"If I'm not mistaken, you and Asgard should have an agreement. Asgard should protect you. Why don't you ask them for help?"

Then Su Ke asked again.

"The enemy came too fast, we didn't have time to ask them for help, and when they left, they destroyed all the equipment here. How can I contact them?...etc....How do you know all this? Are you an Asgardian?"

Eitri said, and suddenly he was shocked again.

Then, without waiting for Suk to explain, he suddenly roared at Suk:"Asgardians, we have an agreement. You should protect us instead of watching us being destroyed. You have failed us! You..."

"Don't get me wrong, although I did come from Asgard, I am not an Asgardian. I am a Titan, and the guy who killed all your people before is my brother!"

Before Eitri finished speaking, Suk suddenly interrupted him.

When he heard this, Eitri was completely stunned, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Suk was full of shock.......

After a moment, he suddenly smiled helplessly again, and then said:"What? Isn't it enough to kill all my people, destroy my planet, and even destroy my hands? Now Thanos sends his brother to kill me? Well, it's a very painful thing to live here alone anyway, I might as well go and reunite with my people, come on!"

As Eitri spoke, he suddenly closed his eyes and made a dying look. Obviously, he thought Suke was here to kill him!

Seeing this, Suke first shook his head helplessly, and then he said:"I'm not here to kill you. On the contrary, I'm here to seek your help. I need you to build a battle armor for me!"


Etri refused without thinking:"I will not make equipment for Titans anymore. Titans are all crazy....You can kill me, but I won't help you...."

"Why don't you ask me what I need the armor for?"

Su Ke didn't get angry, just smiled and asked

"What does this have to do with me? You can kill me or chop me up as you like, but I can't help you!"

Eitri said stubbornly.

But at this time, Suke didn't pay much attention to Eitri, and didn't care whether he agreed or not, and said directly:"What if I tell you that the reason I need the armor is because I want to kill my brother Thanos?"............

When Itri heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head and said,"This is impossible, you must be lying to me!"

"Is it necessary? As long as I am willing, do you think you have a chance to resist me?"

Su Ke said, and suddenly stretched out his hand, and then a yellow gem appeared in front of Yitri.

"this...This is the Mind Stone!"

With just one glance, Eitri recognized the Mind Stone. At the same time, he also understood why Suke had said that before. Relying on the power of the Mind Stone, Suke could directly control himself and ask himself to do anything for him, but he did not do so. This was enough to show that Suke had not lied before!

And Eitri could see that Suke possessed very powerful strength, even no worse than his brother Thanos. People with such powerful strength simply disdain to lie!

Because they can do anything with strength alone, and they don't need lies to achieve their goals!

After a brief silence, Eitri slowly said:"What you said just now about killing Thanos, this...Is this true? After all, he is your brother...."

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you, but you should be able to tell that I'm not lying, right? Don't worry, unlike Thanos, I've always been fair. Consider this as a deposit I give you. After the job is done, no matter what you need, I can satisfy you!"

As he spoke, Suk's eyes suddenly turned red again, and then a scorching light emanated from Suk's eyes, directly hitting Eitri's frozen hands.

After Eitri made the Infinity Gauntlet for Thanos, in order to prevent the dwarves from making weapons for others, Thanos mercilessly killed all of Eitri's people. Although he let Eitri go, he froze Eitri's hands, making him like a useless person! Eitri originally thought that this was the only way he could live his life, but when he saw that the ice that had frozen his hands had begun to melt, hope suddenly ignited in his heart again....


Soon, with a crisp sound, a large piece of ice fell to the ground, and Etri's hands finally reappeared in front of Etri.

After moving his fingers, Etri immediately laughed....

He hasn't been like this for a long time.......

When he looked at Suke again, Etri's eyes suddenly became tough.

"Tell me, what do you need? As long as you can really kill Thanos, I will build anything for you, and I promise that it will be the strongest in the universe!"

Eitri said with a firm face.

Very good!

After nodding first, Suke took out the hundred kilograms of Uru metal that Thor had given him before, and then said:"I need a battle armor, a battle armor that will never be destroyed!"

"Is this Uru? It seems that you have a very special relationship with the Asgardians. This kind of thing is hard to come by!"

Eitri picked up the Uru metal and took a look at it, saying with some emotion.

At the same time, he finally had no doubts about Suk, because if Suk was really an unforgivable villain like his brother Thanos, then Thor would never give him so many Uru!

With a slight smile, Suk said again:"How about it? Can we start now?"

"Not yet. When Thanos destroyed this place, he destroyed all the main equipment and energy. I don't have the equipment and energy to smelt Ulu. And smelting Ulu requires energy as strong as a star. But I'm sorry, the previous star was also destroyed, so I have to find energy that can smelt Ulu first!"

Itri said.

When Suk heard this, he suddenly thought of something and smiled,"What if I tell you that I have more powerful energy than a star?"

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