A moment later...

Suke sat lazily on a huge stone, while Red Tank and White Queen Emma stood quite obediently not far away, and had long lost their arrogance.

Emma was not to be mentioned. After seeing Suke's power, she had completely lost the idea of resistance, because in her opinion, any resistance was futile.

As for Red Tank, he was completely defeated. As a heavyweight mutant, Red Tank rarely surrendered to others. If you want him to surrender, you can only defeat him. Obviously, Suke did this. The place where he was injured before has gradually healed by itself, but it is conceivable that if it was a little later, he might not have had a chance to heal himself!

This was Suke's mercy. Although Red Tank sometimes acted impulsively, he was not a fool. If he continued to attack in this situation, I am afraid that his life would really be explained here.

Suke was quite satisfied with the performance of Red Tank and Emma, because he had some questions to ask next, and if they were willing to cooperate, he would save a lot of trouble.

After tapping his head lightly with his fingertips, Su Ke asked,"Tell me, how did you get to know Loki, and how did you think of him as a god?"

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Red Tank was more cooperative this time.

He said,"About a year ago, I was captured by S.






and imprisoned in S.







Then Loki suddenly appeared.

He claimed to be a god and asked me if I wanted to be free.

I said yes, and then he said that there would be a price, and I had to do something for him.

I didn't think much about it at the time, so I agreed to him directly, and then I kept following his instructions.

I don't know why, but I couldn't disobey his orders.


Su Ke was a little speechless, and he also realized that Red Tank should have been controlled by Loki. As one of the few magicians in the Marvel Universe, Loki was completely capable of doing such a thing, not to mention that Red Tank was a very easy to control guy.

Although he wanted to ask Red Tank some more questions, he also knew that Red Tank was a muscular guy with a simple mind. He would not get any useful information if he asked more questions. He could only look at Emma again.

"How about you? How did you get to know Loki?"

""It's similar to Red Tank. I was also captured and rescued by Loki. Since then, I have been working for him. He is my savior and a god. I will not go against his wishes!"

Emma said with her head down.

It is obvious that Emma was also controlled by Loki....

According to Suk's previous understanding, the timeline he is currently in should be before the Battle of New York. At this time, Captain America has just woken up from hibernation, Iron Man is still thinking about how to form the Avengers, Thor is still in love, and Hulk is still hiding somewhere....

This means that Loki has begun preparing for the New York War....

The plot of Avengers 1 is about to be staged in this world...

As for the reason why Loki manipulated Red Tank and Emma, it was very simple in Suke's opinion. He just wanted to use them to sow discord between humans and mutants. This way, it would be much easier for him to invade the earth....

For a moment, Su Ke was speechless. He had just arrived on Earth and hadn't had a few days to relax yet, and this kind of thing happened again....

But no matter what, all of this is Loki's fault. The White Queen and Red Tank are just pawns used by Loki to sow discord between humans and mutants.

Thinking of this, Su Ke felt a little sympathetic towards Red Tank and Emma.

"System, do you have any way to restore Red Tank and Emma to normal?"

Suke wanted to help Red Tank and Emma get rid of Loki's control, but Loki was a very skilled magician, and although he himself was immune to magic, he didn't understand magic at all, so he could only ask the system for help.

"Ding! Scanning, please wait..."

"Ding! Scan successful! Loki is using advanced bewitching magic. The bewitched person will unconditionally obey all the orders of the caster and cannot disobey. It takes 1000 points to remove the magic. Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"

Suke said in his heart without any hesitation. He could still afford this amount of points.

The next second, Suke felt that there were two more things in his hand. He looked down and found that they were two small bottles of magic water.

Damn, it turns out that you have to take it orally to remove the magic!

Suke was completely convinced!

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