
Then, just when Su Ke was about to ask carefully what was going on, there was another boom in the ruins not far away.

Then, a huge head appeared. Who else could it be but Red Tank?

After finally climbing up, Red Tank patted the dust off his body and looked at Su Ke with a fierce face.

Red Tank's defense ability is definitely ranked among the best in the entire Marvel Universe, so Su Ke was not too surprised by such a result. To be more precise, he was very satisfied with Red Tank's"performance".

Because he originally planned to use Red Tank as a sandbag. It would be so boring if the sandbag was broken by a punch!

"Boy, you really pissed me off. I underestimated you just now, but now, I won't underestimate you anymore!"

Red Tank said, and quickly ran towards Suk. It was obvious that he was going to use his size and strength to give Suk a brutal collision. This move was also one of his special moves. When he used it, neither Thor nor the Hulk could stop him!


What surprised Hong Tank was that Su Ke didn't seem to want to fight him this time. He was about to rush in front of him, but he remained indifferent.

What? Did he give up the resistance?

Hong Tank thought with some surprise, but his steps did not stop at all. With every step he took, a huge deep pit would appear on the ground, and the ground around him would shake, like an earthquake!

Just when Hong Tank was about to hit Su Ke, Hong Tank suddenly found that Su Ke's eyes seemed a little different....

His eyes started to turn red, and it wasn't just any red. He looked like the kid they caught before whose eyes could release red shockwaves....


In the next second, in front of Red Tank's unbelievable eyes, a red shock wave suddenly shot out from Suk's eyes and hit Red Tank directly! Red Tank was shocked. He didn't expect Suk to have such an ability. He had suffered a lot when capturing Cyclops before. Now he encountered this red shock wave again. He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the distance was too close, and he was too big, so he couldn't dodge at all. Gritting his teeth

, Red Tank could only cross his arms in front of him, ready to resist Suk's red shock wave attack!

Suk had already roughly known his own strength in the previous simple strength test, so the strength test was no longer necessary. He wanted to try the ability to emit energy again. It happened that he had absorbed a lot of Cyclops' red shock waves before, so he used them directly now.

The red shock wave hit Red Tank. Although it did not damage his body, the high temperature contained in it still made Red Tank grimaced. In less than a moment, his arm was burned red like metal! Just when he was about to give up, Su Ke finally stopped.

"Oh shit..."

Red Tank waved his arm that was burned by the red shock wave, and his eyes became bloodshot. You know, he has never been so miserable since he gained the ability!

"Sure enough, this guy's defense is really strong. Even Cyclops' red shockwave can't damage his skin...."

Su Ke stopped emitting shockwaves from his eyes, and thought with a look of enlightenment, ignoring Emma who was already extremely surprised!

At this moment, Emma looked at Su Ke as if she was looking at a monster....

That's right!

Phoenix Force!

The next second, Su Ke's mind suddenly lit up. How could he forget the Phoenix Force? Cyclops's red shockwave might not cause any damage to Red Tank, but Phoenix Force could definitely do it....

Thinking of this, Su Ke had no hesitation at all. In an instant, his eyes became hot again, and even redder than before....

""Fuck! Still coming?"

Seeing this, Red Tank almost cursed.

Then, another red energy shot out and hit him hard....

The difference from before was that the power contained in this red energy was much stronger than before. The moment it touched him, it instantly destroyed his skin and then began to invade his body unscrupulously....

The powerful impact caused by this even blew him away....

At this moment, Red Tank finally understood that the boy in front of him was not someone he could fight against....

In front of him, I am still too weak!

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