"Who are you?"

When Diana looked at Su Ke again, her eyes finally became cautious.

"Just like you, someone who doesn't belong to this world!"

Su Ke smiled and didn't directly answer Diana's question.

Diana's heart sank and she whispered,"The power you just displayed seems to be more than just opening a channel. You can control space. This is not a power that humans should have. Are you a god?"

"God? You can say that!"

Suke said with a smile. Even a guy like Thor Loki can be called a god. It seems that he is more than qualified to be a god. At the same time, he was a little surprised. As a member of the DC universe, Diana should not know about the space gem, but she still felt such power, which was enough to show that she was very extraordinary.

"Where are you from? What's your name?"

Diana asked again.

"My name is Su Ke. As for where I come from, I think you wouldn't know even if I told you. But I'm curious, Diana, what are you doing in New York?"

Wonder Woman from the DC universe actually ran to Marvel's New York. This is really surprising. Su Ke was a little curious.

"It's a war!"

Diana said slowly:"I felt there would be a war here on Paradise Island before, so I came here, but obviously, I came a little late. When I got here, the war was over!"

Obviously, Diana was talking about the previous Battle of New York!

Su Ke felt funny when he heard this. If Diana had come earlier, Tony would definitely invite her to join the Avengers, but if she really joined the Avengers, then what would DC do?

"So where are you going next? Back to Paradise Island?"

Su Ke asked again


Diana shook her head and said,"Although the war here is over, I have a feeling that a war is brewing in another place. It will be a very cruel war. I must stop it!" A cruel war...etc....Superman vs. Batman!

Almost instantly, Su Ke knew what Diana was talking about. If Diana hadn't reminded him, he would have almost forgotten what was going on in Gotham City.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the duel between Batman and Superman is really about to begin....

I have to say, there have been a lot of these things happening recently....

""Suke, nice to meet you, but I'm sorry, I have to leave now. I hope we can meet again in the future!"

Next, Diana was ready to leave.

To be honest, after all, he had finally met Diana, but now he had to leave. Su Ke was really reluctant to leave. However, no matter how reluctant he was, Diana was a superhero in the DC universe, and she really needed him there.

"Well, you are lucky to have met me, I will take you there!"

After saying this, Su Ke's mind moved again, and then, a space channel appeared beside him, and on the other side, it was Gotham City!

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the city where the war you predicted happened. Good luck to you!"

Suke said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Diana smiled at Su Ke and walked in.

Staring at Diana's gradually disappearing figure, Su Ke touched his chin thoughtfully.

Diana is also a beauty, and a female warrior. I wonder what it feels like to be in bed with such a woman.......

After saying goodbye to Diana, Su Ke did not rush back, but continued to wander aimlessly.

Not long after, a room that looked a little strange suddenly appeared in front of him....Isn't this the New York Temple? How did I get here?

Su Ke thought with some surprise.

That's right, what appeared in front of him at this moment was not some other place, but the New York Temple, one of the three great temples of the Supreme Sorcerer!

Thinking of Gu Yi's stinky face, Su Ke instantly lost interest in continuing to wander around. Just as he was about to open the space channel to go back, he suddenly thought of something....

Why not get the Time Stone of Ancient One?

Before, he and Ancient One were about the same strength, so he had never thought of this, but the current situation was obviously different. After absorbing the power of the Sentinels, he was several times stronger than before. With the power of the Space Stone and the Mind Stone, was he still afraid that he could not defeat Ancient One?

Besides, according to the original timeline, Ancient One might have died a long time ago. If she died, it would be easier to deal with. After all, Doctor Strange was much easier to deal with than Ancient One....

Thinking of this, Su Ke sneered in his heart again, and then walked over.

It is worth mentioning that this temple is not where the Ancient One lives, but just a contact point on the earth. The place where the Ancient One lives is called Kamar-Taj, a holy place located in the Himalayas.

However, Su Ke did not know where exactly Kamar-Taj was in the Himalayas, so he could only come to this temple to find her.

Anyway, there is a portal leading directly to Kamar-Taj in each temple, and it only takes a few minutes to see the Ancient One.

When he walked to the door, Su Ke looked up and saw a not very conspicuous sign on the roof. According to his previous understanding, he knew that this was the sign of the magician.

As an existence that has been protecting the multiverse for a long time, the magicians of the lineage of the Ancient One have existed on the earth for thousands of years. Similarly, the temple in front of him also has a history of thousands of years.

Thousands of years of history, it can be regarded as a cultural relic. I hope that the Ancient One can consciously hand over the Time Stone later, otherwise this temple with thousands of years of history will be destroyed in his hands.

A smile flashed across Su Ke's mouth.

Gently pushing open the door, Su Ke saw a long corridor, simple and quiet.

""Is anyone there?"

Although he came here for the Time Stone, Su Ke decided to use courtesy before force, so when he came in, he still shouted.

But unfortunately, no one responded to him......

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