Because of the incident in which Magneto caused trouble in Washington, ordinary humans already knew about the existence of mutants. In addition, Tony had previously admitted in front of reporters that he was Iron Man, so when Suk, Tony, and Wolverine came to New York City, it did not cause much of a stir.

Even so, the showy Tony still caused the girls below to scream.

But Suk was too lazy to pay attention to Tony at this time. He flew over New York City, observing everything in this bustling city. He really had some inexplicable impulses in his heart.

Sure enough, the life in the mutant school was not suitable for him. He was more suitable for modern urban life.

"Regarding the two mutant robberies that occurred in New York City, I am sure that this incident must be related to Spider-Man. Spider-Man is a termite, a termite that lives in New York City and jumps around. I call on everyone to drive Spider-Man out of New York City and let this city have a better life...."

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from below.

Su Ke looked down and almost laughed out loud. What appeared below was a huge LCD screen. On the screen was James, the boss of the Daily Bugle. At this moment, James was still scolding Spider-Man as usual.

Of course, he also blamed Spider-Man for the mutant incident.

Spider-Man is really unlucky to have such a guy!

But since we are in New York City, it seems a bit unreasonable not to meet Spider-Man....

"Suke, your name is Suke, right?"

Just as he was thinking, Tony's voice suddenly rang in Suke's ears.

Suke rolled his eyes in his heart, knowing that Tony must have something to say, and said directly:"Okay, Tony, just say whatever you want to say!"

Tony smiled first, and then said:"What are your plans after this matter is over, will you continue to stay in the mutant school or what? If you want, you can stay here, I..."

"What? Are you inviting me to join the Avengers?"

Before Tony could finish his words, Suk suddenly spoke up and interrupted him.

"The Avengers? Wait...How did you know about this?"

Tony asked in surprise. You know, the Avengers is still just an idea of his, and it has not been truly implemented. He has never told anyone about it, so no one should know about it, right?

For a moment, Su Ke also hurriedly reacted. It seems that the Avengers should not have been established yet....

Just when he was about to explain, Tony suddenly thought of something, and then said with an annoyed look:"It seems that Professor X~ has read my memory again. Didn't this guy say that he would not read my memory again?"

Obviously, Tony believed that Professor X~ had read his mind and told Su Ke.

Seeing this, Su Ke was too lazy to explain anything.

Poor Professor X~, he just took the blame for Su Ke.

After complaining about Professor X~, Tony said again:"Yes, that's what I mean. After this matter is dealt with, I hope you can join the Avengers. I always feel that the world will encounter some dangers in the future, and such dangers are not something I can deal with alone. I need your help!"

Joining the Avengers is a good idea, but don't forget that you still have a super villain brother Thanos, and you are not the kind of person who can work in a team at all....

Thinking of this, Suke could only laugh and said,"Let's talk about this later. Let's deal with the Red Tank and the White Queen first."

Tony was not angry at Suke's answer, because no rejection meant there was hope. Anyway, he would never give up on winning over such a powerful force as Suke!

After flying for a while, they finally arrived at the Stark Tower, which is the future base of the Avengers. It has to be said that Tony is really generous. His Stark Tower is almost the most eye-catching building in the entire New York City. He really deserves to be called the Showoff!

Tony and Stark landed steadily on the rooftop, followed by Wolverine and Jean Grey.

"Tony, you're finally back!"

As soon as they entered Stark Tower, a sexy woman came in with a look of concern on her face. Needless to say, this was Tony's girlfriend, Pepper Potts.

""Dear, I'm fine. By the way, let me introduce you. These are the mutant heroes I invited from X-School. They will help me deal with Red Tank and White Queen."

Tony introduced Pepper to him while removing his armor.

In fact, Pepper knew their identities through the clothes worn by Suk and others without any introduction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New York!" said Pepper enthusiastically.

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