Although Tony noticed that Suke followed Professor X~ and others in at the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought Suke was a mutant. After all, Suke was no different from ordinary humans!

But who would have thought? This young man who looked inconspicuous was an alien?

Before coming here, Tony had already made plans to communicate with the alien in a friendly manner. After all, judging from Professor X~'s previous attitude, the alien should not be a threat to the earth.

But his words just now seemed to have offended Suke....

The atmosphere started to get awkward....


Tony laughed awkwardly for a few times before he spoke:"I was just joking just now, and it's obvious that you don't have eight legs, and you don't look like ET....".......

Su Ke was speechless again. This guy is really good at chatting....

Sensing that the atmosphere was a little strange, Professor X quickly said,"Okay, Tony, you should go and have a rest first. I will give you an answer soon about what you said!"

"No problem, then professor, I'll be waiting for your good news!"

Tony couldn't wait to leave this place. Hearing this, he said hello to Professor X and left.

"I have never liked this guy!"

Wolverine suddenly took a puff of his cigar and said as Tony left.

Su Ke found it funny because according to his previous understanding of Wolverine, it seemed that this guy had some grudges with the entire Avengers, especially Hulk. Whenever the two met, they would basically fight to the death. No one knew what was going on.

"Then let's discuss what Tony said before!"

Professor X said,"In fact, not long ago, I found a mutant with telepathy in New York City. They called her the White Queen, but she seemed to be immune to telepathy, so I couldn't find her exact location. Unexpectedly, Tony found her in the end. In addition to the White Queen, Red Tank is also a very troublesome opponent. Logan, I'm going to give this mission to you!"

Professor X said, looking at Wolverine.

Wolverine has always been an extremely powerful fighter among all the mutants, so this matter was naturally handed over to him. Originally,

Colossus was more suitable for this mission than Wolverine, but Colossus is currently performing other tasks outside with Iceman, Rogue and some other mutants, so this mission can only be given to Wolverine! When

Wolverine heard this, his brows frowned and said,"Professor, I'm not worried about Red Tank. I'm worried about the mutant with telepathy you mentioned. This will be very troublesome."

"I know!"

Professor x nodded and said,"So I won't let you go alone on this mission. Jean has been doing well recently, so I plan to let her go with you!"


When Wolverine heard this, his hand shook unconsciously, and the cigar between his fingers fell to the ground.

"Professor, I think you should think carefully about this matter...."

Wolverine spoke seriously, which was rare.

When the Phoenix Force in Jean Grey's body went out of control before, Wolverine was also beside her. It was that time that made him feel the threat of death. And he hasn't felt this way for a long time!

He knows what kind of power it is and what kind of danger it will be once it goes out of control. After all, he is not Professor X~ who can help Jean Grey control the Phoenix Force in her body!

Although Wolverine did not say it clearly, Professor X~ and others immediately understood Wolverine's concerns. Hank also said hesitantly:"Professor, I also think this is a bit inappropriate...."

"Professor, I also want to participate in this mission!"

At this moment, Suke's voice suddenly rang out.

It has been more than half a month since he came to Earth. During this half month, Suke has been staying in the mutant school and has not been anywhere. It is finally time to go out. After all, he is not a mutant and it is impossible for him to stay in the mutant school forever.

Professor x~ was silent.

In less than half a month, Suke has learned all the knowledge and combat skills they know. They have nothing to teach Suke now, and Suke came to Earth to live on Earth. In this case, he must integrate into human life instead of staying with mutants forever. After all, he is not a mutant!

Besides, if Suke goes with him, this mission will be much simpler. After all, whether it is the White Queen or the Red Tank, they don’t seem to be Suke’s opponent, and with Suke, there is no need to worry that the Phoenix force in Jean Green will go out of control!

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