Ulu is the strongest metal, and also the most difficult to smelt. Under normal circumstances, it must be smelted at the core temperature of a star. However, it is obvious that energy is not a problem for Suk at the moment.

You must know that Suk's body currently stores the power of the Phoenix, chaos magic, the energy of the sun, and the dark power of Dormammu, and of course the millions of stars of the Sentinels. If all these powers are added together, the energy of the stars is nothing!

Not to mention that there is a Transcendent in Suk's system space. The energy in him is not just as simple as one hundred or one hundred thousand stars!

Then, in the surprised eyes of Etri, Suk suddenly stretched out his hand, and then an energy ball began to condense quickly in his hand, which included the power of the Phoenix, chaos magic, the dark power of Dormammu, the power of millions of stars of the Sentinels, and a little power from the Transcendent!

When the energy ball was completely condensed, not only was Etri stunned, but even Suke was extremely shocked. Although he had just added a little bit of the power of the Transcendent, the energy displayed by this energy ball was more than ten times stronger than before!

Damn, isn't the power of the Transcendent a bit too strong?

Suke couldn't help but complain.

Then, Etri finally spoke.

"this...What kind of power is this? I have never felt such a powerful force. Compared with this kind of energy, the energy of the stars is simply not worth mentioning!"

Itri said in surprise.

"This is a combination of the most powerful forces in the universe. You may not understand even if I tell you. In a word, tell me whether this energy ball can melt Wulu!"

Su Ke said.

"Of course! Please wait for me!"

After saying this excitedly, Yitri immediately ran to a pile of machines, took out a device box that looked very special, and then returned to Suk.

"This is a device box we made before, which can store any energy. Please put the energy ball here. Through this device, this energy ball can provide energy for everything here!"

When saying this, Yitri was so excited that he was like a ten-meter-tall dwarf.......

Suk didn't care how Etri used the energy ball, nor did he care what Etri would do with it. Anyway, he could make such energy balls anytime and anywhere. He only cared about the armor, so without any hesitation, Suk put the energy ball into the device.

Carefully holding the device in front of a pile of seemingly sophisticated machines, Etri carefully placed the device into a groove and pressed the switch.

In an instant, a stream of energy began to be transmitted to various places through the device, and soon, bursts of mechanical operation sounds rang out........

Suk's energy ball has begun to provide energy for everything here.......

The energy issue has been resolved, and the next issue is the armor template. After choosing from all the templates provided by Etri, Suke finally chose a set of black and gold armor templates!

Regarding the appearance of the armor, Suke actually didn't have any requirements, because as long as Elena was there, the appearance of the armor could be changed at any time. However, seeing that Etri had taken out all the templates, he finally chose the one he liked more.

After choosing, Suke thought of something again, and then looked at Etri on the side and said,"How many armors can be cast with the Uru metal I brought?"

Etri thought about it first, and then said,"It can probably make six sets of armor, and the rest I can cast into weapons for you!"

"No...I only need one set of armor, and you can also forge five sets of women's armor for me. For weapons, you can forge them like this......."

Then, Suke started to select the ladies' armor models and weapon models.

Since there was so much surplus Ulu metal, Suke naturally had to consider his women. He planned to forge a set of armor for each of them in case of emergency, and of course, their own weapons. After all, the Marvel world was too dangerous. As for Suke, he naturally didn't need any weapons, because he himself was the strongest weapon!

Soon, Itri threw Ulu into the smelting furnace, and then the previous energy ball began to work. Not long after, Ulu melted into something like molten iron....

With Itri constantly busying himself, Suke soon saw what he wanted!

It was a set of black armor shining with golden light. It seemed that it was smelted by many kinds of energy, so there was a burst of special energy from time to time on the armor, which made Suke really excited.

Then, without any hesitation, Suke took out his mobile phone and called softly:"Elena, go!"

After this period of time, the relationship between Suke and Elena has become very close. There are some things that Suke doesn't need to say, and Elena will understand them thoroughly.

So when she heard Suke's order, Elena immediately got out of the mobile phone and then~ entered the armor!

Next, under Suke's guidance, the armor suddenly opened and wrapped Suke's body!

Because of Elena's presence, when Suke put on this set of armor, he didn't feel any discomfort, but became more comfortable, and he could let Elena change at will according to his own requirements!

In general, Suke was very satisfied with this set of armor.

Itri worked very quickly.

Before long, several other women's armor and weapons were also completed.

Similarly, a special energy emerged from these things.

As long as they had these things, Natasha and the others would not be in any danger.

Although the armor and weapons were successful, the matter did not end there, because Suk did not forget that if he wanted the weapons and armor forged by Ulu to be more powerful, he had to find someone to enchant them, or to put it more simply, someone had to cast magic on them!

And the only person Suk could think of seemed to be Thor's father Odin........

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