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(PS:The Loki in this book is a little more cunning and treacherous than the Loki in the movie, but of course he still kneels at the feet of the protagonist and calls him grandpa in the end....)

It must be said that Loki's arrival was really beyond Suk's expectations. You know, he was still thinking about looking for Loki last night, but he didn't expect that this guy would come to his door this morning.

Although he was borrowing someone else's body!

First, he looked Suk up and down, and then Loki said with a playful look on his face:"I really didn't expect that I could meet another Titan. It's really my honor!"

Suk smiled faintly and said:"I am also very happy to see you. Why don't you tell me where you are now, and then I will go to you directly. How about we talk face to face?"

In view of what Loki did to Emma before, Suk didn't say to kill Loki, but at least beat this guy half to death.

But after hearing this, Loki smiled cunningly:"I have heard about you from Asgard. You have very powerful power, even as powerful as your brother Thanos. In this case, do you think I will let you find me?"

"So what do you want to talk to me about? I'm very busy, stop talking nonsense!"

Su Ke is not a fool, he has already seen that Loki's purpose of coming this time is not for Emma, but for him!

"Come on, my plan was supposed to be perfect. I used the White Queen and Red Tank to start a war between mutants and humans, and then I could easily invade the Earth. But you interrupted my plan and forced me to seek his help! I thought it was foolproof, but who would have thought? There would be a Titan on Earth....To put it simply, I want to make a deal with you!"

Loki said slowly, his eyes still cunning.

And there is no doubt that the"he" he was talking about was naturally Su Ke's brother Thanos!

As a super villain with a high IQ, Loki has always been a perfect conspirator. Relying on his own conspiracy, Loki almost killed the Avengers.

Su Ke didn't believe that Loki would sincerely make any deal with him, but he suddenly became interested in Loki's next words.

"Keep talking, I'm listening!"

"Won't you invite me in?" Loki smiled and said,"This is not a good place to talk!"

"No!" Su Ke shook his head and said,"The room has just been cleaned, you will dirty it!"

"What a irony..."

With a nonchalant smile, Loki, who was far away on an unknown planet in the universe, suddenly snapped his fingers. Then, a faint blue halo suddenly appeared around Suke, enveloping Suke and the old man controlled by Loki.

"Well, now no one can hear what we say!"

Loki laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, my patience is limited.

Seeing that Loki had said so much nonsense but still hadn't gotten to the point, he was already a little impatient.

Noticing this, Loki didn't waste any more words and said,"The deal is simple. As long as you don't stop me from invading the Earth, I will help you kill Thanos, your brother!"


Su Ke was somewhat surprised when he heard this. He was surprised that Loki would actually propose such a deal.

"If I'm not mistaken, you and Thanos also have a deal, right?"

Su Ke was not in a hurry to answer Loki, but asked

"That's right, the deal between us is very simple, I help him get the Space Stone, and he helps me get Earth and Asgard!"

Since he was going to make a deal with Suk, Loki did not hide the matter between him and Thanos.

"In that case, I am very curious, why do you still want to make a deal with me? Isn't this the deal you want? Why do you still want to help me kill Thanos?"

Su Ke said again

"It's very simple. I don't believe in Thanos. That guy is a madman, a madman bewitched by death....As long as you agree to my request, I will give you both the Space Stone and the Mind Stone, and you will have the power to kill him. What do you think?" When

Loki mentioned death, a look of fear appeared on his face.

·····Asking for flowers··

If I just ignore Loki's invasion of the earth, I can get two Infinity Stones. I have to say, this is really a good thing!

However, Loki certainly didn't expect that the space gem in his hand was fake....

And because of his understanding of Loki, Su Ke knew that even if he promised Loki, Loki would definitely not keep his promise.

This guy has always been like this!

"Compared to your deal, I have a deal here. As long as you obediently hand over the two Infinity Stones in your hand to me, then I will mercifully spare your life. What do you think?"

000 Suk said with a smile. Loki's face froze.

"Are you rejecting me?"

"No, I just proposed a better deal. Think about it carefully, Loki. This is a matter of life and death for you!"

Su Ke said meaningfully.

"hehe...You will regret it, you absolutely will!"

Loki smiled with an ugly look on his face.

Having said that, the two of them had completely broken down in their talks. Then, the old man standing in front of Suke suddenly fell down. It was obvious that Loki had left!

Damn, why didn't this guy come in person?

Muttering helplessly, Suke casually opened a space channel leading to the hospital, and then threw the fainted old man to a hospital.

Then, he turned and went into the house.

As for what Loki said just now, he was naturally ignored by Suke, because it was obvious that Loki just wanted to use himself, but Suke was not a fool and would not be fooled by him at all.

Anyway, he had to get the Mind Gem on Loki no matter what!

Besides, if Suke really agreed to Loki, how would he explain it to Emma and Red Tank?

You know, because of the previous mutant incident, Emma and Red Tank almost wanted to cut Loki into pieces, and Suke would not do such a thing that would make his woman uncomfortable! _

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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