"Here, these are two bottles of magic water, which can help you remove Loki's magic, and then you will be free again!"

Su Ke said, handing over the two bottles of magic water.

Without any hesitation, Red Tank directly threw the magic water and the bottle into his mouth, chewed it for a while and swallowed it. Emma hesitated at first, but finally drank the magic water!

Loki used advanced magic, and the magic cube was different from telepathy, so Red Tank and Emma had never noticed it, and just thought that they were really helping Loki out of gratitude.

But as the magic water took effect, Red Tank was so angry that he couldn't hide it.

"Damn...Damn Loki, how dare you control me...I am a red tank...."

Red Tank kept yelling and cursing while walking back and forth, shaking the entire earth. It was obvious that he was really angry at the moment.

Emma was terrified. When she was controlled by Loki before, she didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt for what she had done. But now that she was awake, she realized how hateful she was before....

As a mutant, she actually helped humans to kill her own kind...

Although that was something I did after being controlled, it was still something I did after all....

Seeing this, Su Ke could only comfort them,"Don't blame yourself too much, you were just controlled, it's not your fault, if you want to blame someone, you can only blame Loki!"

"Ding! Notice the change in the main world timeline, and now start to release the Marvel world main line mission one: find the space gem and help Loki invade the earth and help Iron Man form the Avengers!"

"Search for space gems, mission reward: 500,000 points and a chance to win a prize"

"Help Loki invade the Earth. Mission reward: 800,000 points and a chance to win a prize."

"Assist Iron Man in establishing the Avengers and be rewarded with 1,000,000 points and two chances to draw a lottery. Suddenly

, at this moment, the system's voice sounded again....

Su Ke was completely shocked. Although he had guessed that the system would definitely ask him to find the Infinity Stones, he never expected that the system would ask him to help Loki invade the Earth!

He could understand everything else, but helping Loki invade the Earth was nonsense.

Shocked, Su Ke quickly asked in his mind:"Hey, system, did you send the wrong task? What kind of task is helping Loki invade the Earth?"

"Ding! The system will not make mistakes. Please help Loki invade the earth!"

The system said directly.

Su Ke was speechless again....

But the next second, Su Ke suddenly looked annoyed again, because he suddenly thought, isn't this system called the Super God Villain System?

Just because the system didn't issue villain missions before, he didn't care about this kind of thing.

If you think about it this way, this mission doesn't seem to be wrong....

After all, he is a super villain....


Sighing in his heart again, Su Ke looked at Red Tank not far away and said,"Hey, where are you going next?"

Red Tank clenched his fists until veins popped, and said viciously,"I'm not going anywhere until I kill Loki!"

""Very good, I just happen to be going to find Loki too, if you want, just follow me!"

Su Ke said.

The system's task is only to help Loki invade the earth, but it does not say to help Loki occupy the earth. This means that as long as Loki invades the earth, Su Ke's task will be completed....

After that, no matter what he does, the system will not care about him....

"No problem, Boss!"

Red Tank agreed to Suke's proposal without any hesitation, and he even called Suke"Boss"! On the one hand, he really hated Loki and wanted to tear Loki into pieces. On the other hand, Suke had helped him get rid of Loki's control before, and coupled with Suke's previous power suppression, he couldn't help but have some obedience to Suke.

Suke just felt a little funny about Red Tank's calling him"Boss", and then she looked at Emma again.

"Emma, what about you?

Emma raised her head, her expression even more helpless.

"I don't know where to go or what to do. I've done so many bad things. There's no place for me in this world anymore. No one needs me...."

In the X-Men, Emma has always been a strong and confident woman. In front of everyone, she is always a powerful woman. She has never shown her weak side to anyone.

But today, she showed her most unknown feelings.

At this time, Emma is only 18 to 19 years old, about the same size as Su Ke. Apart from her mutant identity, she is just a little girl.

But at this moment, she was suddenly picked up by someone. Looking closely, who else could it be but Su Ke?

"Who says there is no place for you in this world? Who says no one needs you? As long as you are willing, just follow me!"

Su Ke smiled.

At this moment, Emma's heart suddenly trembled. She felt that she seemed to have finally found a support in her life....

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