Thinking of this, Professor X nodded and said,"Okay, kid, I have another request, which is that I hope you can temporarily disguise yourself as a mutant. After all, compared to your alien identity, the mutant identity is easier for people to accept!"

"I promise you!"

Suke nodded.

When Suke first traveled to this world, his planet was destroyed by his brother Thanos, and then he came to the Mutant School. Although he didn't live here for a long time, for him, this place was equivalent to his home.

Professor X~ is equivalent to a kind elder, Wolverine is equivalent to a mentor or a buddy, Hank is equivalent to an older brother, and Mystique is like a big sister next door.

Especially the existence of Jean Grey, which makes Suke feel at home here.

It is also because of this that Suke has been living here peacefully. Otherwise, with his strength, who can stop him from leaving?

In any case, with the addition of Suke, Wolverine, Hank and others can rest assured to let Jean Green go with them.

In this way, the personnel going to New York this time were finally determined, led by Wolverine, and Suke and Jean accompanied.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the next morning...

"I say, is it really necessary to dress like this?"

Su Ke looked at the neatly prepared equipment in front of him speechlessly.

At this moment, what appeared in front of him was nothing else but a set of X-Men's special equipment. It looked quite handsome, but Su Ke felt a little awkward in his heart, because it reminded him of his high school life....

The era of uniform school uniforms...

"Ever since Magneto caused trouble in Washington, the professor has customized this kind of equipment in order to distinguish us from mutants like Magneto, and this kind of equipment has been approved by the President. Simply put, as long as we wear this equipment, the police and local government officials will not bother us!"

Hank explained on the side.

Is there such a benefit?

After hearing what Hank said, Suke stopped talking and put it on after picking a suitable one.

On the side, Wolverine and Jean Grey were also dressed neatly.

This was Jean Grey's first mission. Before this, Jean Grey had been staying in the mutant school and had never been on a mission. Even though Professor X~ had explained everything before, she was still a little nervous.

Suke reached out, gently took Jean Grey's hand and smiled,"Jin, don't be afraid, I'm here for everything!"

This is not an empty talk, but a promise.

He will always protect Jean Grey, the girl he loves and everything around him!

In the future, Apocalypse will appear, the X-Men will be on the verge of extinction, and the arrival of his brother Thanos will plunge everything in the world into panic.

But no matter what, Suke will keep his promise!

He will definitely protect everyone and everything he loves and cares about!

With Suke's comfort, Jean Grey finally relaxed....

On the other hand, Hank kept telling Wolverine one thing, that is, never kill anyone again!

Wolverine is the backbone of the X-Men and has been on many missions. Every time he goes on a mission, he will cause a serious social impact, because if those bad guys fall into his hands, most of them will die!

Faced with Hank's instructions, Wolverine impatiently agreed, but there was an indifferent look in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't take Hank's words to heart....

Suk knew that Wolverine was a special one among the X-Men. Everyone else followed the principle of not killing people, but Wolverine was the exception. He never cared about it, so he didn't care that much.

After everything was ready, the three of them came to the plane used by the X-Men. After looking around, Wolverine said curiously,"It's really strange, where is the iron can?"

Needless to say, the iron can refers to Iron Man!

""Hello, are you looking for me?"

Along with a voice, a steel armor suddenly appeared in the air, looking very cool. The mutant girls not far away couldn't help but scream.

Iron Man is indeed worthy of being called a show-off!

"I really hate this guy!"

Spitting fiercely, Wolverine walked into the plane.

Suk had the ability to fly, so he didn't need to take a plane, but when he flew up, Tony was still a little surprised.

After coming to his senses, Tony chased after him.

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