The next morning, everyone woke up early. Iron Man was going to help SHIELD clean up yesterday's battlefield, Wolverine was going to take Jean back to the mutant school, and Sook was going to Gotham City to find Batman. In general, everyone was very busy!

When it was time to leave, Sook and Jean were naturally a little reluctant to leave.

""Suke, I heard from Mr. Logan that Gotham City is a very dangerous place, full of darkness and crime. You must be careful when you go there!"

Qin said with a worried look on his face.

Suke smiled and scratched Qin's nose, then said:"Silly, do you think I will get hurt? But I promise you, I will be careful!"

"Hey, what should we do with these two guys? They don't want to go back with us!"

Just then, Wolverine suddenly came over with a look of impatience, and behind him were Red Tank and Emma.

Considering the strength of Red Tank and Emma, Professor X finally decided to let Wolverine take them back to the mutant school, but unexpectedly they all refused and were not willing to go to the mutant school at all. Wolverine didn't like Red Tank in the first place, and he became a little impatient all of a sudden, and the two almost fought.

Su Ke thought for a while, then said to Wolverine:"Forget it, Mr. Logan, I'll take care of these two, don't worry, I promise not to let them mess around again!" Wolverine was eager to get rid of the trouble of Red Tank, and when he heard this, he quickly agreed:"Okay, then I'll leave them to you, Jean, let's go!"

Then, with Suke's reluctant eyes, Wolverine and Jean left on the plane.

In fact, Suke originally wanted to take Jean to Gotham City, but considering the special dark side of Gotham City, he finally gave up the idea. After all, Gotham City is a crazy city and Jean is not suitable to go there.

Walking up to Red Tank and Emma, looking at the big guy Red Tank, Suke curled his lips and said,"Tell me, why don't you want to go to the mutant school?"

"There are children in school, and I don't like children!"

Red Tank said in a sly tone....This is also a reason...

But since Red Tank doesn't want to go to the mutant school, we still have to find him a place to live, preferably with someone watching him, otherwise who knows what trouble he will cause.

Thinking of this, Su Ke suddenly had an idea, and then looked at Tony not far away and said,"Tony, did you just say that you would help SHIELD clean up yesterday's battlefield?"

"That's right! What's wrong?"

Tony asked with some confusion.

"How about I send you a helper?"

Su Ke patted Red Tank's body and said with a smile.

Tony's face froze at first, and then he said speechlessly:"Okay, but I'm afraid this guy won't listen...."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't use the mutant suppressor to restrain him and don't do anything to him, I promise he won't do anything wrong!"

Su Ke promised

"Okay then!"

After hearing what Su Ke said, Tony finally agreed.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Suke turned around and looked at Hong Tank.

"I heard it, but...What if they still want to arrest me?"

Red Tank scratched his head and said, it was obvious that he still didn't trust S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Don't worry, with Tony here, no one will catch you. But of course, you have to be careful too. This time you are going to help, not to fight, do you understand?"

Suke instructed.

Although Red Tank did not trust S.H.I.E.L.D., he trusted Suke very much, and besides, he really had nowhere to go at the moment, so he finally agreed.

After Red Tank's affairs were dealt with, Suke looked at Emma and said,"Emma, why don't you go? You don't hate children as much as Red Tank, do you?"


Emma blushed at first, and then, as if she had mustered up the courage, she said,"I want to go to Gotham City with you! No matter what you want to do, I can help you! Please take me with you!"


It must be said that Emma's request was really beyond Su Ke's expectations.

Looking at Emma's serious face, Su Ke couldn't refuse for a moment.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that taking Emma with him is also a good idea. After all, she is also a telepath who can help him get any information he wants.

Of course, the most important thing is that Emma is also a beauty, and a goddess-level beauty. If......

"Cough cough cough..."

Realizing that he had been thinking in the wrong direction, Su Ke coughed a few times, then nodded and said,"Okay, then you can go with me...."

Hearing this, Emma finally laughed.

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