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On the other side, on an unknown planet in the universe, Loki was thinking about something with a serious face.

Suke guessed correctly, he really wanted to use Suke to achieve his own goals, but what he didn't expect was that Suke seemed to have seen through his plan and didn't fall for it at all!

This would be a bit troublesome. If Suke insisted on intervening in this matter, then his plan would never succeed!

After all, Titan is not something he can deal with!


Find another helper?

Just when he thought of this, Loki suddenly laughed again, because he suddenly thought of a guy he found on Earth a long time ago....

That was a terrifying guy, a guy who was strong enough to compete with the Titans.

Although he was difficult to control, it was worth it to let Suke know the price of rejecting him!

Thinking of this, Loki's mind moved again, and then, in an abandoned underground base far away in Russia, Loki's figure suddenly appeared here again.

But of course, this was just one of his clones. Although it couldn't do anything big, it was enough to free one person!

Gently walking to the hibernation chamber in front of him, Loki stretched out his hand to wipe off the dust on the hibernation chamber, and then, a very strong man with his eyes closed suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sentinel, I will release you, but you must obey my orders and remember your enemy, Suk! Kill him!"

Loki said with a fierce smile.

On the other hand, Suk still knew nothing about Loki's conspiracy....

After enjoying two days of relatively peaceful life, on the third day, Suke received a call from Tony.

"Avengers, assemble!"

Tony suddenly shouted this sentence as soon as he picked up the phone, which made Su Ke speechless.

"I've been thinking of a slogan that would suit us, what do you think of this one?"

Tony asked

"What does this have to do with me, Tony? Didn't I reject your invitation long ago? I won't join any organization. I can only help you. Also, don't say that again. It sounds weird!"

Su Ke said speechlessly.

""Okay, okay, let's talk about whether to join the Avengers later. SHIELD seems to have found Loki's whereabouts. Now we are all in SHIELD, and you are the only one missing. Come quickly!"

Tony said.

The battle of New York is finally about to begin!

After hanging up the phone and instructing Emma again, Suke opened a space channel. With one step across, he instantly appeared in an office of SHIELD. At this moment, many people have gathered here.

Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, Coulson, Black Widow, Banner, Thor, Ant-Man, Tony, and Daisy, who had just been allowed by Nick to join the Avengers.

Seeing these people, Suke was very pleased. This is what the Avengers should look like!

"Mr. Suke!"

The moment Daisy saw Suke appear, she ran to his side with excitement, and then said:"The director has agreed to let me join the Avengers, and Mr. Tony has also agreed. From now on, I am also an Avenger!"

After several days of intensive training, Daisy has mastered her abilities very well. Coupled with the special props that SHIELD has given her that can enhance her vibration ability, the power she possesses is no longer to be underestimated by anyone. That's why Tony agreed to her!

"Very good, then the responsibility of protecting the earth will be handed over to you in the future!"

Suke smiled at Daisy and said.

Then, he greeted Tony Benatole and others, and then Suke found a place to sit down. Daisy was sitting far away, but after seeing Suke's position, she suddenly stood up, and then walked back to Suke with a red face and sat down.

Tony saw this scene and felt funny in his heart.

This guy is really popular with women!...

"cough cough..."

All the staff have arrived. After coughing twice, Nick Fury stood at the front and said,"First of all, on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., welcome everyone...."

Nick Fury suddenly stopped talking halfway because someone unexpectedly appeared at the door.

Captain America!

""Report! Soldier Rogers is here to report!"

Rogers, wearing his iconic outfit, said with determination.

Although a little surprised, Nick Fury reacted immediately and said,"Captain, welcome to the Avengers, please take a seat!"

On the other side, Coulson, the number one fan of Captain America, had already pulled out a stool for Rogers....

Rogers didn't say anything and just walked over and sat down.

Suke was not too surprised by Rogers' arrival, because he understood that Bucky was just an obsession in Rogers' heart. As long as Bucky died, Rogers' obsession would disappear.

As the captain of the United States with the strongest sense of justice in the Marvel Universe, he would never watch the earth fall into danger and do nothing!

When Tony saw Rogers, he deliberately avoided his gaze. Similarly, Rogers didn't even look at Tony....

However, considering what happened before, this situation is inevitable.

At this moment, the personnel have finally gathered!

Looking at all the people in front of him, Nick Fury is really confident at this moment. At this moment, no matter which blind guy wants to come to the earth to cause trouble, he is sure to beat them back!

But before that, he has to share the information in his hand

"This morning, through radar monitoring, we finally found Loki's whereabouts and basically determined the name of Loki's army. They are composed of a group called Chitauri...."


Thor was somewhat surprised when he heard this, because as far as he knew, the Chitauri seemed to be part of Thanos' army. If so, then wasn't Loki helping Thanos to attack the Earth?

He originally thought that Loki invaded the Earth just to avenge himself, but now it seems that the matter is much more serious than he thought......

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