Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 518 World Collapse is on! The power of being materialized!

next second!

Although the head of the troll demon clan has not recovered yet, his palm has been swung like a fly, and Zhou Yuan has been slapped away by more than a kilometer!

Zhou Yuan, who regained control of his revitalized body, pursed his lips.

This troll demon clan!


Just this slap, the power displayed is comparable to the fourth-order elite ~ heroic monster!


Not only is it strong, but its thinking logic is also terrifying-!

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a human or a demon, when encountering such a situation, it must be directly slapped, slapped the life on his chest, slapped it on his chest, and slapped it to death.

Because that's the easiest way.

No more.

He will also slap the life in his chest from top to bottom and smash it to the ground.

But this troll demon clan, feeling the power of its existence, is being materialized, and its real weakness is about to be exposed to the enemy.

In order to prevent Zhou Yuan from having means beyond his expectations, so that it could not kill Zhou Yuan with one blow, but let Zhou Yuan kill him at close range.

It took the most awkward way!

Pump out Zhou Yuan's revitalized body!

its choice...

is correct!

Just as it swept Zhou Yuan into the air, and the Demon Punisher force field just disappeared, his body was dropped to the ground, but it was as if he had come alive. The flying weapon pierced his body and heart!

If it doesn't fly Zhou Yuan, it's dead now!

Pull out the weapon!

The fully recovered troll demon clan stared at Zhou Yuan: "Human! You are the only human in this world, other than the brave, who has found a way to kill our demon clan, you should be damned!"

Its cruel words are not over yet!

He thought that the 100-meter giant, who would not move without Zhou Yuan's control, suddenly raised his huge soles, covering the sky, stepping on the head of the troll demon, and stepping on the lower body of the troll demon. Into the earth!


The huge sole of the foot suddenly kicked the part of the troll demon that was exposed on the ground, splitting the troll demon into two!

The falling palm firmly pressed the head and hands of the troll demon clan, completely controlling the troll demon clan, making him unable to move at all!

The other palm of the giant is still slamming down, constantly destroying the body of the troll demon, so that the troll demon has no chance to recover!

Zhou Yuan restored the somewhat deformed revitalized body that was photographed, and activated the technique under the feet of the revitalized body, forming a gust of wind, which pushed the speed of the revitalized body to a terrifying level, in less than ten breaths. In time, over a distance of one kilometer!

"World power (mana), magic power, qi!"

"Destroy the Demon Force Field!"

The peculiar magic formula unfolds, and the magic-killing force field with a radius of several meters unfolds, allowing the existence of the troll demons to materialize its heart!


An incomparably sharp blade pierced through the red heart of the troll demon race!

A troll demon with the ability to revive concepts!


[Great Void Engine: No. 99 Reincarnation Space No. 100860, you killed the troll demon clan, the 24-hour pursuit of you, ended early, you got 100,000 points, and you got the troll demon clan treasure chest (Pig), the world collapse degree officially opened.

When this world collapses, your title of world destroyer will be notarized by the Great Void Engine. In any world that is not limited by the Great Void Engine, you can exert 35% of your power. 】

This tip!

Zhou Yuan, who had exhausted his magic power and spit... and spit milk, was full of rage in his eyes!

[Great Void Engine: Attention all reincarnators! The collapse degree of this world is turned on, and the difficulty of this world task will increase with the increase of the collapse degree. 】

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

This announcement faces all reincarnators.

Let most of the reincarnations who are still breastfeeding explode!

They are going crazy!

This space kills...

It's so disgusting!

If you don't give us the ability to carry our own, then don't carry it, you will be reincarnated, right?

After your special mother's reincarnation, at least we have to wait until we are seven or eight years old and have the ability to move before we do things, right?

When we were less than one year old, the real demons appeared in this world, and the original hero Epona Liano was replaced by her mother!

... . 0

It also blackened the brave, one person and one sword, and it took only one day to erase the Roman duchy.

This 100% is telling them that if they don't think about it, they may just learn to walk, and they will not be able to walk steadily, and the world will be destroyed.

Now they are specially announced to them, saying that there is a reincarnation who has started the world collapse!

This is no way to live!

And those reincarnations who took the task of the Great Void Engine, and completed the task, obtained physical enhancement, even if they were babies, they still have the ability to move.

their pupils!

Also shrinking!

They are also afraid!

What kind of reincarnation must be strong enough to have a major impact on the entire world and cause the collapse of the Great Void Engine's control over the plot, and then start the world collapse degree?


Which bastard cheated and entered this space killing field?

Or rather...

To what extent is the Great Void Engine blind enough to judge such a strong person as a third-order reincarnation?

This reincarnation will take on the main quest that is hostile to them...

They are dead!

There will be no way out! again.

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