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Then, Gu Yi finally spoke

"Titan, what is your purpose in coming to Earth? This is a very peaceful place. You shouldn't be here!"

Gu Yi said calmly to Su Ke.

Su Ke smiled slightly.

"You are the Supreme Sorcerer on Earth, right? What's your name? I think it's Ancient One, right?"

Su Ke asked knowingly.

"Does it matter?"

The Ancient One still said calmly:"You should leave here, you don't belong here, your existence will only bring disaster to the earth!"

What the hell, do you have the final say on whether I am on earth or not?

Su Ke sneered in his heart, and at the same time, he was quickly thinking about how to defeat the Ancient One!

The only thing he can be sure of now is that the Ancient One can never kill him, because his body is basically indestructible, even if it is destroyed, it can be re-condensed with thoughts, but similarly, Su Ke can't kill the Ancient One, because the Ancient One has the Time Stone and can reverse time at will!


If Ancient One plans to use the same trick that Doctor Strange used on Dormammu on himself, that would be a bit disgusting....

Besides, according to the current plot, Ancient One seems to be about to die, and there is really no need for him to fight with a thousand dying people....

Thinking like this, Su Ke's mood gradually calmed down, and then he said lightly:"It's my freedom to go wherever I want, you should have no right to interfere, right? Besides, my planet has been destroyed, and the Earth is my second home to me. I don't need to do anything bad to the Earth. I just want to live here, that's all!"

Realizing that Su Ke was not lying, and that he had been preparing to fight against Loki and his alien army these days, Gu Yi knew in his heart that Su Ke should not be a threat to the Earth!

But when he thought of Su Ke's brother, Gu Yi's face sank again.

"But your brother..."

"Stop! Stop it!"

Before Ancient One could finish his words, Su Ke immediately made a stop gesture, and then said helplessly:"Please, Thanos is Thanos, I am me, we are completely different, okay? Does having a tyrant brother mean that I am that kind of person?"

Ancient One was silent again, because he suddenly thought of his two apprentices. Aren't they also one good and one evil?

"I came to you this time just to confirm certain things with you. Now that it has been confirmed, it is time for me to leave. But before I leave, I still want to warn you not to do anything that threatens the earth, otherwise I will come to you again!"

The Ancient One said slowly. It doesn't matter

, you'll be there soon anyway.

Suke thought indifferently.

Then, he broke the mirror world with his hands and left.

But when he left, the Ancient One did not forget to look at Suke again.

As the Supreme Sorcerer on Earth and the owner of time, the Ancient One has survived for countless years and has always been in control of the future of the entire Earth.

But the arrival of Suke made the Ancient One lose control of the future. Because of his existence, the future of the Earth has become unknown, and even he can't figure it out.

To put it simply, Suke is like a time paradox. He seems not to have appeared on Earth, but he came to Earth!

If Suke is just an ordinary existence, then for the sake of the Earth, the Ancient One will not hesitate to erase Suke's existence, but Suke is a Titan, and a Titan whose abilities are not inferior to his brother Thanos! The Ancient One is not sure to kill Suke, and is unwilling to take such a risk. In addition, Dormammu seems to be a little stupid and eager to move recently, so there is no need for her to fight Suke!

Then, the mirror world disappeared, the Ancient One left completely, and Suke returned to the roof of his home.

Magician...It's a real headache....

Su Ke shook his head and thought.

But of course, Su Ke didn't take the warning from Gu Yi seriously. Anyway, according to the current timeline, Gu Yi should be dead soon, so who cares! After a comfortable hot bath and some intimate time with Emma, Su Ke fell asleep.

The next morning, when Su Ke was still sleeping, the doorbell rang again.

"Ding Dong......"

Emma opened the door, only to find an old man she didn't know standing at the door with a dull expression.

""Hello, who are you looking for?"

Emma asked with a smile.

Since being with Su Ke, Emma rarely used telepathy to explore other people's memories and thoughts except when necessary, because she just wanted to be the little woman beside Su Ke and didn't want to be the White Queen again.

If someone didn't know him before, they would definitely think she was just an ordinary woman.

But when the old man spoke, Emma's face suddenly froze.

""Hello, Emma, I have to say, you really disappoint me!"

The old man said with a grin.

Although his appearance and tone were different from the man Emma had met before, the expression on the old man's face made Emma guess who was controlling this old man to talk to her!


The evil god Loki!

"It's you!"

Emma gritted her teeth and said, her eyes were about to burst into fire

"Yes, it's me. You still remember me, but it seems that you have forgotten the deal between us!"

In the distant starry sky, on an unknown planet, Loki was saying with a wicked smile, and his every move was fully displayed through the old man.


Emma was so angry that he was shaking.

But at this moment, a pair of warm hands suddenly rested on his shoulders.

Looking back, who else could it be but Su Ke?

"Suk, he is..."

"Needless to say, I know everything. Be good and go in quickly. Leave the things here to me!"

Before Emma could finish her words, Su Ke suddenly interrupted her and kissed Emma gently on the forehead. Although

Emma was angry, she finally turned around and walked into the house after hearing this.

Then, only Su Ke and the old man controlled by Loki were left at the door!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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