Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 700 Team faction change props! The chain reaction of the butterfly effect!

In the fourth-order big void arena, Zhou Yuan really used the butterfly effect, a regular skill, which caused him to become a seventh-order half-dragon master after dragon transformation. He appeared under his feet and was beaten to death by him. .


In the fourth-order Great Void Arena, the butterfly effect he used almost collapsed his body, and the consumption could not be recovered by conventional means.

At that time, he needed a week of cooling before he could use the instant butterfly effect again!


Zhou Yuan has become a Ten-Tailed Human Pillar Force, plus the bonus of the hegemony unit, a proper seventh-order peak level master, much stronger than the fourth-order Void Arena!

Although he can't continue to use the butterfly effect!

But the consumption after using the butterfly effect for a moment, although it has an impact on Zhou Yuan, will not seriously damage him, nor will his combat power decline seriously.

This momentary butterfly effect!

There are all kinds of inexplicable ripples in time and space, fate, cause and effect, etc.

Then a series of chain reactions that are simply unknowable.


Nearly all the reincarnators went to the valley where the fate-like Teijin used to change the fate of the army lord, set up traps, and waited to besiege the army lord.

But there was a five-person team of reincarnators, which was teleported to the security base they had prepared earlier through Shangri-La, the dimensional square.

The captain of this team is a beautiful woman.

They look exactly like those beauties in the anime, and just a glance at them will make male creatures heartbeat.


She was...a man.

It took a lot of points to become such an advantageous woman.

She pursed her lips and turned to look at another beauty who was not much worse than her:

"Xiao Jiejie, after the Destiny-type Teigu was activated, your Teigu, who can predict a good or bad luck 100%, predicted that the result would be..."

"Ferocious! Fierce!"

The beauty known as Xiaojiejie has an abnormally pale face:

"I've never seen a divination more ferocious than this.

In our team, we have Shangri-La, a dimensional square, a mysterious space safe house, and even a divination-like Teigu that predicts good and bad luck, from a semi-artifact down to the sixth-order, and even a Teigu that automatically avoids danger.

Our motto has always been to win to the end.

We will never participate in the siege of the enemy army, and there is a Teigu that can ensure our 100% safety. We still predict this result that will at least wipe out our true spirit.

Can only illustrate.

Even if all the remaining reincarnators used various special tools to besiege the army master, the result is that the Great Void Engine completely lost the space killing field, causing us to be obliterated! "

The wise man in this team twitched the corner of his mouth:

"The reincarnation of the Great Void Engine camp has failed completely."

She took a deep breath and began to analyze:

"The eighth plan for besieging and killing the army leader fully considers the possible situations that the Great Void Engine and the reincarnation of the hostile unit are not working hard, the mantis catching the cicada or the oriole is behind, and so on.

There is no chance that the reincarnators under the control of the Great Void Engine have died more than 95%, and the death percentage of the reincarnators in the hostile unit space is lower than the death rate of the Great Void Engine.

The Great Void Engine faction has failed, and hostile unit space is doomed to fail.

In other words, the final winner is the army master! "

The wise man looked at the captain: "We can only gamble! We win the gamble! Not only will we survive, but the rewards we will receive will be unprecedentedly rich."

The captain smiled bitterly: "We have no choice but to gamble. Bet!"

Xiao Jiejie, who has a divine tool for divination, pursed her lips: "Then let me see what the military master should be at now."

The Teigu in Xiao Jiejie's hand turned into powder.

At the cost of the destruction of Teigu, she launched the last divination to see if she could seize the chance to live!

The result of the divination not only made Xiao Jiejie's expression dull.

The expressions of the other four reincarnators in this team are also ugly!

The results of the divination not only told them where the military master was.

They even told them which city the army master was in, what unique buildings were around, and what he was doing.

Xiaojiejie shook her head fiercely:

"This divination result is so detailed that I can't believe it's true, as if... it was the military lord who was telling us his location plainly.

It's's a trap. "

The wise man's scalp was numb: "Even if it's a trap, we have to go. This is our last chance to survive."

She stood up suddenly: "Let's go!"

"Dimensional Array. Shangri-La!"

The members of their team, unfolded Teiko!

After the huge magic circle was formed, they were instantly teleported to the marked location where they stayed in the city where the army master was!

Another ten minutes later.

The five of them quickly found a cafe.

Directly locked a young man in the cafe.

This young man is not in the form of General Bude.

But they are all sure that this must be the military lord.


The young man who can make Esdes be like a little woman, peel the grape skins honestly, and send them to his mouth one by one. In this space, there will be no one else except the army master!

They raised their hands as if in surrender:

"Hello, Commander! Don't get me wrong, we didn't mean to attack you, we just wanted to talk to you.

We trade all 403 intelligence on the Void Engine Reincarnator and the hostile unit Space Reincarnation in exchange for our chance to join your faction! "


They want to join the army lord's camp!

Under normal circumstances, the samsara who participated in the space killing field, after entering the space killing field, the camp has been divided and cannot be changed!

However, the team leaders of Chao Nenggou and their team have temporarily transformed the team faction change props that can be forced to change the faction in the space killing field as long as they obtain the consent of the leaders of other factions, and temporarily transformed them into Teigu!

in their original plan.

If the Great Void Engine wins, they don't change sides.

If it is obvious that the Great Void Engine will fail, they will not hesitate to be the second or fifth child, choose to rely on the enemy, use the team faction to change the props, and change the faction!


Always be on the winner's side!

that is……

Suddenly, the military lord, the hegemony unit that pushed the entire space to kill, suddenly appeared. As the third camp, it made them extremely uncomfortable.


They wanted to hug the army master's thigh before, but they couldn't!

The military leader's murderousness is too great!

They would even kill them without giving them a chance to speak.

If not there is no way.

They wouldn't have anything to do with the military master at all.

This is also the reason why they immediately raised their hands high when they saw Zhou Yuan, made a gesture of surrender, and stated their purpose in the shortest words.

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