"The Avengers Project was something I decided with Tony a long time ago. We believed that the Earth would sooner or later face a great disaster, and this disaster was not something that any hero or organization could resist. We had to gather the most powerful heroes on Earth to face such a disaster. Now, I feel..."


Before Nick Fury finished speaking, Suke, who was flipping through the Avengers plan, suddenly raised his hand.

Nick Fury was a little surprised and asked,"What's the matter?"

Throwing the plan aside, Suke said helplessly,"Are you serious? Didn't you say you want to gather the most powerful heroes on earth? Why not include Thor and Hulk?"

In the Avengers, Thor and Hulk are definitely two heavyweight members, but Suke flipped through the Avengers plan and didn't find these two guys at all, which made him speechless. Without Thor and Hulk, what kind of Avengers is it?���

Isn't this nonsense?

Hearing this, everyone present, including Tony, was stunned.

But then, Nick Fury said,"It's not that we don't want to, but we are really powerless against these two guys! Thor is the prince of Asgard, he is not on Earth now, and as for Hulk, we have already lost contact with him. Besides, Hulk is uncontrollable, he is not suitable to be a hero!"

"Suk, Nick is right. I considered both of them at the beginning, but Thor doesn't seem to have much interest in the organizations on Earth. As for Hulk,...That's a completely uncontrollable monster!"

Then Tony also spoke......

Su Ke was a little speechless. How come this is different from the movies? It turns out that you can't do anything without me!

"Let’s not talk about Hulk for now. You have to solve Thor’s problem first and find a way to find him!"

Suk said.

Nick Fury was a little stunned and said,"What? Are you sure you can get him to join the Avengers? But he seems to have returned to Asgard?"

How come these guys don’t know anything!

Shaking his head helplessly, Suk said,"Maybe you don’t know yet? Thor, the God of Thunder, is Loki’s brother!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned again.

Thor was actually Loki's brother, which was really too incredible.... etc....

Nick Fury's face turned pale, and he suddenly thought of something extremely scary!

First, Thor came to Earth, and then Loki. Loki not only stole the Space Stone, but also led an alien army to invade Earth. Could it be that the alien army he was talking about was the army of Asgard?

More precisely, did Asgard want to invade Earth?

If all the Asgardians really had superpowers like Thor and Loki, then wouldn't Earth be completely doomed?...

Although Suk didn't have telepathy, when he saw Nick Fury's pale face, he knew that this guy was probably thinking wrongly!

Then, he said,"Don't get me wrong, this matter has nothing to do with Thor and Asgard, and Thor and Loki are not brothers at all. Loki is the son of the Frost Giants, and there is no blood relationship between them. Originally, King Odin of Asgard was going to pass the throne to Thor, but Loki was dissatisfied, and then he found an opportunity to frame Thor, and then Thor came to Earth!"


You all know who Thor is, right ? He is a man who hates evil. If he knew his brother was going to attack the earth with an alien army, would he not come to help?......

Although they understood the cause and effect, Tony and the others were a little surprised when they looked at Suke again, because they found that Suke knew too much detail, as if he had been paying attention to all this....

"So, can you help us contact Thor?"

After understanding the key point of the matter, Nick Fury hurriedly asked again.

The reason why he didn't add Thor to the list of Avengers before was, firstly, because Thor was an alien, and secondly, because Asgard where Thor lived was an unknown place for humans, and they didn't know how to contact Thor at all.

But now listening to what Suke said, he seemed to know where Thor was, and coupled with the fact that this matter was caused by Thor's brother Loki, Thor and even the entire Asgard would certainly not be able to stand idly by!

As long as Thor is found, then he might really join the Avengers!

Thinking of this, Nick Fury's previous nervous mood finally relaxed completely.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Suke again.

Suke smiled and said,"Don't look at me like that, I don't know Thor, how can I contact him like this?".........

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Coulson couldn't help but complain in his heart: I don't know what you are talking about? You made us happy for nothing!

But then, Su Ke suddenly continued:"Although I don't know him, I can take you to find him! How about it, does anyone want to go to Asgard?"

After saying this with a smile, Su Ke's mind moved again, and in an instant, a space channel appeared beside him.

At the other end of the space channel, it was Asgard's Rainbow Bridge!

Everyone was shocked again!!!

""Let's go!"

After greeting everyone, Su Ke walked in directly.

"Wait for me..."

Tony has always been interested in alien technology and aliens. He walked in with a suitcase beside him. Needless to say, the suitcase contained his armor!

Coulson looked at the space channel in front of him with some excitement. Through the channel, he could see the scenery of Asgard directly, which made him a little incredible.

""Okay, Coulson, I'll leave this matter to you. After all, you're the only one among us who knows him. Remember, you must convince him. Natasha and I are here!"

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury naturally couldn't leave here, so he could only let Coulson go with him!


Coulson agreed tremblingly, and then he hurried in.

Just after Coulson walked in, the space channel disappeared, as if it had never existed.

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