After finally standing up from the ruins, Spider-Man yelled at the people in the restaurant:"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's lunch time, but there's nothing we can do.

A huge lizard monster suddenly appeared in this city.

Advice from Spider-Man, if you don't want to be eaten by a giant lizard, leave here quickly.

" Obviously, even if Spider-Man didn't say it, no one was willing to stay here any longer, because in the next second, a huge green monster suddenly fell from the sky and hit hard not far away.

Looking at the appearance of the monster, it was clearly a big green lizard!

Su Ke was amused. He didn't expect that this time he would not only meet Spider-Man, but also meet Professor Lizard, one of Spider-Man's mortal enemies! Professor

Lizard's real name is Curtis Kurt Connors. He was a military doctor before. After retiring from the army, he became a university biology professor. Because he lost his right arm in the war, he has been studying limb regeneration technology.

Later, based on the lizard's ability to regenerate its tail, Connors was inspired to develop a drug containing lizard DNA serum and injected it into his body. Unexpectedly, the drug produced strong side effects. Although Connors successfully regenerated his broken arm, he also turned into a half-human, half-lizard monster.

When he was a human, he was a very kind person, but when he was a lizard man, he was just a cruel and cold-blooded killer!

"Hey, what's wrong with you two? Why don't you go out? This is not a place for ordinary people to stay!"

Then, Spider-Man also found Suke and Qin, which surprised him. He didn't expect that there were still people here.

Suke smiled and said,"Don't worry about us, Spider-Man, just do your thing!"

"you..."Oh no!"

Spider-Man was about to say something when the spider-sense in his mind suddenly sounded a warning. Looking back, he saw the Lizard Man rushing towards him with his huge tail swinging. He couldn't dodge in time and was whipped away, then hit the wall hard.

Jean looked at Spider-Man with some concern, then said to Suke,"Suke, should we help him?"

"Help him? Stupid human, who do you think you are? How dare you say such big words!"

Before Su Ke answered, the lizard man not far away spoke up, and then began to point the spearhead at Su Ke and Qin, and began to walk over step by step.

Qin saw such a monster for the first time, and she became a little nervous.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take care of everything for you!"

He first comforted Qin softly, then Su Ke looked at the lizard man not far away with a playful look and said,"This is really ironic, Dr. Connors, before you became this monster, weren't you also an ordinary human being?""


When the lizard man heard this, his steps suddenly stopped.

He never thought that this inconspicuous child in front of him actually knew his true identity. You know, he has never told anyone about this matter.

"What? Dr. Connors? You said this lizard monster is Dr. Connors?"

Spider-Man descended from the sky and spoke in disbelief.

Spider-Man knew Dr. Connors because he was a celebrity in the biological research industry and had given lectures at Spider-Man's school.

However, Spider-Man still couldn't connect the monster in front of him with the kind doctor because the difference was too great.

"Stupid Human...Even if you know about this, what does it matter? You will all die here anyway....I'm going to kill you!"

The Lizard Man said, and his whole body suddenly swelled up again, becoming stronger.

He stretched out his sharp and shining nails and pointed at Suke and said:"I'll start with you!"

Suke was not angry. On the contrary, he felt that this was an opportunity, the first opportunity for actual combat!

Seeing that the Lizard Man was about to attack Suke, Spider-Man panicked for a moment, and hurriedly said:"Don't, just come to me if you have anything, I am your opponent, don't hurt innocent people!"

As he spoke, Spider-Man was ready to take action.

But Suke didn't want Spider-Man to interfere in this matter, although this was originally Spider-Man's enemy.

"Qin, stop him!"

As soon as Suke opened his mouth, Qin immediately understood what he meant. Then, Qin looked at Spider-Man and telepathically began to work. Spider-Man felt as if his body was controlled by someone and he couldn't move at all!

What happened?

Spider-Man was a little confused.

On the other side, the lizard man was already waving his huge claws and rushing towards Suke. The claws flashing with white light made people shudder, but Suke still had a blank expression on his face.

Just when the lizard man's claws were about to pierce Suke, Suke finally moved!


In an instant, the lizard man only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Suke's figure suddenly disappeared. Then, there was a sudden sound from behind him. A chill.


The lizard man was startled and turned his head quickly. Then, he saw a fist hitting him.


With a loud bang, a wave of air began to spread outward, instantly blasting all the glass in the restaurant. The air wave continued to spread outward, shattering all the car windows within a radius of one kilometer with this restaurant as the center.

In addition, the ground began to tremble, like an earthquake.

After the smoke cleared, a huge pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared in the hall of the restaurant. In the pit, the lizard man who was knocked unconscious by Su Ke's punch was found!

Spider-Man was completely stunned!

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