""Sorry, I suddenly remembered that I have other things to take care of. Please help yourself!"

At this moment, Bruce suddenly smiled very stiffly, and then without waiting for Luther and Suke to say anything, he turned around and left.

Luther pretended to be helpless and looked at Suke and said,"Really, what's wrong with that guy? I'm talking about Batman, not him!" Just keep pretending!

Suke sneered in his heart. Luther was really too insidious! He knew that Bruce was Batman, but he was still pretending to be ignorant!

"etc....I think I found another amazing guy. I didn't expect to see him here...."

The next second, Luther's eyes suddenly lit up, and without saying a word, he walked towards Clark not far away.

Obviously, he was going to provoke Clark!

But his departure was a good thing for Suke, because Suke really couldn't stand a villain like Luther, even though he was very smart.

After sitting down next to Emma and taking a sip of champagne, Suke asked,"How is it, what did you find out?"

Emma was a smart woman, and she knew that Suke would not just find someone to chat with for no reason, so she had already started to use telepathy to check Bruce and Luther!

"I never thought that Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham and the heir of Wayne Enterprises, would be Batman!"

Emma said in surprise, as if she couldn't accept it.

"If you are shocked by this, it is too early!"Su Ke smiled and said,"Do you remember the reporter who just chatted with me?"

"Remember! What's wrong?"

Emma asked curiously.

"Like Batman, he also has another identity, he is Superman, the son of Krypton!"


Emma was a little surprised when she heard this, but then she thought of something and suddenly realized,"No wonder my telepathy has no effect on him...."

"Gotham City is much more lively than I thought. If I'm not mistaken, there will definitely be a fight between Batman and Superman!"

After finishing the champagne in the glass, Su Ke said again.

"Is this possible? No matter how strong Batman is, he is just a human being, while Superman is a powerful alien. The power between them is not equal at all, and there is no way they can fight!"

Emma said with some disbelief.

Seeing this, Su Ke didn't want to explain anything anymore, because not only Emma, almost everyone who heard about this would not believe that Batman would defeat Superman.

But the final result will prove everything!

Man can defeat God!

Standing up again and tidying up his clothes, Su Ke said again:"Where did Bruce go when he left just now?"

"It seems to be a place called the Bat Cave, which is located under Wayne Manor!"

Emma said in a low voice

"Very good, I will go talk to him now, you wait here for me!"

After saying this, Su Ke turned and left.

With super speed, Su Ke quietly came to a bedroom in Wayne Manor. The bedroom was empty, with only a bonfire burning in the fireplace.

"I don't know if the switch to the Batcave is here, and whether it is the same as in the movie."

According to the descriptions in the Batman movies he had seen in his previous life, Suke found a button on the cabinet beside him and pressed it gently.

Then, the still burning fireplace suddenly rose up, and then an elevator appeared in front of Suke.

Very good! It is exactly the same as in the movie!

With a slight smile, Suke raised his leg and walked in.

Originally, with Suke's ability, it would not be so troublesome to go to the Batcave. He could just punch open a passage. However, considering that this is Batman's secret base, he finally decided to use peaceful means to solve the matter.

If Batman is unwilling to hand over the space gem, then there is no way, Suke can only use force.

As long as he wants it, he will get it!

Anyone who dares to stand in front of him will become his enemy!

Thinking of this, Suke suddenly felt happy again. He seems to be more and more like a villain.......

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