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Nick Fury seemed to have a thousand horses galloping through his heart at this moment, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he quickly recovered.

"Hello, Dr. Banner, I am Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., nice to meet you!"

Walking up to Banner, Nick Fury extended his hand in a friendly manner.


Banner shook his hand politely.

Coulson dispersed everyone else around. In this case, the fewer people here, the better!

Both Suk and Hulk are difficult to control, but Suk is different from Hulk. Although he has great power, Suk is self-aware. He knows clearly what he is doing, but Hulk is different. This guy has no self-awareness at all. No one can control him, and he may go crazy at any time.

From the current situation, Hulk is much more dangerous than Suk!

Although he is still Bruce Banner now, who knows when he will transform?...

As if he had sensed Nick Fury's worry, Banner smiled and said,"Please don't worry. Suk had a fight with Hulk before, and he defeated Hulk easily. Hulk seems to be a little afraid of him, so he won't show up in the short term!"...........

As soon as these words came out, Nick Fury and Coulson were confused again, and then they looked at Suk, as if they wanted to confirm.

After Suk nodded, the two of them were speechless again....

Hulk was beaten so hard that he dared not come out. What kind of power is this?...

But at this moment, Su Ke didn't care what they thought in their hearts, and directly said to Nick Fury:"Nick, Banner will live here from today. Please take good care of him and meet all his needs. Of course, the most important thing is that he is my guest, so I don't want him to be locked up as a monster. You know what I mean, right?.?"

"understand...Don't worry, Dr. Banner is a famous physicist. I have always admired him. When he comes here, he is a guest of S.H.I.E.L.D. We will take good care of him!"

Nick Fury said with a smile.

As long as Banner does not turn into the Hulk, he is just a physicist, which is not dangerous for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Very good, Banner, then you can stay here for the time being. If you need anything, just tell Nick Fury directly. I'm leaving first!"

""Thank you for your trust in me!"

Banner said gratefully.

With a slight smile, Su Ke opened another space channel and went.

Then, he instantly appeared in his home, and it was already dark at this moment.

"You're back. Why are you back so late today?"

Emma said as she helped Su Ke take off his coat.

""I went to do two important things today, so I came back late!"

Su Ke said with a smile.

Emma didn't ask much after hearing this. Anyway, she only cared about Su Ke, and other people's affairs were not important to him.

After dinner, Su Ke came to the roof alone, and then began to let the system look for Loki's trace. He didn't forget that Loki was carrying a mind gem, which was also what he wanted to get.

But what he didn't expect was that the omnipotent system couldn't find Loki's trace.

"What's going on? Is there anything in this world that you can't do?"

Su Ke asked in his heart with some curiosity.

"The Infinity Stones are the most powerful force in the universe. Their existence will affect the positioning of the system. Because Loki carries the Mind Stone, the system cannot locate him, but what is certain is that Loki is not on Earth at the moment!"

The system replied.

Not on Earth? Then where can this guy go?

Su Ke frowned and thought, but then he was suddenly relieved. You know, Loki is not an ordinary villain, but a villain from the universe. No matter where he appears, it makes sense.

Forget it, don't think about it. Anyway, I will meet this guy sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Su Ke no longer considered this matter, but just when Su Ke was about to leave, something strange happened!

The surrounding environment suddenly changed at this moment and became extremely distorted. Houses and trees began to overlap, and the moon began to deform a little. Only In just a moment, Su Ke had come to a strange world.

This was a strange world, full of reflective, mirror-like things, just like a mirror world!

In an instant, Su Ke knew who did this!

It seemed that no one could do such a thing except the Ancient One!

Then, looking back, a bald woman appeared in front of Su Ke, it was the Ancient One!

The Ancient One's real name was Yao, she was the Supreme Sorcerer on Earth and the master of Doctor Strange. She was the guardian of the Earth, always monitoring anything that could threaten the Earth.

She was a powerful magician. A wizard, usually reading spells to trigger her magic, she can convert magical energy into invisibility, energy projection, penetration of objects, longevity, illusion, flight, hypnosis, protective shield, alchemy, telekinesis, instant movement, cross-space transmission, teleconference and other super powers.

She also has a strong astral projection ability, which can separate her spiritual body from the physical body. In this state, she is invisible and untouchable, does not need to breathe, eat or sleep, and is not affected by the laws of physics. At the same time, she can retain all his conscious thoughts. In addition

, she also has an extremely powerful psychic ability, which can She can communicate with more than ten targets through brainwaves at the same time. She can also read the thoughts of any human or implant memories. The telepathic ability of the Ancient One is not affected by distance. Basically, the entire earth is within her range of ability.

To put it simply, she is a very powerful guy!

A person that even Thanos is wary of!

With Suk's current strength, if he encounters a power-type enemy, he will definitely defeat the opponent, but when he encounters a magician like the Ancient One, he really has no confidence in his heart, because he is completely confused about things like the Rubik's Cube!

But of course, his intuition tells him that the Ancient One should not come to fight him......._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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