"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the space gem. Mission reward: 500,000 points and a chance to draw a lottery."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully arranging a duel between Superman and Batman. Mission reward: 500,000 points and a chance to draw a lottery."

The moment he got the space gem, the system's voice rang in Su Ke's mind again.

Su Ke was somewhat surprised. He originally thought that the mission reward for the duel between Superman and Batman should be issued when they were fighting, but he didn't expect it to be issued at this moment!

Looking up, Su Ke found that Batman's temperament had changed at this moment, and his eyes were full of fanaticism.

Su Ke knew in his heart that after getting the kryptonite, Batman would definitely go to Superman....

Staring at the points displayed on the interface, Su Ke just felt funny. Just now, his points were almost all cleared, but now he has one million system points and two chances to draw a lottery!

I have to say that this trip to Gotham City is really worth it!

The Space Gem has been obtained, and the battle between Batman and Superman is inevitable. There is no point in staying here, and Su Ke is ready to leave.

But of course, this time he is going to use the power of the Space Gem!

The Space Gem is an uncontrollable force for humans, but it is a piece of cake for a Titan.

With a thought, the Space Gem in Su Ke's body was sensed, and an elliptical space channel was formed in an instant, and at the end of the space channel, it was a corridor of Wayne Manor!

Before leaving, Su Ke originally wanted to say hello to Batman, but he didn't expect that Batman had already started studying kryptonite at this time, and didn't notice that he wanted to leave.

It can be seen that he really wants to defeat Superman!

Seeing this, Su Ke was too lazy to say anything else. He just stepped in. In an instant, he appeared in Wayne Manor again.

Passing through the corridor, Su Ke appeared in front of him the party that was still going on. Su Ke glanced around and found that Superman and Luthor had left for some reason. It seemed that Luthor must have successfully fooled Superman.

In any case, the mission in Gotham City was successfully completed, and it was time to leave this place of trouble.

Seeing Su Ke walking towards her, Emma stood up and asked,"How is it? Did you get the things?"

Su Ke nodded, stretched out his hand to take the wine glass from Emma's hand, and then drank it all and said,"We have got the things, and we have done what we should do. Let's go back!"


Unexpectedly, Emma became a little anxious after hearing this.

"What's wrong?" Su Ke asked curiously,"What else do you have to do here?"

"No...But I had drunk a lot of wine before, and my head was a little dizzy, and it was so late now, I thought...Can we stay here for one night before leaving?"

Emma said with a blush on her face.

In Emma's opinion, if Su Ke went back, he would definitely continue to be with Qin, and then she would have no chance to get along with Su Ke. Such a thing made her feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

"Well then!"

Su Ke did not refuse Emma's request, and he felt that something wonderful might happen tonight....

Soon, the two left Wayne Manor and drove to the largest hotel in Gotham City.

Seeing Suke and Emma coming together, the front desk clerk naturally thought they were a couple, so they only issued them one room card, and it was a couple's suite!

When she walked into the room, Emma was really scared and excited.

You know, over the years, although she has been used by others most of the time, no one has ever touched her, and now she is just a girl.

She is not afraid of what Suke will do to her, but what Suke will not do to her....

Because long before, she had decided that Su Ke was the only man in her life, no matter if he was human or not.

If Su Ke did something to her tonight, it would mean that she had a place in Su Ke's heart. If she did nothing tonight, then Emma didn't know what to do in the future....

Feeling scared yet excited, Emma finished her bath nervously, and then came to the bedroom with a flushed face.

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