After storing all the armor and weapons into the system space, Su Ke looked at Etri and said,"Very good, thank you for everything you have done for me. I will keep my promise. Tell me, what do you want? No matter what you need, I will satisfy you!"

What do you need?

Etri was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but then he shook his head and said,"As you can see, all my people are dead now, so I..."

"So you want me to resurrect all your people? Etri, you really know how to do business!"

Before Etri could finish his words, Suke suddenly interrupted him with a smile.


Etri was stunned for a moment, then his whole body began to tremble. He said in disbelief,"Wait a minute..."...You mean...Can you revive all my dead people? it possible?"

"What's impossible about this?"

Su Ke smiled and said,"But of course, I don't have such ability at present. If I want to do such a thing, I must first get the Soul Stone. Otherwise, the resurrected monsters are all soulless monsters, which is not fun!"

Although Su Ke can use the Time Stone to resurrect all the dwarves killed by Thanos, it is not enough to come back to life, because their souls are no longer there. If you need to really resurrect, you need to find their souls, which means that you need the Soul Stone! Although

Su Ke cannot resurrect all the dwarves at present, his words give Etri a hope to continue living. Without the slightest hesitation, Etri half-knelt in front of Su Ke, and then looked at him with a firm face and promised:"I swear to you, as long as you can resurrect all my people, then the dwarves will serve you forever, and you will be our eternal master!" Very good!

He nodded gently at first, and then Su Ke continued:"Wait, that day will come soon! By the way, this place has been destroyed. There is no point for you to stay here any longer. Why don't you come back to Earth with me? It is a safer place. I will send you back after I get the Soul Stone and revive all your people. What do you think?"

"Everything is up to you! Master!"

Yitri said respectfully.

It must be said that if a beautiful woman called him master, Suke would definitely enjoy it, but being called master by a guy like Yitri made Suke feel a little awkward......

Then, Suk opened another space channel and took a step out. He instantly appeared in the place where Red Tank lived. As for why he didn't go to Asgard, the reason was very simple. In Eitri's mind, Asgard was supposed to protect them, but Asgard didn't protect them, so Eitri was disappointed and angry about Asgard. He didn't want to go to Asgard at all!

The place where Red Tank lived was a huge abandoned air-raid shelter. The space inside was generally about 15 meters, which was just right for Eitri's size.

When Red Tank, who was eating pizza, saw Suk coming here with a giant, he was completely stunned.

"Boss, what's going on? Did you find this giant for me?"

Red Tank said, and he was ready to fight.

Seeing this, Suke was speechless for a while, and then he explained:"Red Tank, let me introduce you, this is King Etri from the Dwarf Kingdom. For some reasons, he will live with you temporarily. He is your new roommate. Call Tony later and ask him to help Etri prepare things for living here. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

""Go slowly!"

Seeing this, Etri bowed respectfully to Suk again.

Another space channel opened, and Suk instantly appeared in the palace of Asgard. From a distance, he heard a majestic voice.

"The nine kingdoms all run on the cosmic tree of life and revolve around the atrium, similar to the relationship between the earth and the sun. Every five thousand years, they will be arranged in a straight line, which is called the Nine Realms Convergence. During this period, the borders of the countries will be in a state of chaos."

"When the nine realms gather together, that is when the power of darkness is the strongest. Malekith will definitely choose to launch an attack at that time. If he succeeds, the nine realms will fall into darkness again!"

After walking a few steps, an old man with white hair and beard and a majestic face suddenly appeared in Suke's sight. It was the king of Asgard.---Odin!

Odin's original name is Odin Borsson. He is the ruler of Asgard. His prototype is the king of the gods in Norse mythology of the same name. He is the father of Thor, the god of thunder, and the adoptive father of Loki. His main weapon is Gungnir, the eternal spear. He is a sworn enemy of the Frost Giants.

Thor saw Suk coming from a distance and immediately greeted him,"Suk, you are finally back. Let me introduce you. This is my father, the real master of Asgard, Odin! Father, this is the Titan I told you about before. He helped us before!"

"Nice to meet you!"

Suke nodded slightly to Odin, which was considered a greeting.

"Thank you for everything you have done for Asgard. As a benefactor of Asgard, Asgard will always welcome you!"

Odin said to Suk with a smile on his face.

Obviously, he had learned everything from Thor, including the fact that Suk was Thanos's younger brother!

To be honest, when Odin heard Thor talking about this, he was really surprised, because he did not expect that Thanos, who slaughtered all his people and destroyed his planet, would have a younger brother.

But after being surprised, Odin accepted this, and at the same time he was very moved. He was very glad that Suk did not become a madman who only knew how to kill like his brother Thanos, otherwise the whole universe would be destroyed in the hands of these two brothers!

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