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After absorbing all the thunderstorms that Thor had summoned before into his body, Suke's heart moved again, and then he suddenly raised his hand. In an instant, the thunderstorms that he had absorbed before were instantly released, and he also deliberately injected the power of the Phoenix!

Almost instantly, a terrifying thunderstorm ball the size of an asteroid and mixed with the power of the Phoenix suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Then, everyone was completely stunned, and Thor's hammer and Heimdall's holy sword finally fell to the ground.

Feeling the powerful force of the thunderstorm ball, Thor and Heimdall knew in their hearts that if this thing fell on Asgard, it would definitely destroy Asgard!

And this thing is something they can never stop....

"Asgardians, since you know my identity, why dare you be so rude to me? I'm very angry, and the consequences of my anger are very serious!"

Suke said with a wicked smile.

Seeing that Suke was about to destroy Asgard, Coulson was almost scared to death, and thought to himself,"Brother, are you kidding me? We are here to find someone to help us today. What do you mean by destroying the world at every turn?"

Then, without the slightest hesitation, Coulson ran between Suke and Thor, and shouted,"Everyone, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, we can discuss it if we have something to say! Thor, do you still recognize me? I'm Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. We've met before!"


Thor hadn't noticed the person behind Suke before, but when he took a closer look, he recognized him immediately.

"Coulson, my friend, why are you here?

Thor was a little surprised.

"We have something very important to tell you, but before that, please don't make him angry, otherwise he might really destroy Asgard! Believe me, he is not an enemy!"

Coulson advised again without bothering to talk about business.

Hearing this, and taking another look at the thunderstorm ball in the sky containing the power of the Phoenix, Thor came to Suke and said apologetically:"Sorry, we were too impulsive before, please don't be angry!"

Tony also advised:"Hey, Suke, don't play too much, this thing is not a joke when it falls, put it away quickly..."

Suk's purpose of showing his power was not to destroy Asgard, but to intimidate Thor. Now that his goal had been achieved and Thor had apologized, he stopped.

With a thought, the ball of thunderstorm instantly returned to his body.

As expected, the Titans are all powerful and...

Heimdall shook his head, feeling very sorry for Suk's arrival, but he could do nothing about it, because at this moment, Odin was still asleep, and Thor was obviously no match for Suk. If they attacked Asgard, they would not be able to resist at all....

"To express my apologies for what happened just now, please follow me. I will treat you well!"

After being demoted by Odin before, Tony has obviously matured a lot. After confirming that Suke really had no hostility towards Asgard, he enthusiastically extended his invitation. Naturally,

Suke and others would not refuse this invitation. After all, this is not a place to talk.

But before leaving, Suke suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Heimdall with a smile on his face and said,"Heimdall, your eyes, I am very interested in them......."

Heimdall turned pale and subconsciously avoided Suk's gaze. It was obvious that he was worried that Suk would really dig out his eyes.

The Titans are really crazy....

Although he didn't want Suk to enter Asgard, Thor had already invited Suk. This was the king's order, and he couldn't refuse it!

Besides, he was powerless to stop Suk from doing anything....


In front of the Titan, even though he is a god of Asgard, he is still like an ant!

But at this time, no one cares about him anymore. Suk and others have followed Thor into Asgard.

Asgard has ruled the Nine Realms for thousands of years, its technology and strength are far beyond the level of the Earth. Along the way, Tony and Coulson are just like a curious baby, closely observing everything around them.

Coulson is more worried, because he found that even the most ordinary people in Asgard have powerful power. If Asgard really intends to invade the Earth, then they have almost no chance of winning! As the few people walked along, many people in Asgard would salute Thor very respectfully. When they saw Suk and others, a trace of vigilance flashed in their eyes. After all, they also saw the huge thunderstorm ball that appeared in the air before.

But at this moment, Suk was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Soon, everyone came to the place in Asgard specially used to entertain guests. Not long after they sat down, all kinds of delicious food were served.

""My friends, please don't be polite. Since you have come to Asgard, I must treat you well!"

Thor greeted them generously.

Suke and others were not polite either. After all, these alien delicacies were not available every day.

After three rounds of drinks, Coulson said,"Thor, to be honest, the reason why we came to Asgard today is entirely because of your brother's affairs!"

"My brother? Loki? What bad things has he done again?"

Thor said in surprise

"He stole the Cosmic Cube from SHIELD and said he would lead an alien army to attack the Earth!"

Tony said as he took another sip of the Asgardian red wine.

This guy......

When Tony heard this, his face finally turned ugly.

"It seems that I have been too kind to him, which is why he is so presumptuous. Where is he now? I will capture him and put him in prison in Asgard forever!"

Thor said angrily.

"We can't find him yet, he seems to be hiding his whereabouts, but we are sure that he will attack the earth with alien troops, so we hope you can help us!"

Coulson said, and put a copy of the Avengers plan in front of Thor._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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