In the X-Men, Cyclops has always been an extremely important existence!

Cyclops' real name is Scott Summers. He is a powerful mutant who was born with the ability to emit red shock waves from his eyes. He was later recruited by Professor X~ to join the X-Men. Because he has extremely outstanding leadership skills, he has served as the captain of the X-Men for a long time. Later, he succeeded Professor X~ as the dean of the X Academy and became the leader of almost all mutants.

Also, it is worth mentioning that in the original plot of the Marvel Universe, Cyclops has always been Jean Grey's standard boyfriend, but of course, with Suk coming to this world, such a thing no longer exists.

Jean Grey can only belong to Suk!

But to be honest, Suk was more or less surprised to meet such a person in this place.

At this time, the two black men who were tying up Cyclops were already a little impatient.

Almost instantly, two pistols were pointed at Suk

"Boy, who are you? This place is absolutely forbidden to outsiders. How did you get in? Tell me quickly, or I will be rude!"

One of the black men threatened.

The place where mutants are imprisoned has always been the most important place for them. The boss's permission is required to enter and exit. How could a stranger be allowed in? This matter must be very complicated!

But it is obvious that their threats are of no use to Su Ke. Su Ke is too lazy to say a word.

His eyes were stern, and a suffocating momentum suddenly burst out from Su Ke, and then quickly rushed towards the two black men in front of him.

Almost instantly, the two black men fell to the ground with their bodies tilted, and fainted completely.

This is the power of the domineering color!


Su Ke snorted contemptuously, and then he slowly walked over. After standing in front of Cyclops, he patted Cyclops and said,"Hey, wake up!"

Maybe the force was a little too strong, Cyclops actually woke up.

But the first thing this guy did when he raised his head was to impatiently tear off the cloth covering his eyes....

Su Ke was shocked and thought to himself,"Oh no!" He hurried to stop him, but he was still a step too late.


In an instant, two red shock waves containing powerful energy swept all around. All the surrounding buildings were no different from tofu under the power of the red shock waves.

Damn it!...

Cursing inwardly, Su Ke quickly reached out to cover Cyclops' eyes. The powerful shockwave directly hit his hands, but he only felt a slight warmth.

At the same time, the system's voice also rang.

"Ding! Shock wave energy is detected and is being absorbed. Please wait...."

Ignoring the system's prompt, Suke shouted in Cyclops' ear:"Scott, I'm not your enemy, I'm here to rescue you, close your eyes!"

Cyclops' shockwaves could not cause any harm to Suke, and would even be converted into his own energy. If it were any other time, Suke would not bother to stop him, but it was obviously not the time now, because there were more than 30 mutants to be rescued!

Sure enough, when Cyclops heard this, he closed his eyes immediately, and then said in a daze:"You......Who are you? How do you know my name?"

When facing mutants, the mutant identity is naturally more useful.

Thinking of this, Suke said:"My name is Suke, from the mutant school, and I am here to rescue you."

So that's how it is!

Hearing this, Cyclops was relieved, but then he seemed to think of something, and then said anxiously:"Oh no, I...Did I hurt you just now?"

"You didn't hurt me, but others are in trouble!"

Su Ke said helplessly.

Cyclops's reckless attack not only destroyed the structure here, but also destroyed many prisons and hurt many mutants. When these guys came out, they all had ferocious faces and were about to skin Cyclops alive.

"Hey, you guys, don't be ungrateful. Run now. If you get caught again, you won't be so lucky!"

Speaking, Su Ke quickly moved to each mutant, and then tore off the suppressor on their necks, and then punched the wall next to them.


With a thunderous roar, the whole prison shook, and after the vibration, a big hole leading to the ground suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.


All the mutants couldn't help but gasp. Even the mutants who were about to cause trouble for Cyclops didn't dare to take another step forward.

"Very good!"

Su Ke nodded with satisfaction and said:"Now use your abilities to rescue others!"

"What about me? What do you need me to do?"

Cyclops asked hurriedly.

Suk threw the rag on the ground over and said,"Just cover your eyes and don't do anything, and that will be considered helping!"


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