After walking a few steps, Emma suddenly leaned close to Su Ke's ear and whispered,"The man next to you just now was very strange."

Su Ke's heart moved, and he asked softly,"What? Did you invade his mind just now?"

"No, it's just a feeling, and I think it's not easy to invade his mind!"

Emma frowned and said

"Forget it, don't worry about him. We are not here for him this time. Let's do business first!"

Su Ke said.

In the DC universe, Superman has always been synonymous with strength, and his strength is almost unparalleled in the DC universe!

But Superman also has weaknesses, such as kryptonite, the black sun, and of course magic attacks!

Superman's magic resistance is almost 0, and any force attack can't cause any harm to him, but magic is the only thing he can't resist!

It is also because of this that in Su Ke's view, Superman does not have the power to threaten himself. Although he is Superman, he is still not his opponent!

As long as he wants, he can defeat Superman in minutes!

After weaving through the crowd, Bruce Wayne appeared not far from Su Ke. It is worth mentioning that there is a man standing next to him at this moment. The iconic bald head made Su Ke guess his identity at once.

Lex ·Luthor!

Lex Luthor, also known as Alexander Luthor, is one of the smartest people on Earth. Brainiac calculated that he has ninth-level intelligence. He once ran for president of the United States and is the chairman of the wealthy Lex Corporation.

Since the day Superman appeared, Luthor has been committed to ridding the world of the"threat" of this alien. According to Luthor, Superman has weakened human potential.

Since then, Luthor is no longer just an ambitious man, he has become an obsessed person, constantly proving to the world that he is stronger and better than Superman, and wants to destroy Superman. His initial hatred turned into jealousy of Superman, and he also had conflicts with other different heroes in the DC universe.

But now it seems that Luthor should not have exposed his ambitions, otherwise he would not be drinking and talking with Bruce Wayne.

"Mr. Wayne, I'm curious, what do you think of the so-called Dark Knight of Gotham City? Do you think his existence really helps Gotham City?"

Luthor asked while drinking the champagne in his hand with a smile.

Bruce smiled slightly and said,"I never care about this kind of thing, but in my opinion, his existence at least scares the criminals in Gotham City. This should be a good thing for Gotham City, right?"

"What about Superman? What do you think of him? Since the battle last year, many people have worshipped Superman as a god. Do you think he is a god?"

After taking a sip of champagne, Luthor asked again with interest, with a cunning look in the corner of his eyes.

When Bruce heard this, his face froze slightly at first, but he recovered in an instant and said calmly:"There is no God in this world. Even if there is, it will not be like that, because God will not bring a group of monsters to fight on Earth and massacre innocent people!"

"Wow, I never thought you would say something like that, but I do have an idea. Who is more powerful, the Dark Knight of Gotham City or Superman, who is worshipped as a god by humans? Can humans defeat God?"

The smile on Luthor's face became even stronger.

"The duel between man and god, the duel between the Dark Knight and the Son of Krypton, this sounds interesting!"

Then, before Bruce could speak, a voice rang out beside him. The next second, Suk and Emma appeared beside Bruce and Luther.

"The battle between man and god, the battle between the Dark Knight and the Son of Krypton...This sentence is good, I like it. By the way, my name is Luther!"

After silently repeating what Su Ke just said, Luther felt his eyes light up and he became somewhat interested in Su Ke.

"Hello, Suke!

Suke smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Honey, you guys chat first, I'll go over there and take a rest!"

Knowing that Su Ke was going to do something serious, Emma immediately found an excuse to leave.

Bruce stared at Emma's leaving figure, then said with admiration:"Not bad!"

He looked like a playboy of the rich second generation.

But everyone knew that he was just pretending.

"By the way, Suke, from what you said just now, it seems that you are quite interested in Batman and Superman. Do you think Batman can be a match for Superman? It’s not that I look down on Batman, but Superman is too powerful. He can’t even hurt a hair of Superman!"

Luthor looked at Suke and said with an exaggerated expression, completely ignoring Bruce who had an unnatural expression on his face!

Suke was a little speechless at this moment, because he suddenly realized that his mission seemed a bit unnecessary. With Luthor's help, Batman and Superman would have to fight.......

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