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Well done!

Su Ke smiled in his heart and ran over quickly.


The moment the two collided, a powerful shock wave was instantly generated. The powerful force blew Hulk away, but Su Ke was safe and sound!

Sure enough, even Hulk is not a match for Titan!

Hulk is a powerful and uncontrollable guy, but this is not absolute. As long as he can feel the complete power suppression, even if he is Hulk, he will surrender!

The source of Hulk's power is anger, but if he is suppressed by absolute power, he can't be angry!

Su Ke has not forgotten that his brother Thanos once did this!

And he is no worse than Thanos!

He wants to beat Hulk!


Another roar, the Hulk who was knocked away before rushed over again.

Suk had competed with Red Tank before. Although Red Tank was also a strong big guy, he was still a little worse than Hulk. So Suk still had some expectations for Hulk. That was why he was not going to use the space gem and other energy attacks. He wanted to defeat Hulk directly with his fists!


A punch hit Hulk's chin. Hulk's head was instantly deformed, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth. After staggering back a step, he spat out a tooth!

This made him even more angry!


But before he could shout out his iconic slogan again, Su Ke punched him again. This time, he was directly knocked into the sky. The next second, Su Ke suddenly appeared in the sky again and punched him hard in the stomach....

In just a few minutes, this arrogant big guy was beaten by Su Ke and could no longer stand up....

"Hulk...tired...Hulk...do not fight..."

After saying this intermittently, Hulk slowly closed his eyes. Then, his body began to shrink rapidly, and then turned into Banner's appearance....

Su Ke was somewhat helpless, because Hulk was much weaker than he thought. He didn't use any other power at all, but relied on his own strength to beat Hulk in just a few minutes.

This made him feel very boring.

With his current strength, even a single fight with the complete version of the Avengers would be a piece of cake. It seems that except for DC's Superman and Sentry, those BUG-level heroes, he should have no rivals on Earth.......

"I...What's wrong with me?...How are you still alive?"

Slowly opening his eyes, Banner saw Suk not far away. This made him feel a little unbelievable. It was surprising that someone could remain unscathed under the attack of Hulk.

Suk found it a little funny and said,"Banner, it seems that Hulk did not share memories with you, otherwise you would not ask this. To put it simply, I was a little disappointed with Hulk's strength. I had high expectations for him, but I didn't expect him to be defeated by just a few punches from me!".....................

Banner looked at Su Ke in astonishment, unable to accept such a fact.

But soon, he thought of a way to verify it!

"Hulk! Come out!"

Banner clenched his fists and shouted, completely giving up the control in his heart.

Green veins began to appear on his body, but soon dissipated....


Banner was shocked again!

You know, if it was in the past, once he gave up the control in his heart, Hulk would definitely come out immediately, but now it is obvious that Hulk is unwilling to come out...

Could it be that what he said before was true?

When he looked at Suk again, Banner's face was already filled with deep awe!

How powerful is he to be able to beat Hulk so hard that he dared not come out?...

And this is definitely great news for him. He can finally stop hurting other people....

Slowly walking to Suke, Banner said with gratitude:"Thank you, Suke, thank you for helping me control the Hulk!"

"You're welcome!" Suk waved his hand and said,"I just want Hulk to be more obedient. As for controlling him, that's your business, Banner. Hulk can become a hero as long as you can control him!"

"Why do you believe in Hulk so much? Do you believe that he will become a hero?"

Banner looked at Suk in confusion.

Suk shook his head and said,"I don't believe in Hulk, Hulk is just a pure power. I believe in the person who can control the power of Hulk. To put it simply, that is you! Banner, aren't you tired of the life of always running away? Hulk can be a hero, and so can you!"

Listening to Suk's words, Banner's heart was really excited at the moment. Since the first appearance of Hulk, people have always regarded him and Hulk as a simple monster, and no one has ever believed in him, but now Suk said such words to him!

He thinks Hulk and himself can become a hero!

After a brief silence, Banner finally nodded and said,"Okay! I agree to go with you, but I have a small request!"


Su Ke said

"If Hulk appears again in a rampaging state, please knock me out like you did just now!"

Banner said seriously.

"No problem!"

Su Ke smiled........................

Soon, a space passage suddenly appeared in the SHIELD command room, and then Suk came out with Banner.

"Oh my god!"

"damn it!"

"Oh, God!"................

Accompany him���The moment he appeared, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. was in chaos again. Everyone was stunned by Banner beside Suke, because everyone knew what kind of monster was bred in Banner's body!


Banner held up his pants with one hand and said awkwardly,"Excuse me, can you help me find a set of clothes?"

Then, Nick Fury and Coulson suddenly appeared, looking confused....

"Director, this..."

Coulson swallowed his saliva, not knowing what to say.

However, at this time, Nick Fury was also completely shocked. Although he knew that Suk had gone to find Hulk, he never thought that Suk would actually bring Hulk, Banner, directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Isn't this fatal!

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