When Loki saw Su Ke for the first time, his unique evil smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"We can finally talk face to face, powerful Titan, it's my honor!"

Loki bent down slightly, looked at Suke with an evil smile and said.

Suke sneered and said,"Okay, Loki, no more polite words, I came here for nothing else but the Mind Gem in your hand, be quick and give it to me!" When Loki heard this, he shrugged helplessly and said,"As you can see, the Mind Gem and the Space Gem are not in my hands now, but if you can reconsider the previous deal, then I will still give you the Space Gem and the Mind Gem!"


Suke found it funny and said,"Do you think you are still qualified to talk about a deal with me now?"

Loki was not angry, but suddenly sat down cross-legged, and then smiled and said,"It's not the last step yet, and it's still uncertain who will win and who will lose!"

At this moment, Suke really wanted to strangle Loki to death, but considering that this guy was the only one in front of him who knew the whereabouts of the Mind Stone, he finally held back.

Pulling a stool casually and sitting down, Suke slowly said:"If I guess correctly, you were caught here by them on purpose, right? Then you want to stimulate Banner to transform into Hulk through Hawkeye's attack, and then make a big fuss in S.H.I.E.L.D., so that S.H.I.E.L.D. will have no time to take care of you, right?"

Loki's face froze at first, and then he clapped his hands helplessly and said:"Smart!...You are really smart. You actually knew the plan. This is really beyond my expectation!"

"Hawkeye, I just received a message from Nick Fury that they have successfully captured Hawkeye. As for Banner, I have also sent him to a safe place. I am very curious, what are you going to do next?"

Suke said to Loki with a playful look on his face.

Unlike the Loki in the original timeline, the current Loki is more cunning and more elusive. Suke always feels that he should have some other plans.

Sure enough, when Loki heard this, he laughed instead of getting angry. He said,"What you said is just Plan A. When I knew that a Titan was going to intervene in this matter, I had already prepared Plan B, and my Plan B was for you!"

"Plan B? What plan?"

Suke asked with a frown.

Loki was silent at first, just closed his eyes and felt it, but then he suddenly opened his eyes and grinned:"You will know soon, because he is coming!"

At the same time, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in an underground base in Russia, and then a man in a yellow battle suit suddenly soared into the sky and flew towards New York.

He was very fast, and S.H.I.E.L.D. soon noticed his presence.

"Director, according to the radar, an unidentified object is coming towards us at supersonic speed from the direction of Russia, and the estimated arrival time is three minutes!"

Soon, Nick Fury received a report about the Sentinel!

"What is this? A missile?"

Nick Fury said in surprise, but then he shook his head. Since knowing the news that Loki was going to invade the earth, all countries have signed a peace agreement, and it is impossible to go to war!

If it is not a missile, then what is it?

"Okay, no matter what it is, we'll know when I knock it down!"

Tony looked at Thor with disdain and flew out.

""Humph! This is mine!"

Thor shouted unconvinced, and flew out.

But soon, Nick Fury received a shocking message.

"Report, report! Iron Man Tony Stark and Thor have been defeated and are currently missing. The speed of the unidentified object has changed from supersonic to superluminal and is heading towards us. There is still one minute left before the impact!"


When hearing this, not only Nick Fury was shocked and speechless, but even Black Widow and the others were the same!

In just one minute, the other party defeated Thor and Tony....Is this possible?

This is simply incredible........

In this situation, I'm afraid everyone will die.......

"What happened?"

Suddenly at this moment, Suk appeared in front of everyone.

Nick Fury seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, rushed to Suk and said anxiously:"Something bad has happened. Our radar just detected that an unknown object is heading towards us from the direction of Russia. Tony and Thor wanted to stop him, but they were defeated in an instant. Now it is less than half a minute before that thing hits us!" Defeated

Thor and Tony in an instant?

Suk was a little surprised. Is there such an awesome existence on Earth?

But then, he suddenly remembered what Loki had said before....

Needless to say, this must be Loki's doing.

""Leave it to me!"

Su Ke said lightly, and he opened a space channel directly. The next second, he suddenly appeared in the sky tens of thousands of meters high.

It was at this time that he saw a yellow figure rushing towards him quickly not far away. The iconic costume made Su Ke shout out his name at once!


The Sentinel's real name is Robert Reynolds. He was originally a drug addict. He broke into a professor's laboratory to get drugs and accidentally drank the secret formula invented by the professor. He gained powerful abilities, which were energy from another universe, but this energy also created a negative personality in Robert's body, that is, nothingness.

In order to protect humans from the threat of nothingness, Robert had to delete all the memories related to him, including himself. He has the power of millions of star explosions in his body and is a super powerful existence with unknown strength!

And there is no doubt that the Sentinel in front of him is Loki's Plan B!

Although Loki had told Suke before that he had prepared a Plan B for Suke, Suke never thought that this so-called plan would be the Sentinel.

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