As the space channel appeared over New York City, the entire city suddenly became chaotic, and countless small black dots poured out from the space channel and began to wreak havoc in New York City.

But no one dared to move at this time, because at this moment, the sentinel was guarding beside Loki, and the strong pressure made even Thor dare not approach!

"This guy...It seems to be different!"

Looking up at the sentry, Tony said with some doubt

"That's right, this guy's dark side has awakened, and now he has become nothingness, the strongest state of the Sentinel!"

Su Ke said slowly, with a gleam in his eyes.

Whether it's a Sentinel or nothingness, it will become a part of his power anyway!

As soon as Su Ke finished speaking, the sentinel on the roof suddenly swooped down

"Leave the sentry to me, and I'll leave this place to you!"

Seeing this, Su Ke immediately gave an order, then flew up and crashed into the sentry.


Then, another shock wave spread out.���

"Thor, I'll leave those aliens in the air to you. The others go stop the aliens that have come to the ground. I'll try to shut down the machine!"

Tony said to the others as he slowly flew up.

This time, no one refuted him. Thor flew up first, and then summoned lightning to directly attack the Chitauri who had just come out of the space channel.

The rest of Rogers, Black Widow, Daisy and others also started fighting....

In a moment, Tony had flown to the top of the Stark Building, and at this moment, a strange machine was running.

"Dr. Eric, please stop this machine. Do you know what you are doing?"

Looking around, Tony saw that among the people operating the machine, there was someone he knew, so he warned

"Feel sorry..."

Eric said in a daze:"I can't stop him. Once this machine starts, it can't be stopped...."

All right!

Seeing this, Tony didn't waste any words and fired directly at the device.

Unfortunately, the powerful shells didn't even destroy the protective force field outside the machine, and even triggered the self-protection device of the force field. In an instant, a powerful shock wave spread out again, blowing Tony away.

"Sir, it is made of pure energy and cannot be broken!"

Jarvis warned

"I already know!"

Tony said with a smile, and began to look at Loki, and at this moment, Loki was also looking at him.

The armor on Tony's body had been damaged a lot by the Sentinel before, and half of its energy was consumed. It was impossible to save New York City with this armor, and he needed a new armor!

"Jarvis, I need that!"

"But sir, Mark VII is not yet fully compatible with the new element. I still need to test it...."

"No! I will test it myself, get ready!"

Tony said with a smile, then landed on the top floor platform and began to remove the armor on his body....

Loki smiled and walked into the room....

The Avengers were busy in New York City, and Suke was not idle either. Suke was even under much more pressure than them! The completely blackened Sentinel was several times stronger than before. At the beginning, he even had a tendency to suppress Suke, but it didn't take long for Suke to be on par with the Sentinel, because in this fight, he had been absorbing the energy of the Sentinel!

Every collision between the two would destroy all lives and buildings within a few kilometers. Although Suke didn't care about the lives of New Yorkers, he didn't want to see these people die in vain. Besides, Emma was also in New York City at the moment, and he had to consider Emma's safety!

Thinking of this, Suke rushed towards the Sentinel again. At the same time, he opened a space channel behind the Sentinel. The other end of the space channel was in space!

The earth couldn't withstand the battle between Suke and the Sentinel, so Suke could only pull the battlefield into space.

He kicked the Sentinel into the space channel, and Suke flew in immediately.

Without the threat of the Sentinels, the other Avengers on Earth were relatively relaxed, but of course, this relaxation did not last long before it was destroyed by the overwhelming Chitauri army. The

Chitauri army is divided into two types, one is the ground army and the other is the air army. Although Thor has done his best to attack the air army, the Chitauri army is too large and he is simply unable to stop it all. The

Chitauri use energy-emitting weapons, and with each of their attacks, there will be an explosion.


All the citizens of New York began to flee in all directions, and there were panicked voices and cries for help everywhere.

The Chitauri began to wreak havoc in New York City....

Although the Avengers tried their best to stop it, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. joined the battle, they were still unable to stop the huge alien army....


Using shockwaves to knock away a large number of the Chitauri soldiers who were rushing towards her, Daisy looked at Rogers beside her nervously and said,"Captain, this is not a solution. We need more destructive helpers!"

"I know, but they are all fighting right now, there is no time!"

Rogers said this after knocking down a Chitauri with his shield.

Although Black Widow did not speak, the expression on her face showed that she was also very nervous.

Suddenly, a SHIELD fighter plane landed, and then Coulson came down with Banner.

""Coulson, why are you here? This is not your battlefield, go back!"

Rogers shouted in surprise.

Coulson had died once before, and he didn't want him to die again!

Coulson said helplessly:"Captain, it's not me who wants to come, but Dr. Banner. He said he thinks you need him!"

""Hello! Hello everyone!"

Banner smiled and greeted everyone.

In an instant, everyone present understood what Banner meant.

But obviously, this made them even more scared, because everyone knew that there was a monster hidden in Banner's body....

A monster called Hulk.....

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