knocked him unconscious with a punch....

Then, a very heroic-looking woman in a battle suit suddenly appeared in front of Su Ke....

Wonder Woman Diana!

At this moment, Su Ke is still ready to snap his fingers....

Staring at Diana in front of him, Su Ke was speechless, very, very speechless.......

Wonder Woman's original name is Diana Prince. She is the princess of the Amazons of Paradise Island. She is the illegitimate daughter of Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, and Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons of Paradise Island. She has demigod blood and is immortal. She is the princess and heir to the throne of the Amazons, a fighting nation that only has women. She is also one of the seven founders of the Justice League!

Meeting Diana was originally a very happy thing, but Su Ke was not happy at all at this moment, because Diana just stole his limelight....

If it was any other hero, Suk would have thrown him into space, but facing Diana, he couldn't do it....

What the hell is going on? This is so embarrassing!

"You're welcome!"

Then, when Diana said this to Su Ke with a smile, Su Ke was even more speechless....

Who is being polite to you?

Seeing Diana was about to leave, Su Ke immediately shouted,"Wait a minute!"..."

"What 's wrong?"

Diana turned around and looked at Su Ke curiously and said,"If you want to thank me, then there's no need. This is what I should do!"...

After being in the Marvel Universe for a few months, I have to say that this is the most speechless day for Suk. If Tony knew about this, I'm afraid he would laugh his teeth off....


Sighing helplessly, Su Ke said,"Please Diana, I don't need you to save me at all. These two guys were supposed to be mine, but you got them first!""

"How do you know my name?"

Diana frowned when she heard this. You know, people in this world generally only know her code name Wonder Woman, and only her friends and relatives know the name Diana. Now the man in front of her actually called out her name, how could she not be surprised?

Su Ke was silent at first, just stared at the two gangsters on the ground, and then sighed. He was not in the mood to kill.

Opening a space channel casually, Su Ke kicked them into the New York City Police Department one by one.

Then, he looked at Diana in front of him and said,"I not only know your name, I also know where you are from. I know everything about you!"

With Su Ke's actions and words just now, Diana suddenly realized that the man in front of her was not an ordinary man....

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