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After the space channel completely disappeared from his sight, Nick Fury looked at the Black Widow and said,"Why don't you go? This is a good opportunity for an alien trip!"

The Black Widow was silent at first, and then she slowly said,"I can't stay by his side any longer. If I go on like this, I feel I will lose my fighting power. I feel too safe by his side, and I feel like I'm just an ordinary woman!"

Nick Fury smiled and said,"Natasha, you are not in love with him, are you? Don't forget, this is just a mission, and you are an agent!"

"Don't worry, Nick, I know what I'm doing!"

After saying this lightly, Black Widow left.

On the other side, Asgard.

Looking back, Suke was somewhat surprised that Black Widow was not there, but then he was relieved, and then he looked at Coulson and Tony.

Because they were going to an alien planet, Tony put on his armor without any hesitation, and then looked around, exclaiming from time to time.

Coulson was even funnier. He was so excited that he almost couldn't move. He walked for a long time before taking a few steps.

Suke was speechless. If these two guys kept going like this, when would they be able to see Thor?

Just as he was about to say something, a burst of shouting suddenly sounded from not far away.

"Who dares to trespass into Asgard?" Then, a tall man in golden armor suddenly appeared in front of them, holding a glittering golden holy sword in his hand!...Heimdall!

With just one glance, Suk guessed his identity!

Heimdall is the patron saint of Asgard, responsible for guarding the Rainbow Bridge. He has the Eye of Heimdall that can perceive everything. He is the guardian sentinel of Asgard who can see and hear everything. He is also one of the most trusted servants of Odin and Tony!

But what really concerned Suk was Heimdall's pair of golden eyes. When those eyes stared at him, Suk felt like he was seen through, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, we are not enemies, we are here to find Thor!"

Seeing the other party's murderous intent, Coulson hurriedly said with a nervous face

"Don't worry, you will see him, but that will be after I send you to him as prisoners!"

Heimdall said angrily, and began to swing the holy sword in his hand.

"Back off, Coulson, this guy won't listen to you!"

Tony said, and took Coulson to a far place, and then came to Suk.

""How about it? Do you want to fight?"

Tony asked nervously. After all, he asked Thor for help. If a fight really broke out here, would Thor still help?

"Don't worry, I know what to do.

Suk smiled lightly, and then walked towards Heimdall.

Then, when he saw that Heimdall's holy sword was about to chop over, Suk suddenly stretched out his hand and said,"Heimdall, kneel down!"

At the same time, a strong breath began to burst out from Suk's body and quickly attacked Heimdall.

In an instant, Heimdall felt his mind suddenly shaken, and he almost couldn't hold the holy sword in his hand. His body also softened in vain, and he almost knelt down.

However, as the god of Asgard, he reacted instantly and tightened the holy sword in his hand again. He suddenly jumped back and landed dozens of meters away from Suk!

What's going on?

Heimdall thought with some fear in his heart. He didn't care about the other party asking him to kneel down before. The man just did nothing, but he felt a strong mental pressure, and this kind of pressure, he had never felt on Odin!

This man is not simple!

Very simple!

At the same time, Suke was somewhat disappointed. You know, he didn't hold back his domineering aura just now, but Heimdall was still able to stand up. The people of Asgard were really strong!

His eyes wandered around Suke for a while, and Heimdall suddenly shouted in surprise:"You...You are a Titan...this...How is this possible? Didn't Thanos kill all his people?"

0·····Asking for flowers...

This eye is really useful! I really want to dig it out!

After complaining in his heart, Suke finally said,"Since you know who I am, this matter will be much easier. I will only say once, I want to see Thor. If you stop me again, then I will no longer be polite to you. You must know that there is more than one Mad Titan!"

When Heimdall heard this, his face instantly turned ugly.

The matter about the Mad Titan Thanos has always been everyone's nightmare. Wherever he passes, all life will die and all planets will be destroyed. Heimdall has eyes that perceive everything, and he sees such scenes almost every day.

But he never thought that a Titan would come to Asgard!


This is troublesome, because all Titans are crazy and powerful....

""Invaders, lay down your weapons. I am Thor, the prince of Asgard!"

Just as Heimdall was nervously considering what to do, a shout mixed with thunder and lightning suddenly came from the sky. Looking up, everyone saw a tall blond man flying over with a hammer.

Who else could it be besides Thor?

"Don't be careless, my king, we are facing a Titan!"

Thor just landed on the Rainbow Bridge, and Heimdall reminded him.


When Thor heard this, his heart suddenly sank. Obviously, he also knew something about the Mad Titan Thanos.

"I wonder what a Titan wants to do when he comes to Asgard? If you want to destroy Asgard, then I will definitely defeat you!"

Thor raised the hammer in his hand, and instantly caused a thunderstorm, and the whole sky was shining brightly.

Suke was a little speechless. Does this guy like to show off so much?

Then, he suddenly stretched out his right hand, and then in the surprised eyes of everyone, he absorbed all the thunderstorms in the sky into his body.

Lightning is also a kind of energy, he can still absorb it at will!

Thor's hammer in his hand was almost dropped to the ground, and the same was true for the holy sword in Heimdall's hand.

What kind of operation is this?

They are a little confused! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect, recommend

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