Then, a space gem with a light blue glow appeared in Su Ke's hand, and it still looked like a cosmic cube. It seemed that the system was still very user-friendly.

Staring at the high-imitation space gem in front of him, Su Ke smiled knowingly, because he found that the system was right. This high-imitation space gem was indeed no different from the real space gem, both in appearance and the energy it emitted was exactly the same!

The only difference was the real power contained inside it!

The real space gem had infinite space power, while this high-imitation space gem only had a small amount of space power and could only open a cosmic channel once. After using it, he would completely disappear.

But obviously, this was enough!

As for how to deal with this high-imitation space gem, Su Ke also had his own plan. He was going to give S.H.I.E.L.D. a face and return this high-imitation space gem to S.H.I.E.L.D., because if he handed the space gem to Loki, it would really make him a little bit painful.

Although this matter had to be done, he felt that there was no need to do it himself. It would be better to let SHIELD do it, and he would just watch from the dark. Loki would eventually go to SHIELD to steal the Space Stone anyway!...

Then again, the Space Stone has been obtained, but how to preserve it? After all, you can't always hold it in your hand, right? Although props like the Infinity Gauntlet look cool, who the hell would wear an iron gauntlet all day long when they have nothing to do?......

When he thought of this, Su Ke was speechless again, because he suddenly remembered that it seemed that his brother did the same thing....

"System, do you have anything here that can store infinite gems? It would be best if it could not be seen by others, but I can continue to use it!"

With the idea of finding the system when there is trouble, Su Ke asked again in his mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice rang

"The host can store the infinite gems obtained in the system space. The system space is closely connected to the host. Even if the infinite gems are placed in it, the host can still use them as usual!"


Su Ke was confused.

I have another system space? Why the hell didn't I know about it?

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Su Ke was a little angry. He didn't know about this until now!

"You didn't ask!"

The system said a little aggrievedly.

Su Ke was speechless....

Next, following the guidance of the system, Su Ke opened his own system space, which was a 10m*10m large square space that could store anything, even living things, and Su Ke had absolute control over it. Although he was a little unhappy that the system did not inform him in advance that there was such an awesome space, Su Ke was quite satisfied with the result!

Next, it was time to draw the lottery. After completing two tasks, Su Ke got two chances to draw the lottery, but he didn't have time to draw the lottery at that time. Anyway, he couldn't sleep at this moment, so he just drew the lottery.

""System, I want to draw a lottery!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge disc for drawing a lottery appeared in front of him, with various prizes densely marked on it!

I must draw something good!

Even though this was not Su Ke's first time drawing a lottery, Su Ke was still a little excited.

After a while of silent thinking, Su Ke used his mind to turn the lottery disc.

Then, the disc began to rotate rapidly, and it stopped after a long time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the super healing serum!"

Super healing serum? What is this?"

In Su Ke's puzzled eyes, a tube of pure blue liquid suddenly appeared in his hand. Looking closely, there was a line of notes below.

"Super healing serum can cure any disease or physical injury. As long as the treated creature is not dead, it can be healed instantly!"

This thing looks pretty cool, but it seems to be useless to me. Not to mention that no one in this world can hurt me, even if I am really injured, the self-healing factor in my body can automatically repair it in an instant. This thing is really a bit redundant.

Su Ke thought a little disappointedly.

But in the next second, he was suddenly stunned again. Although this thing is useless to him, it seems to be very useful to one person....

This person is none other than Professor X~!

With this super healing serum, Professor X~, who has been confined to a wheelchair all his life, can stand up again....

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