Faced with Pepper's enthusiasm, even Wolverine, who had always been prejudiced against Tony, couldn't show his displeasure.

However, despite this, Wolverine still sat down on the sofa beside him, then lit a cigar and said,"Any wine? I'm used to drinking before going on a mission!"

"Of course, we have all kinds of wine here, what do you need?"

Little Pepper said quickly

"Vodka will do!" Wolverine said, looking at Suk and Jean Grey beside him and said,"Boys, what do you two want to order?"

"No need!"

Suke waved his hand and said,"I'm going to go out with Jean to see if I can find Red Tank and White Queen!""You really don't know how to enjoy yourself!"

Shaking his head, Wolverine stopped talking. Although he was the leader of the team this time, he knew in his heart that he couldn't order Suke, and Suke might not listen to him, so he didn't bother to say anything.

Tony suddenly thought of something, and handed Suke a black card and said,"Suke, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. This is a credit card. It's my apology. Please accept it! The

X-Men don't have a salary, and Suke doesn't have a penny on his body. The same is true for Jean Grey. Suke was just thinking about whether to find a way to get some money to spend, but he didn't expect that the money would be delivered to his door at this time.

Thinking of this, Suke was not polite. He smiled and took the credit card handed by Tony, and then he went out with Jean.

As soon as Suk and Jean left, Pepper said to Wolverine with a worried look on her face:"Mr. Logan, Red Tank and White Queen are both very dangerous. Are you going to let these two kids go find them? What if they get hurt?"

In Pepper's opinion, even if Suk and Jean are mutants with powerful powers, they are still just two fifteen or sixteen-year-old children. It is too dangerous to let them act alone.


Hearing this, Logan just laughed.

One is a telepath with the power of the Phoenix, and the other is an alien with super strength, super speed, and abilities that have not yet been fully developed. If these two guys go out, it would be good if they don't let others get hurt. Who the hell can hurt them?

Isn't this a joke?

""Pepper, don't worry, they are not ordinary children, don't worry!"

Tony said with a relaxed look.

Seeing this, Pepper didn't know what to say.

When they came to the downstairs of Stark Building, Suke naturally took one of Tony's luxury cars, and then took Jean to the center of New York City.

Suke was a young man of seventeen or eighteen in his previous life, and it was the same in this life. At his age, he naturally liked to play the most. Now that he finally came to New York City, he naturally wanted to have a good time.

As for the mission, let's talk about it later. Anyway, there is no news about Red Tank and White Queen at the moment.

Jean hasn't been to New York City for a long time. Looking out the window at this big city full of vitality, she was also excited.

Then, she thought of something again, and then turned to look at Suke who was driving on the side and said,"Suke, are we going to find Red Tank and White Queen now?"

"Of course not!" Su Ke said:"It's rare for you to come out once, I want to take you to have some fun first, as for the matter of Red Tank and White Queen, we'll talk about it later!"

Jin is just a 15-year-old girl at this moment, and she is at the age of playing. When she was in the mutant school before, she became extremely withdrawn because she was afraid of her own power. She neither communicated with others nor wanted to go out. But since Su Ke came, her personality has changed dramatically.

At this moment, she is just a playful little girl.

With a sweet smile, Qin said nothing more, but looked at Su Ke with more enthusiasm.

Since they were going out shopping, wearing this set of X-Men equipment would be too conspicuous. After parking at a high-end clothing store, Su Ke took Qin in. When they came out, they each wore a set of expensive brand-name clothes. At the same time, Su Ke also knew that the credit card Tony gave him actually had a limit of 5 million US dollars, which surprised him.

But no matter what, he is not short of money at the moment. After buying clothes, the two came to a high-end restaurant. Because they were dressed gorgeously and drove high-end sports cars, the waiters were naturally very enthusiastic.

"Look, sir, this is our specialty. It tastes very good. I recommend it to you...."


Just as the waiter was enthusiastically introducing his signature dish, a huge explosion sounded from above, and then a red and blue figure fell down along with a pile of rubble.


This sudden change caused the guests in the restaurant to scream and then flee.

The next second, a spider head poked out from the rubble and said speechlessly,"Damn it, I will definitely be late to go home now. Aunt Mei will definitely scold me."..."

Not far away, Su Ke was also speechless, because he did not expect that he would meet Spider-Man in such an occasion......

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