
Looking at the now empty room, Emma felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water over her head....He actually left...

In this case, he actually left...

It seems that I was just being sentimental. He doesn't like me at all and doesn't care about my feelings at all............

For a moment, Emma felt as if her heart was being cut by a knife, and tears were dripping down her cheeks. She even felt that she had no hope of living....

""Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

But at this moment, Emma felt two hands on her shoulders, and then Su Ke's voice rang out.

Emma looked up in surprise, and saw that the person who appeared in front of him at this moment was not Su Ke. Who else could it be?

"you..."Where did you go just now?"

Emma shouted aggrievedly, ignoring the tears in her eyes.

Su Ke said somewhat helplessly:"I didn't go anywhere! I just sat on the sofa to rest."


Emma felt even more aggrieved when she heard this.

But before she could cry again, a figure approached her.

Su Ke is not a fool. He naturally knows Emma's feelings for him. It's just that he didn't have time to express his love to Emma before in order to get the space gem. But now that the space gem is in his hands, he no longer hides his feelings.

At this moment, looking at the man in front of her who she has chosen to spend her life with, Emma felt that the grievance in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace, and instead, there was only a full sense of happiness.

"You can only be my woman!"

Then, Emma's mind was filled with the words Su Ke had just said in her ear....

Then, there is a different scene....

After a long time, Su Ke drank red wine with a comfortable look on his face, while Emma beside him had already fallen asleep. However, she must be very happy to see that she was hiding something.

No matter what role Emma played in the X-Men before, or what kind of person she was, she would only be Su Ke's woman in the future. No one except Su Ke could have any idea about her!

After drinking the red wine, Su Ke still didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply stopped sleeping and took the space gem in his hand and started playing with it.

Now that the space gem is in hand, Su Ke should also consider what to do next.

According to the system's task, the next step should be to help Loki invade the earth and then start the Battle of New York. It was at this time that the Avengers began to be established!

Although according to the timeline, this will happen in about two years, but with the fusion of the two worlds of Marvel and DC, the timeline has been changed, and many things have also changed. The Battle of New York is likely to happen ahead of time!

Su Ke didn't think that helping Loki invade the earth was a bad thing, because no matter which timeline it was, it was destined to happen and no one could change it. This was the main line of the Marvel world. Without this main line, I'm afraid the Marvel world would cease to exist.

But then again, the Space Gem was already in Su Ke's hands. Su Ke didn't intend to hand the Space Gem over to anyone, but according to the system's task, he had to help Loki invade the earth, which made Su Ke a little embarrassed. It was indeed a very troublesome thing to help Loki invade the earth, but not to hand over the Space Gem to Loki!

At this moment, Su Ke's heart suddenly moved again. It was certain that he couldn't hand over the Space Gem to others, but what if the one handed over was a fake? And it was a fake that could be used!

With this idea in mind, Su Ke immediately asked in his heart:"System, do you have a replica of the Space Gem?"

"Of course there is, host, please take a look!"

With the sound of the system, the system mall appeared in front of Su Ke again. What was displayed on it was the space gem, or in other words, a high-imitation space gem. Under the high-imitation space gem, there was actually a line of text explaining

"High imitation space gem, 100% complete imitation, contains a small amount of cosmic energy, can open the cosmic channel once!"

That's it!

Su Ke was delighted. Although this imitation space gem can only open the cosmic channel once, it is enough for him to complete the task assigned by the system! And it completely meets his requirements.

Although the price is a bit of a rip-off, it requires 300,000 system points, but compared with the real space gem, such a small number of points is really not worth mentioning!

This is it!

Without any hesitation, Su Ke immediately exchanged for the high imitation space gem!

Although this thing is very cheap, it is enough to achieve his goal. Anyway, he will never take out the real space gem. In this case, he can only use this fake one to make up the number!

Moreover, Su Ke is not very interested in the Battle of New York, because he already knows the result of this war. Loki can't make any big waves at all. At most, he can only destroy some buildings!

But of course, it is also because of this war that the Avengers were established.

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