Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 577 A world that was beaten into nothingness and pierced through! The magic circle is about

The head of the Kirin mercenary regiment, Zhou Yuan didn't pay attention to what they were doing, and he didn't have time to pay attention.

After he opened the forbidden door, a magical light appeared under his feet, wrapped in a storm, and rushed all the way to a radius of several thousand kilometers. It has been activated and is violently extracting the mana (world power) of this world. , the center of the country-level country-level magic circle of magic power and energy!


It is the place where the mana, magic, and qi of the entire country-level territorial magic circle are the most concentrated and controlled by Zhou Yuan.

Here, Zhou Yuan's combat power, although not much improved.

But mana, magic power, and qi were raised to the sixth level, and they were all gathered again.

Homeland-level homeland magic circle, the additional defense for Zhou Yuan, can reach the seventh-order peak, or even the eighth-order, and can defend against all divine creatures except gods and heroes, polluted fanatics, and the world of this quest. All masters and reincarnators!

The creatures of the kingdom of God that were the first to rush out of the kingdom of God, whether it was an animal or a plant, their body size expanded at least three times in an instant, like an inflated balloon.

It's like deep-sea fish in the deep sea with huge pressure. If they are caught above the sea level, the huge pressure difference will cause their internal organs to rupture, or even expand and rupture as a whole.

From a world where the world strength of the kingdom of God is sixth-order, suddenly they came to a world where the world's strength is only third-order. This level difference makes them the same as deep-sea fish.

But unlike deep-sea fish.


They have extremely tyrannical bodies, and they resisted this change abruptly, without the internal organs bursting, and they did not explode to death!


This is just a description!

What really caused their body size to change so much were the differences in the power of the world, space expansion, space enlargement, power liberation and other factors.

They don't know!

They just know.

They were originally in the kingdom of God, just like in the deep sea, no matter what they do, it takes a lot of power.

And the world after leaving the kingdom of God!

Not the same!

Here, they can easily explode several times or even dozens of times faster than the kingdom of God. The same blow will destroy the world at least a hundred times faster than the kingdom of God!

They are here!


Various flying creatures in the kingdom of God made extremely excited tweets, waved their wings, and under the blessing of wind magic, they exceeded the speed of sound by an unknown number of times, not only leaving behind a sonic boom cloud ring, the flight At that time, the power used made cracks appear in the space of the mission world!

When these flying creatures, power up again!



The next moment they appeared, they were already dozens of kilometers away, incredibly fast!

Even, even if it is the animal of the kingdom of God, they easily penetrated the space after extracting the magic power inside the territory-level magic circle with a radius of several thousand kilometers!

Only the Divine Kingdom plants that are over fifty meters in size and walk on deformed legs are slightly slower, but not too much slower.

The magic they unleashed turned the tens of kilometers of land into the Wang Yang of the forest.

Then they pass the trees!


That's right!

These divine plants, in the third-order world, can create plants through magic, and then teleport through plants.


Even they were a little later, arriving at the center of the territory-level territory magic circle, where Zhou Yuan was.

The flying creatures of the kingdom of God, the animals and plants that are more than 30 meters high in the kingdom of God, their attacks broke the space, shattered the space, and smashed all the matter within a radius of one kilometer around Zhou Yuan into nothingness!

their attack!

Even pierced the world!

This world has caused extremely serious damage.

When more than 200 divine creatures attacked jointly, a certain chain reaction occurred, making their attack upper limit reach the seventh order.

In the center of nothingness, Zhou Yuan, who was wearing a magic shield with a radius of more than ten meters, took out the artifact magic gun Guye Borg, and swept it on the mission world, the easiest to collect, the largest number, and the crane skin with the title of artifact. Sac, destroy it instantly!


The god-level skill grabbing in the profession of All Terrain Master, in the hands of Zhou Yuan, who is now equivalent to the fifth-order, the success rate of grabbing, (agcd) is terrifying!

From the destroyed sacred artifact Crane Skin Bag, the divine power grabbed, although less.

But it was much more divine power than Zhou Yuan obtained in the Arran Sect sanctuary below the capital of King Alban.

Enough for him to activate his skills!

"The terrain is refined!"

A place of nothingness, twisted by a powerful gravitational force!

Everything is shaken!

When a dark, basketball-like ball appeared in Zhou Yuan's hand and floated into the sky, everything within a radius of tens of kilometers was not pulled by a tyrannical attraction, like iron filings attracted by a magnet. Stop crashing into the dark gravitational ball!

This is terrifyingly powerful!

Equivalent to Six Paths Immortals!

Six Paths. Earth Exploding Star!

The "Six Paths. Earth Blast Star" caused by divine power is very attractive, even if it is strong enough to shatter and penetrate this world space, the sixth-order Divine Kingdom creature with huge body will be attracted no matter how hard they struggle!

The creatures of the kingdom of God kept gathering on the dark gravitational ball.

The earth shattered, and pieces of huge mud and rocks kept clinging and squeezing!

After a few minutes.

Not only all the creatures of the kingdom of God, but all of them were sealed in a huge sphere with a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Even in the earth, a huge abyss with a radius of more than 200 kilometers and a depth of tens of kilometers appeared!

At this time, Zhou Yuan, that little bit of divine power, had already been exhausted.

When he saw the brave man, carrying the holy sword, with a terrifying red miasma that permeated hundreds of meters, his eyes were blood red, leaving a terrifying gully on the ground, constantly smashing the space and coming.

I saw five gods who came to this world and turned into giant monsters. One jumped, jumping out of dozens or hundreds of kilometers.

He knows it!

Time to get started!

Use the artifact magic gun Geyeborg!

Zhou Yuan destroyed the Crane Skin Bag again, grabbed a little bit of divine power, and smiled at the brave men and gods: "As a farewell to this world, please allow me to send you a cool song."

The joke is over.

Zhou Yuan snapped his fingers!

A dangerous magic formula appeared, and it was linked to the territory-level territory magic circle with a radius of several thousand kilometers!

The huge magic circle that has extracted all the mana, magic power, and qi in the world has continuously rotated nine circles in the world, brutally compressing the mana, magic power, and qi violently!

Make mana, magic power, and qi become extremely unstable!


The brilliance of divine power flashes!

Zhou Yuan's figure dissipated below the Earth-Blasting Star, dissipated in nothingness!

when he reappears!

He opened the forbidden door!

Once again blocked in the passage of the kingdom of God!

It's different from blocking yourself out of the passage of the kingdom of God last time!

this time!

He trapped himself in the kingdom of God! .

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