New York City is a long way from Gotham City. Because he had to take Emma with him, it was not easy for Su Ke to fly there directly. Besides, it would be a bit too conspicuous. Fortunately,

Tony, a local tyrant, was there. Without Su Ke saying anything, Tony waved his hand and a helicopter landed on the top floor of Stark Building.

""Let's go!"

After greeting Emma, Su Ke got on the helicopter with Emma.

The helicopter flew through the sky, and soon, the Stark Building could no longer be seen....

"that...If you don't mind, I have something to ask you!"

In the helicopter, Emma hesitated again and again, and finally spoke.

Suke retracted his gaze to the window, nodded and said:"Ask, there is no need to be so restrained with me, I won't eat you!"

While speaking, Suke couldn't help but look at Emma again. Seeing Emma's tall and sexy figure, he suddenly felt that"eating" Amy was the right choice....

But Emma didn't notice Su Ke's strange look. Then, she asked in a low voice,"You are not a mutant, right?"

Su Ke smiled and said,"No!"

"Then who are you?"

Emma suddenly became expectant.

First she pointed to the sky, then Suke said:"I come from the distant Saturn Titan. Because my planet was destroyed, I came to Earth!"

Sure enough!

When Emma heard this, she was not shocked at all. Instead, she completely relaxed and breathed a long sigh of relief.

When she saw the various powers displayed by Suke yesterday, she had guessed that Suke might be an alien, because mutants simply could not have such powerful powers!

But this was just a guess of hers at the time and had not been confirmed. Now that she heard Suke say it himself, she was completely relaxed!

But then again, for her, what is the difference between humans, mutants or aliens? When Suke said last night that he needed her and wanted to give her a place to stay, she had already sworn in her heart that she would follow him all her life!


Thinking of the intimate behavior between Su Ke and the red-haired girl in the morning, Emma felt aggrieved, because she was no worse than that girl....

""You two, I'm sorry that I can only take you here. Gotham City is too chaotic, and they don't welcome outsiders. I can't go in anymore!"

At this moment, the pilot suddenly shouted at Suke. Suke nodded and found that he had come to Gotham City without knowing when.

Suke didn't say anything about the pilot's words, because he knew in his heart that Gotham City was indeed a chaotic city!

Then, the helicopter began to land.

At the same time, a riot was breaking out in the Blackgate Prison in Gotham City....

"Damn it, hurry up, those guards are about to come!"

"If you weren't the only one who could make the bomb, I would have killed you!"

"Can you guys just be quiet for a while? You're making so much noise that I can't work. This thing is a bomb, do you want to die?............

In Blackgate Prison, several criminals in prison uniforms were fiddling with something in front of an iron door, and from time to time, a burst of shouting and cursing could be heard.

""Okay! Get out of the way!"

Someone shouted, and the prisoners surrounding the iron gate immediately got out of the way and moved away from the iron gate.

Then, boom!

A huge explosion sounded, and the huge iron gate was blown away.

Relying on some materials from the infirmary, the talents of Blackgate Prison easily made a chemical bomb, which blew open the prison gate.

""Brothers, prison break!"

A shout rang out, and the entire Iron Gate Prison suddenly became completely boiling. Soon, the iron doors were opened one after another, and all the prisoners rushed out.

The prison guards of Blackgate Prison hadn't figured out what was going on before they saw a large group of prisoners pouring out of the corridor. They were so scared that they quickly pulled out their pistols.

But before they could shoot, they were knocked to the ground by those crazy criminals. The criminals took the prison keys from the prison guards and began to release more prisoners....

"Brothers, we are free!"

"Damn it, I'm going to take revenge and kill those bastards who framed me!"

"Gotham City belongs to us, it's our city!"......

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