Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 576 The kingdom of God that is forbidden everywhere! The swarms of fanatics!

The head of the Kirin mercenary regiment, they quickly climbed to the top of a sacred mountain somewhere in the kingdom of God!

In the corners of their eyes, layers of magic spells unfolded!

This is the super telescope magic they developed to see the scenery on the moon!

in their sight!

When the brave and the gods are evil, the carrier makes the world change color, the clouds are dense, and the terrifying momentum of lightning and thunder rushes towards the entrance of the space channel of the kingdom of God.

When the brave man wielded the holy sword, urging the scattered red and white fireballs, began to frantically wash the ground, and killed all the living creatures who stood in front of her, including the creatures of the kingdom of God, the powerhouses of the mission world, the reincarnations, the polluted fanatics, and so on. .

When the gods broke out with a terrifying momentum, they kept smashing the space of the kingdom of God, erasing everything that was blocked in front of them.

The creatures of the kingdom of God and the polluted fanatics who felt that their lives were threatened, all stretched their necks, let out a roar that resounded in the sky, turned around and killed the gods and the brave!

in this confusion.

Humans, non-human powerhouses, and reincarnations in the mission world are completely crazy!

They used their strongest ability and fastest speed, and used their entire life to exchange for a moment of brilliance. They were all like lightning. They reached a speed of seven or eight hundred kilometers per hour with almost armed helicopters. It has shortened the distance from the entrance of the space passage!

The head of the unicorn mercenary regiment could even understand what they wanted to express from the mouths of the reincarnators who were about to leave the kingdom of God:

"Go to your uncle's Great Void Engine, if you want to kill Lao Tzu, there is no way! Go dream! Not only does Lao Tzu survive now, but Lao Tzu can also complete the main quest! Hahahaha..."

when they leave the fallen kingdom of God.

The brave man was the first to completely kill all the creatures of the kingdom of God that were blocking him, tearing apart the earth and rushing out of the passage of the kingdom of God!

Follow the brave.

They kept killing the creatures of the kingdom of God, including the five gods, including the eight-armed god!

After the gods left.

The polluted fanatics, like bulldozers, arrogantly smashed the creatures of the kingdom of God on the way forward and left the kingdom of God.

at last.

In the kingdom of God, the creatures of the kingdom of God at the bottom of the food chain made all kinds of roars, moved the huge body that was polluted and distorted, and forcibly squeezed out of the space channel of the kingdom of God!

The head of the unicorn mercenary regiment and the others were all shaking.

They all know.

If the lord of the army is not too lax, the plan of the lord of the army can be carried out.

Whether it is a gods evil or a brave man, whether it is a creature of the kingdom of God, or a human being in the mission world, a non-human strong person, or even a reincarnator, they are all dead, and there is no possibility at all.

The head of the Kirin mercenary regiment took a deep breath:

"The residence of the gods in the air is the trophy of the army master. We have no qualifications to touch anything on it, and I am afraid we do not have the strength to touch anything on it.

Therefore, our goal is the huge temple on the mountain in the center of the kingdom of God!

Before the army lord destroys the world and enters the kingdom of God, you can take as much as you can. As long as you don't play tricks and give 90% of it to the army lord, and your expression is more sincere, the army lord should not care about the 10% you leave behind.

But if any of you are unhappy with the army lord, whether it is seen by the army lord or felt by the army lord.

Bless yourself ¨々! "

"How dare you be upset?"

They really don't dare to be upset!

When they and the head of the unicorn mercenary group just met, they heard the information about the leader of the unicorn mercenary group, and they thought that the head of the unicorn mercenary group was exaggerating.

All are reincarnators.

The gap between them and the military leader cannot be that big.

But in this world, after they personally verified it, they were dumbfounded.

Are they really playing the same game as the army master?

They played the game called me in the otherworld in hell mode.

And the game played by the army master asked me to play the game of 10,000 ways to destroy the world after the invincible alien world.

They are no longer the same as the military leader.

The essence is different.

If it is only a little better than them, they will be upset and jealous.

But the military lords who are also Tier 3s, the gap between their strength and them has reached a level where they can't be jealous at all.


how is this possible?

When normal people meet God, they only have the emotion of worship.

And they also have a feeling of worship for the army master!

"Go! Let's go to the temple!"

One after another magic formula unfolds!

Rocks surging.

The stone giant with a height of more than ten meters and a fourth-order rank, kept pressing his hands on the rock, got out of the rock, and rushed from the mountain to the central temple of the Kingdom of God!

Trigger countless devastating bans along the way!

"One hundred and fifty meters in the direction of three o'clock, the stone giant triggered the prohibition of divine punishment and was destroyed by divine punishment!"

"'Five hundred meters from the direction of 3:15, the stone giant triggered the space teleportation divine power technique, was teleported into a space storm, and was completely shattered."

"One kilometer from two o'clock! That huge rock wall is a kind of divine creature with a height of 100 meters. It devoured the stone giant!"

"A special air ban was found! Any living thing higher than three meters, the part above three meters, will be obliterated."

"The world-annihilating divine flame was triggered, and the stone giant was instantly evaporated!"

"The divine power was triggered, and the magic spells and induction spells we left on the stone giant were instantly destroyed."


The prohibitions and traps that were constantly being discovered made the heads of the Qilin mercenary regiments look extremely solemn and bitter.

"This is still falling, shattering, and it's still downgrading. The internal ban only operates a part of the kingdom of God. If it is a complete kingdom of God, I can't imagine how dangerous it will be."

These prohibitions!

It is the root cause of the powerhouses in the mission world and the reincarnations nesting in the outermost part of the kingdom of God (alright).

These prohibitions have no effect on the life of the kingdom of God, the polluted fanatics, and the evil of the gods.

But as long as non-divine life is detected, it will be triggered instantly!

Life that is not in the kingdom of God, even if it does not die in the prohibition.

It will also be driven by fanatics and gods to kill!

This is also the main reason why I have never heard of anyone who has gone deep into the kingdom of God.

The head of the unicorn mercenary regiment, with his hands shining with magic, once again spawned several stone giants, urging them to run wildly in an unexplored direction:

"Okay, don't be stunned! Now in the kingdom of God, there are no creatures of the kingdom of God, and there are no evil spirits and fanatics. As long as we find a safe path, the final harvest of each of us will be the same as the army. The Lord's can't be compared, but it's enough to make the envy of the boss of the same rank team stare out!"

"Speed! Fast! Faster! Be sure to reach the temple before the army master comes in!".

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