After a moment of silence, Black Widow asked again:"What are you going to do? Will you help us fight Loki?"

When she said this, Black Widow was very worried, because if Su Ke was unwilling, this matter would be very troublesome!

Loki? That kid needs so much trouble? He is not my brother!

Su Ke complained in his heart, and then he said:"You go back and wait first, I will go there by myself later!"

Hearing this, Black Widow was relieved, and stared at Su Ke on the bed~ again, and then she turned and left.

After Black Widow left, Su Ke began to ponder.

He guessed right. The time of the Battle of New York was indeed advanced, and the plot of the Avengers was about to begin. Similarly, he also ushered in his own mission!

That is to help form the Avengers!

But when he thought of Tony killing Bucky before, Su Ke became quite worried again, because he knew that Rogers must have hated Tony because of this matter.

If there was no Rogers, could the Avengers still be formed?

Thinking of this, Su Ke shook his head again and could only take one step at a time.

Loki's invasion of the earth might be a bad thing for others, but for Su Ke, it is a great thing!


Because Loki will come to the earth with his scepter, and the gem on the scepter is the Mind Gem, one of the Infinity Gems!

Su Ke is determined to get this gem!

If you think about it carefully, Loki really looks like a boy who spreads money....

When Su Ke thought of this, he found it funny.

""What are you laughing at? You look so happy!"

Suddenly at this moment, the bathroom door was opened, and Emma came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Suke smiled and said,"Nothing, someone is coming to bring me a baby, and I'm happy!"

Send a baby?

Emma didn't understand what it meant when she heard this, but she didn't care, she just asked,"Where's Natasha? Wasn't she here just now?"

"She went back. SHIELD has something very important for her to do. I will be there soon......."

At this point, Su Ke suddenly thought of something, then looked at Emma and said,"Emma, you should leave here for the time being, or go to a mutant school, anyway, just don't stay in New York!"

"Why? What happened?"

Aware that Su Ke had something to say, Emma sat down next to Su Ke with some concern.

"Actually, it's nothing, just an alien army is going to attack the earth."

Su Ke said with a smile, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.............

Emma was a little speechless. Is this what you call nothing happened?

Loki's invasion of the earth will not succeed in the end. Even if the Avengers cannot be formed successfully, Suke will stop Loki. Anyway, the task assigned by the system before was just to help Loki invade the earth, but it did not say that he could not kill him after the invasion!

But then again, the main battlefield this time is New York. Suke is really worried that Emma will be injured, so he wanted Emma to leave here first.

But when she heard this, Emma shook her head, and then said stubbornly:"Please, am I so weak in your heart? I am also a warrior!"

As she spoke, Emma's whole body suddenly turned into a diamond form, as if telling of her own strength.

Suke was a little helpless, but seeing Emma so persistent, he didn't say anything. Anyway, Emma is absolutely capable of protecting herself! After putting on his clothes and instructing Emma again, Suke opened a space channel and came to S.H.I.E.L.D.


As soon as Suk stepped into S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson came to greet him. It was obvious that he had been waiting for Suk.

And it must be said that he was a little surprised by Suk's arrival.

Suk looked around and then asked,"Where are the people? I'm not the only one here, am I?"

"Of course not, please follow me!"

Coulson said, and hurriedly led the way.

Soon, Suke followed Coulson to a large place that looked like a conference room, and at this moment, there were only three people here.

Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow, and Iron Man Tony Stark!

Of course, there are also Coulson and Suke.

It was Suke's expectation that Rogers didn't come, but the current team is really too thin, right? In addition to himself, there is only Tony and Black Widow. Is this also the Avengers?

Shaking his head helplessly, Suke found a place to sit down casually.

"Welcome, thank you very much for coming!"

Nick Fury stood up and expressed his gratitude to Suk, and Tony just nodded to Suk. After what happened before, Tony already regarded Suk as a good friend, so he didn't need Nick Fury to be so polite.

But the Black Widow looked at Suk with a resentful look, which made him a little puzzled.

What's wrong with this woman?

But then again, it has only been about five days since Tony attacked S.H.I.E.L.D., and Tony actually sat with Nick Fury again. It seems that the relationship between these two guys is really unusual!

Then, looking down, Suk found that there was a A document with the Avengers Plan written on it!

Are these guys trying to invite me to join the Avengers?

Su Ke curled his lips and thought, first of all, he would never join any organization on Earth, whether it was the Avengers, the X-Men, or even the Justice League, he had no interest in any of them.

Because once you join these organizations, you will be bound by various rules, such as going on missions, not killing people, teamwork, etc.

He has always hated these.

But although he can't join, it doesn't mean he can't help. Besides, he still has tasks to do!

"Very good, now that everyone is here, let's get started!"

Then, just when Suk was thinking about it, Nick Fury finally spoke.

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