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"Do you know about this matter?"

Then Thor suddenly looked at Suke and asked.

Suke knew that Thor was talking about the Chitauri army, so he nodded and indicated that he knew.

Sure enough, this guy knew everything....

Thor was a little speechless.

But at this moment, an agent suddenly ran in from outside and said nervously:"Report! We found Loki's trace!"

"Where is it?"

Nick Fury's face changed, he stood up suddenly and asked

"According to the location, it should be Stuttgart, Germany!"

Very good!

Hearing this, everyone was delighted, because in their opinion, as long as they could catch Loki before he summoned the army, then his plan to invade the earth would definitely fail!

""Let's go! Avengers!"

Tony waved his arm and walked out first, followed by Black Widow, Thor, Ant-Man and Rogers.

Daisy was originally planning to go with them, but then she saw that Suke had no intention of leaving at all, so she asked curiously,"Mr. Suke, why don't you go?"

"I won't go. I always feel that this matter is not that simple. You can go with them. Just treat it as exercise, but remember, don't be stubborn!"

Su Ke said slowly.

"I know, thank you!"

Daisy said this with a smile, and then she left.

For a moment, only Nick Fury, Coulson, Banner and Suk were left in the entire conference room.

Banner has been performing very well recently and has no intention of transforming at all, which makes Nick Fury very pleased, but he is also a little disappointed. If only Hulk had such a good temper as Banner, then he would become one of the most powerful heroes on Earth!

Tapping the table lightly with his fingers, Suk began to recall all the details about the Battle of New York.

According to the original timeline, Loki should be in Stuttgart, Dé country, stealing an extremely rare metal iridium. Loki cannot master the energy of the space gem, so he can only rely on the power of Earth's technology!

But thinking of the previous conversation, Suk always felt that this matter should not be that simple....

Half an hour later, Nick Fury received a reply from Tony.

"Tony and the others have captured Loki and are on their way back now!"

Nick Fury said to Suk excitedly.

However, hearing this, Suk frowned even deeper.

In Nick Fury's view, as long as Loki is captured, no matter what Loki is planning, he will not be able to carry it out, which is definitely a good thing for the earth.

But obviously, Suk doesn't think so!

According to the development of the original plot, Loki was deliberately captured by S.H.I.E.L.D., and then with the help of Hawkeye, he successfully destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s helicarrier and even angered Banner, and then he escaped. His purpose was to... It was to destroy the Avengers, which were not very united to begin with!

But then again, he had already made it clear that he would intervene in this matter. Would Loki really follow the previous script again?

Su Ke didn't know, but just in case, he still said to Nick Fury:"Nick, from now on, I need you to send a team to patrol around the aerospace carrier continuously to prevent sneak attacks. In addition, please temporarily transfer Dr. Banner to another place. I have a hunch that something big will happen here soon!"

Although Hulk was scared by Suk before and dared not come out, Loki is a magician. As long as he wants, it must be very easy to let Banner transform into Hulk, so Suk made such a decision.

Banner and Nick Fury had no objection to Suk's decision. Soon, a helicopter began to patrol around the aerospace aircraft carrier, and Coulson arranged for Banner to leave temporarily.

After doing all this, Suk's heart finally settled down. He wanted to see what tricks Loki could come up with.

Soon, Tony and the others caught Loki back, but when they came back, everyone's faces were not very good.

""What happened?"

Suke asked Daisy curiously.

He was fine before he left, why is he like this after he came back?

Then, with Daisy's explanation, Suke finally understood what was going on.

Because Loki is an Asgardian and a super villain who wants to invade the earth, when he first came on the scene, Tony directly used a very powerful weapon, but before the weapon was fired, he was hit from the sky by Thor's hammer because Thor was worried that Tony would kill Loki!

When has Tony ever suffered such a loss? He fought with Thor at that time. The remaining Black Widow, Captain America, and Inhuman Daisy were no match for Loki and were almost killed by Loki!

Although Thor and Tony finally stopped in the end and caught Loki together, everyone was furious....

After hearing this, Su Ke was completely speechless. As expected! This is exactly like in the movie. These guys are not united at all....

Next, Tony couldn't help it first.


He slammed his palm on the table and said angrily:"Thor, why did you try to stop me just now?"

Thor said:"Loki is my brother, I won't allow any of you to kill him!"

"But it's obvious that your brother wanted to kill us. If Tony hadn't arrived in time, we would have died long ago!"

Black Widow said as she moved her sore wrist.

"Everyone, it is right not to kill people, but this is based on the premise that we will not be killed. As far as the situation just now is concerned, Loki obviously wants to kill us!" The one who spoke was Ant-Man. Among these people, he was the most seriously injured, with a broken arm.

"I'm sorry, but even so, I still can't let you kill him!"

Thor still said stubbornly.

As he said this, the whole conference room started to quarrel again.

Su Ke was helpless when he heard it. A space channel opened and he instantly came to a place like a prison.

At this moment, the person who appeared in front of him was none other than Loki!

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