Faced with all this, Red Tank ignored Suk, but turned to look at the White Queen behind him and said,"Emma, what's going on? Why did you let them leave?" The

White Queen shook her head first, then looked at Suk in front of her and said,"He blocked my telepathy. Be careful. We don't know his specific abilities yet!"


When Red Tank heard this, his huge head turned around and stared at Suk.

As a super heavyweight mutant, Red Tank has always looked down on other mutants. Of course, he does have such strength.

So he didn't listen carefully to what Suk said before, nor did he care at all.

Even when looking at Suk now, there was only contempt in his eyes. In his opinion, as long as he wanted, he could kill the kid in front of him with just one finger.

What? Being looked down upon?

Sensing Red Tank's extremely contemptuous eyes echoing on him, Suk felt a burst of laughter in his heart.���After all, this was his first real battle, so he thought he should be more serious.

"Red Tank, right? Nice to see you here, but I'm sorry because I might kill you today. If I kill you by accident, please don't take it too seriously!"

Suke said with a smile on his face, pretending to be very cool.


When Red Tank heard this, he laughed as if he had heard a big joke, shaking the whole space.

He had had many powerful opponents in his life, such as Wolverine, Colossus, and even Hulk. Although he did not win every battle with them, none of them dared to look down on him. He did not expect that this little guy in front of him would dare to look down on him like this, which made him feel very funny.

"Red Tank, don't be careless, this guy is not an ordinary mutant..."

Behind Red Tank, the White Queen reminded quietly.

From the time Suke appeared until now, the White Queen has been trying to find a way to invade Suke's mind, but who would have thought that Suke's mind was so powerful that it was unbelievable, even more powerful than Professor X, who was known as the strongest brain. She tried every possible way, but still could not successfully invade. Instead, she was almost affected by Suke's mind!

This seemed almost impossible to her, but such a thing actually happened in front of her eyes, which made her nervous.

However, in the face of the White Queen's reminder, Red Tank said impatiently:"Emma, what do you mean? Do you think this kid can really beat me?"

Then, without waiting for the White Queen to speak, Red Tank looked at Suke fiercely and said:"Boy, I hate your attitude, so you'd better die!"

As he spoke, Red Tank immediately raised his huge fist and smashed it towards Suke, determined to smash Suke into a pulp with one punch!


The next moment, the whole place suddenly became strangely quiet. The White Queen felt as if she was about to stop breathing. She saw that the place where the Red Tank had just stood was now empty, as if there was nothing there before....


There was a loud noise. It was the sound of a heavy object smashing through the roof and flying straight into the sky....


There was another loud noise. This was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. This huge object was nothing else but the red tank that had stood in front of Emma....

As the red tanks went up and down, the buildings here finally couldn't hold on any longer....

With a loud bang, the entire hotel finally collapsed completely, and the underground mutant fighting arena was completely buried....

On the ground, watching the red tank go up and down, the gangsters waiting outside couldn't help but gasp. Almost everyone felt dizzy!

Is this possible?

Could someone throw the red tank into the sky like a ball?


What happened just now?

Are you dazzled?

This is not right....

It's okay if only one person is dazzled, but how can everyone be dazzled at the same time?...

Everyone was nervous, not knowing what had just happened.


Then, another explosion sounded, and the ruins of the entire building were suddenly blasted into the air. In the dust, a handsome young man slowly flew out holding a woman who had completely turned into diamonds....

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