Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 519 A huge magic array with a radius of thousands of kilometers! Become what Zhou Yuan wants

The most panic.

Those human or non-human reincarnators who don't know anything about the plot of the strongest assassin reincarnated in another world.

Their state at the moment is bewildering.

Isn't this a space killing field?

Isn't the space killing field just to let the various space reincarnations fight?

Now that they are still breastfeeding, the collapse of this world has been opened, and this world is about to be destroyed. What is going on?


Just when they thought they were going to die, the development of the world really became magical!

A knowledge of the formation called the Magic Array of Homeland Defense is circulated among the nobles, royal families, religious leaders, and leaders of the world.


In this world, there appeared the first homeland defense magic circle activated by nearly 500 magical "three-one-zero" possessors!

This homeland defense magic circle, after being activated, forcibly withstood the hero's devastating attack, and it lasted for a whole week!

This also caused the broken hero to go berserk!

The brave man let go of the Homeland Defense Magic Array and instead destroyed a noble territory that was not in the Homeland Defense Magic Array, causing the ground to sink and the sky to crack.

Because of the threat of the berserker.

The royal family and nobles of the Alban Kingdom have all mobilized all their strengths to create a magic circle for national defense, and try their best to activate it!

However, there are too few magic powers who activate the Magic Array of Homeland Defense.

Many territories that could not be activated even though they had completed the magic circle for national defense were also destroyed by the brave, and even by the demons who were eager to revive the demon king.

With that in mind!

Some unofficial forces with magic power have united and are specifically responsible for activating the homeland defense magic circle.

that is……

Somewhat frustratingly expensive.

But no matter how expensive they charge, many nobles will frantically send them money, or even add money, just asking them to activate the Magic Array of Homeland Defense as soon as possible.

But no one found.

Those noble territories that were destroyed by the brave, and the defense magic circles of noble territories that had not been destroyed together formed a pattern with a radius of at least thousands of kilometers, covering the entire area, even a larger area than the Kingdom of Arban!

As long as some nodes of this pattern are connected, a larger national magic circle can be formed!

They only know that as long as the magic circle of national magic defense is activated, they can defend against the hero's attack.

As long as you set up a defensive barrier that prohibits magical creatures and people with magical powers from entering the national defense magic circle, you can also prevent demons from entering, and prevent hostile forces from sending magical people to assassinate them!


The magicians in the territory are basically controlled by nobles and royal families.

Plus the territory's various armed forces.


In the homeland defense magic circle, you can be safe and worry-free!


In order not to be killed by the demons and not to be killed by the brave, the commoners will also frantically flood into the range shrouded in the magic circle of homeland defense and become the target of being squeezed by the nobles to maintain the luxurious life of the nobles.

These civilians may have a more miserable life.

But at least he saved his life, didn't he?

But this miserable life has nothing to do with the reincarnations who were born on the same day that caused all kinds of visions and attracted the attention of the whole world.

Each of them is regarded by the nobles as an important part of the combat power.

No matter how big the nobles are, they will greet the parents of the reincarnators, show kindness to the reincarnators, and say that when the babies grow up, they will gather them together for teaching.

This is intended to brainwash this group of babies and instill loyalty to the nobility.

No nobleman would have thought of it.

If it weren't for these reincarnations who were still breastfeeding, they wouldn't have the ability.

Otherwise, once they are gathered together, maybe... only the reincarnators in the same space can survive, or only one person can survive.

after all……

This world is a space killing field!

Most of the reincarnators, they and those who hope to reincarnate as much as possible, are alive as much as possible, so that they can take more tasks and obtain more attribute points, Zhou Yuan, is completely different. 0  …

They simply don't know how to get the Great Void Engine to send them quests, and they don't know how to activate it. In order to complete the main quest and improve the final evaluation of the space, they can only desperately kill the reincarnators in other spaces!

But no matter what.

These reincarnations, who are still breastfeeding, are among the fearless territorial nobles with magical powers, before they have the ability to act alone, even if they see the enemy who kills their father, they have to endure it.

This is what Zhou Yuan wanted when he released the Magic Array of Homeland Defense.


Hundreds of magic power holders, after activating a huge homeland defense magic circle again, gathered together and received ten times or even a hundred times higher salary than usual from Zhou Yuan's activated body, smiling like a flower !

"Thank you, Captain!"

"Thank you, Captain! With this money... I can be smart again tonight!"

in the hustle and bustle.

Zhou Yuan clapped his hands:

"If you want to relax, you can relax when you return to our own homeland defense magic circle!

Now in the Kingdom of Alban, there are still several nobles, crying and shouting to hire us at ten times the price of 2.3 in order not to be destroyed by the brave!

If you don't earn this money, you may not be able to earn it in Arban in the future! "


"Captain! Hurry up! My magic power is already thirsty!"

A very relieved expression appeared on the activated body controlled by Zhou Yuan.

What a tool man!

He couldn't bear to kill these people after activating the magic circles for homeland defense, connecting the huge magic circles with a radius of several thousand kilometers, and unable to be destroyed by existing means.

can't say...

To continue to use these tools, the whole world activated the magic circle of homeland defense, and after earning a lot of money with tears, I bought some of the legendary artifacts in this world.

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