When Su Ke appeared in the infirmary, he found that Coulson was covered with a white cloth and the medical staff had given up on treating him.

""What happened? Is this guy really dead?"

Su Ke asked the medical staff beside him while lifting the white cloth.

""I'm sorry, we really tried our best. Coulson's wounds were fatal and we couldn't save him!"

A man who seemed to be the attending doctor said slowly, with a rather sad tone.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson had always been a popular guy, and many people liked him. Now that he was dead, it was reasonable for them to be sad.

""Okay, all of you go out, I want to try to save Agent Coulson!"

Suk waved his hand, signaling everyone to leave.

However, when they heard this, the medical staff present were a little stunned. This person is dead, can he still be saved?

But then, they thought of another thing, that is, the man in front of them was not a human being at all, but an alien....

No one dared to say a word, and everyone retreated.

After everyone left, Suk tore off the white cloth on Coulson's body. Then, a wound appeared in front of him. Unlike the wounds in the movie, this one seemed to be caused by some kind of energy weapon. Coulson's chest was punched with a fist-sized hole.

In"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", Coulson was resurrected by Nick using the Tahiti plan and his memory was modified, but Suk had no idea about this plan, so he could only seek help from the system.

"System, do you have any way to save Coulson?"

Su Ke asked in his heart.

"The host can exchange the super self-healing serum from the system mall. As long as the self-healing serum is injected, Coulson can be resurrected!" said the system.

Su Ke was slightly stunned and said,"Wait, didn't you say before that the super self-healing serum can only heal people who are not dead? How can Coulson be resurrected with the super self-healing serum if he is already dead?"

"According to the system detection, Coulson still has a trace of consciousness in his mind, and is not completely dead, so the super self-healing serum is still effective. However, please hurry up, there are only 10 seconds left before Coulson's real death. The countdown starts now, 10, 9, 8......"

At the end of the conversation, the system had already started counting down.

Although this was a bit unbelievable, Su Ke still reacted in an instant. He opened the system mall and found the super self-healing serum. He didn't even look at the price and immediately decided to buy it!

The moment he got the serum, he injected it into Coulson's chest....

"3, 2, 1!"

As the system countdown finished, the serum was completely injected into Coulson's body.

Then, the serum began to work and quickly repaired Coulson's wounds......

Finally caught up!

Seeing this, Su Ke knew that Coulson would definitely survive.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, and then checked his system points. This really made him feel a little painful. He actually lost 200,000 system points at once. In other words, the price of the super self-healing serum was actually 200,000!

Black-hearted system!

Su Ke couldn't help but complain in his heart.

At this time, Coulson finally slowly opened his eyes.

"I...this...What the hell is going on? Am I dead?"

Coulson sat up and said in surprise while touching his intact chest.

"Death? If you still want to die now, I can help you do it!"

Su Ke said with a painful look on his face.

"Huh? Mr. Suk! Wait a minute....Did you save me just now?"

Seeing Su Ke, Coulson suddenly realized something.

""Okay, stop talking nonsense and follow me!"

Su Ke didn't say much, he directly opened another space channel and walked in first, and at the other end was the previous meeting room.

At the same time, in the meeting room, Nick Fury had completed the mobilization work. Because of Coulson's death, the entire Avengers finally abandoned all previous prejudices and truly united together.

Thor and Tony have also returned here, but looking at their embarrassed faces, you know that it must have taken a lot of effort. After hearing that Loki killed Coulson, Tony's face was full of deep self-blame, because Coulson was his friend!

Tony was also a little sad in his heart, and he began to regret not being nicer to Coulson......

Just when everyone looked sad, Suk suddenly appeared with Coulson....

What the hell! What's going on?

Everyone was completely stunned, because except for Thor and Tony, everyone else had seen Coulson just now. At that time, Coulson had already completely stopped breathing and was dead!

But now, he actually appeared alive in front of everyone!

This is really...It's incredible!

Seeing everyone looking at him with wide eyes, Coulson scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and then said:"Mr. Suk saved me!"

Thor was the first to react, and he gave Coulson a big hug, and then shouted excitedly:"My friend, I'm glad to see you are still alive!"

Tony punched Coulson directly on the chest, and then laughed:"I knew that you would not die so easily!"

Then, others also greeted Coulson.

Nick Fury was a little excited, but he finally held back, and just smiled at Coulson with relief.

For a moment, the atmosphere here suddenly became cheerful again.

"cough cough..."

After coughing twice, Nick Fury said,"Everything that happened before was caused by our carelessness and distrust, but from now on, I hope everyone can truly unite. The world needs you to save it, and the world needs the Avengers!" When he said this, Nick Fury's eyes were filled with determination!

Similarly, everyone else's eyes were filled with determination!

Su Ke knew in his heart that only now had the Avengers been truly established!

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