Although he was somewhat surprised by the appearance of the Sentinel, Suk reacted instantly and then rushed towards the Sentinel.

With the current strength and speed of the Sentinel, if he were to hit the helicarrier, then S.H.I.E.L.D. would be annihilated, and so would the Avengers. Suk could not let the Sentinel hit the helicarrier!


The moment the two collided, an incredibly powerful shock wave erupted. The power of the shock wave even affected the aerospace mothership dozens of miles away! The aerospace mothership shook, shocking everyone!

"Coulson, go watch Loki, don't let him escape, there shouldn't be any problem with Suk there, I believe in his strength!"

Nick Fury ordered Coulson.


After answering, Coulson quickly ran to the place where Loki was imprisoned.

At the same time, Suk was also surprised by the power of the Sentinel. After a brief fight just now, he had felt that the Sentinel was almost as powerful as him.���Strength!

But after being surprised, Su Ke was excited again!

Because he could finally have a good fight!

As a being who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Superman, Sentinel was indeed qualified to be his opponent!

Although he seemed to be controlled by Loki, it was also because of this that this guy's strength was not restricted by himself!

Then, Sentinel rushed over again

""Come at the right time!"

Su Ke smiled and flew over quickly.........

Through the window, Nick Fury and the others only saw bursts of explosions in the air not far away from them. The huge power shattered all the white clouds in the sky, and even shook the entire SHIELD to the point of collapse, which shocked everyone.

If Suk hadn't gone to fight the Sentinel, I'm afraid they and the aerospace carrier would have been destroyed by the Sentinel long ago.......

Suddenly, at this moment, the door was pushed open, and then an agent shouted anxiously:"Chief, it's bad, Loki escaped, Agent Coulson...He's dying!"


Hearing this, Nick Fury felt his heart sink and he hurried over....

After fighting with the sentinel in the air, Su Ke suddenly discovered something that surprised him. He seemed to be getting stronger and stronger in the process of fighting with the sentinel!

Originally, his strength was equal to that of the sentinel, but after just a few minutes, he was surprised to find that he could suppress the sentinel!

What happened?

After punching the sentinel again, Su Ke asked in surprise:

"The host does not need to be surprised. The Sentinel has the energy of a million stars exploding in its body, and this energy is also a kind of mysterious power. In the process of fighting with the Sentinel, the host will continue to absorb the energy of a million stars exploding from the Sentinel, so the host will become stronger and stronger!"

As if sensing Su Ke's doubts, the system explained in Su Ke's mind.

Hearing this, Su Ke laughed all of a sudden. Getting stronger the more he fights? This is simply too cool!

But then, he suddenly had a rather evil idea in his mind....

If I absorbed all the power of the Sentinel, what kind of existence would I become?

As soon as this thought came to my mind, Su Ke could no longer hold back, and his eyes suddenly looked at the Sentinel with a hint of murderous intent!

But just as he was about to act, a figure suddenly appeared beside the Sentinel.

It was Loki!

"Hello, Suke! I'm glad to see you having so much fun with the Sentinels, but I'm sorry, we have other things to do. Believe me, we'll see each other again soon!"

After saying this with a smile, Loki suddenly disappeared with the Sentinels.

If it weren't for the Sentinels, Loki would never dare to speak to Suke like this, but with the Sentinels, a helper who could compete with Suke, Loki couldn't help but feel more confident. He even felt that even when facing Thanos, he no longer needed to be afraid!

But of course, the premise is that he can definitely control the Sentinels, but the power in the Sentinels' bodies is too huge, and there is a danger of escaping his control at any time, so he can only think about this kind of thing.

After Loki left with the Sentinels, only Suke was left here Alone!

Su Ke was somewhat surprised. He did not expect that the plot would return to the original timeline. The only difference was that Loki did not rely on Banner's power, but relied on the power of the Sentinel who was stronger than Banner!

And it is obvious that Loki in this timeline is much stronger than the one in the movie.

Loki in the movie, as a long-range attack magician, often has low IQ and often likes to play close combat with others. As a result, he is beaten and unable to take care of himself every time. But the Loki here is completely the opposite. He has been setting up sophisticated plans and conspiracies, and then step by step pulls everyone into his conspiracy....

In terms of strength, many people in the Avengers can fight Loki alone, but in terms of strategy, no one in the Avengers can compare to Loki....

Loki left with the sentinels. It was meaningless for Suk to stay here any longer. The space channel opened and Suk instantly returned to the previous meeting room.

But for some reason, the atmosphere here seemed a little wrong at this moment.

"What happened?"

Su Ke asked curiously after finding a place to sit down.

Nick Fury showed a sad look on his face, and said slowly:"Colson was killed by Loki!"


Su Ke was a little surprised when he heard this, but then he seemed to remember that Coulson seemed to have died in the original plot. Although he was resurrected later, that was a thing of the future....

No, I still have to go check it out....

Thinking this in his mind, Su Ke opened another space channel and appeared in the S.H.I.E.L.D. medical room....

Although he had only known Coulson for a short time, Suke still had a good impression of him. If he could save his life, Suke would do it!

But then again, Suke was not sure if the system could revive a dead person.......

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