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Next, just as everyone was about to discuss how to defeat Loki, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and then Black Widow walked in with Hawkeye, who looked exhausted.

Black Widow and Hawkeye were sad when they heard that Coulson was killed by Loki, but what they didn't expect was that Coulson was still alive!

""Coulson, you're still alive! That's great, my friend!"

Hawkeye walked up and gave Coulson a big hug!

Black Widow nodded at Coulson. She and Coulson were old acquaintances, so there was no need to be so polite.

Then, they finally got to the point!

"Loki wants to use the Space Stone to open a channel to connect to the alien army. Where do you think he will choose?"

Putting a map of New York City on the table, Nick Fury looked at everyone and asked

"My brother Loki is an arrogant and conceited guy, very vain. If he really wants to do something, he will definitely let everyone notice it, and he will choose the most conspicuous place!"

Thor said slowly.

The most conspicuous place?

Tony's eyelids suddenly jumped when he heard this. It seems that the most conspicuous place in the entire New York City is his Stark Building....

Reluctantly pointing out the location of Stark Tower on the map, Tony then spoke:"Okay, now we are sure that Loki will open the cosmic channel here, but there is still one most important question, what should we do with the guy in yellow clothes? To be honest, that guy is too powerful. He defeated Thor and me in just one encounter!"

"Tony is right. Compared to Loki and the Chitauri, that guy is the real threat. He is very powerful!"

Thor also said with a serious face.

Nick Fury heard this and looked at Suk again.

"Mr. Su Ke, you have fought with this guy before, and you once told us that his name is Sentinel. You must know something about him, right? Please explain it to everyone!"

Su Ke realized that everyone's eyes were looking at him, and then he slowly said:"This guy is called Sentinel, an American, his real name is Robert Reynolds, and he was originally a drug addict. In order to get drugs, he broke into a professor's laboratory and accidentally drank the secret formula invented by the professor, which gave him powerful abilities."

"That was energy from another universe, containing the power of millions of star explosions. Although this energy was powerful, it also created a negative personality in Robert, namely Nothingness. Nothingness was a monster personality that only knew how to kill!"

"But it seems that this guy must have put himself into a deep sleep before, until Loki found and controlled him! If you think that the current Sentinel is already very powerful, then I can tell you that you are totally wrong. The Sentinel's other personality, Nothingness, is the most powerful. As long as he wants, he can destroy any planet in minutes! Of course, this includes the Earth!"

Because no one present knew the Sentinel, Su Ke could only tell everything he knew.

After hearing these words, Nick Fury's face turned pale.

At this moment, his heart really seemed to be galloping through ten thousand horses. When did such a powerful existence appear on Earth, and it was an American, and he didn't even hear any movement!

This Director of SHIELD is really a pain in the ass!

Noticing that everyone's faces were a little ugly, Su Ke chuckled again and said,"Okay, leave the Sentinel to me. He was originally awakened by Loki to deal with me. This is a challenge, and I will accept this challenge!"

"Then we will have to deal with Loki and the Chitauri army. As the prince of Asgard, Suk, I promise you that I will not let Loki succeed!"

Thor said solemnly.

"Don't worry, we will definitely win. We are the Avengers. There is nothing we can't do!"

Tony said with a smile.

At the same time, on the top floor of the Stock Building, Loki was looking nervously at a group of people in front of him fiddling with a special device. The Space Stone was a powerful thing, so powerful that even Loki couldn't use it directly, and could only rely on human technology and tools.

(PS: Loki was holding the Cosmic Cube at this time. The Space Stone was only after the Cosmic Cube was opened, but the author often mixes it up, so please don't mind, it's all the same anyway!)

But of course, what really made him nervous was not the Space Stone, but the Sentinel standing next to him at this moment!

Loki felt more and more that the Sentinel had gradually slipped out of his control, and it seemed that another extremely dark personality was awakening in this guy's body, which made Loki feel a little scared!

Although he knew very early that he could not completely control the Sentinel, he still didn't expect the Sentinel to break free from his control so quickly.

If this guy goes berserk, it will be very scary...

Just as Loki was thinking about it, a blue beam of light suddenly shot up from his side. When it reached a certain point in the sky, it suddenly exploded. Then, a space channel similar to a black hole began to appear, and it became larger and larger, and soon expanded into a circular channel with a diameter of several kilometers. At the other end of the channel, the impatient Chitauri began to rush down....

It's started!

At this moment, Loki suddenly laughed again.

On the other side, after receiving the alarm, Suk instantly opened a space channel and brought everyone to the downstairs of Stark Tower.

The moment Suk appeared, the sentinel next to Loki suddenly locked onto Suk. This was the first spell Loki had cast on the sentinel.

"Go!" Loki grinned and said,"Although I can't control you anymore, I can at least make you stronger. Kill Suk, this is your last mission!"

After saying this, Loki tapped the sentry's chest with the scepter in his hand. Then, the sentry's eyes suddenly turned dark, and his whole aura became a little different....

It was obvious that he had become nothingness!

The strongest state of the Sentinel!

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