The collapsed building crushed the structure here, making it impossible for the people above to come down. This gave Suk some time. According to his request, the other mutants were soon released.

Not long after, more than 30 mutants stood in front of Suk, waiting for Suk to speak.

Some of the mutants wanted to leave this place of trouble quickly, but when they thought of the power Suk had shown before, they could only temporarily suppress their thoughts. After all, they also saw that they were not Suk's opponents at all! Rather than humiliating themselves, it is better to wait and forget it. Anyway, their lives were saved by others!

Staring at the group of mutants in front of him, Suk was also quite troubled, because among these mutants, except for Cyclops and a few others, most of them were not good people, and they definitely could not be taken to the mutant school.

In the mutant school, Professor X~ and others promoted the spirit of peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants, but these guys were enslaved by humans before, and they already hated humans in their hearts. Taking these guys back would only bring hatred back.

In this case, the only option is to let them go. This is what Professor X said before. He will never force any mutant to make a choice.

Thinking of this, Su Ke said,"I don't have much to say. Anyone who is willing to go to the mutant school with me, please stay. Those who don't want to go can leave now. But I hope you can live a good life after you leave. After all, you can't meet me every time!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd began to stir. In the end, only two mutants chose to go to the mutant school with Su Ke, and with Cyclops, there were three. The others chose to leave!

But just when those mutants who chose to leave were about to leave, for some reason, several of them suddenly attacked the others like crazy.

"Damn it, what are you doing? We don't have to fight anymore!"

A mutant said angrily, holding the wound on his stomach.

"no...this is not me...I...I can't control my body anymore!"

The mutant who launched the attack said in horror.

"Me too! Someone is controlling me, stay away from me..."

"Damn it, it must be the White Queen again, only she has this ability..."

"Sorry, I can't control myself...".........

Accompanied by waves of panicked voices, the entire venue suddenly became chaotic again.......

Su Ke's heart sank. He didn't expect that the White Queen would actually attack these mutants....

Then, a heavy sound of footsteps suddenly came from the doorway of the burial not far away, shaking the entire earth.

Then, Su Ke saw a huge figure crashing into the wall and appearing in front of everyone. The iconic helmet and physique immediately let everyone know his identity.

Red Tank!

Behind him, there was a tall white-haired beauty, who was the White Queen!

"Damn it! How did we get these two guys here?"

"Be careful, if you are caught by them you will be dead!"

"These two guys are a disgrace to mutants!"......

Facing the sudden appearance of Red Tank and White Queen, the other mutants immediately showed deep fear, but in the fear, there was an unspeakable disgust!

What was supposed to come finally came!

Unlike other mutants, when Su Ke saw Red Tank and White Queen, he was delighted, because he had always wanted to find a strong opponent to test his strength. Originally, his first choice was Hulk or Thor, but these two guys were too hard to find. As for Red Tank, although he was a little worse than Hulk, he was enough.

Thinking of this, Su Ke had no hesitation at all, and flew up immediately, and then landed steadily in front of Red Tank and White Queen.

With his appearance, White Queen was only surprised, because at the moment Su Ke fell, her telepathy was actually unusable, and she could no longer control those mutants!

Such a thing was also expected by Su Ke. According to Professor X~'s explanation, the reason for this was that Su Ke's own mental power was too strong, and he would automatically form a mental barrier within a certain range to block the ability of telepathy. Of course, if Su Ke wanted to, he could also remove such a mental barrier! As soon as the

White Queen's telepathy disappeared, the mutants who were previously controlled immediately felt as if they had been pardoned. They knelt on the ground and gasped heavily. Looking at their injured companions, they only felt a burst of self-blame in their hearts!

""Okay, let's leave here if you have anything to say. Leave this place to me. I am very interested in these two guys!"

Su Ke turned around and shouted to the mutants not far away.

As soon as he said this, the mutants didn't even have time to say thank you. They supported each other and ran out. Even Scott was taken away.

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