Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 701 Thousands of kilometers face! A black hole that lasts ten seconds? (please order all!!)

Zhou Yuan was obviously stunned when he heard their words.

He laughed!

Laugh very happily.

Laughing full of murderous intent.

This small team of five people actually wants to join their own camp and divide up the benefits they have obtained before they win the space killing field and swallow all the rewards of the space killing field?

is it possible?

Are they treating themselves as fools?

Or consider yourself an idiot?

Or are they daydreaming?

The wise man of this small team, cold sweat dripped from her forehead like a stream, dripping from her chin, her voice was a little nervous:

"Commander! Listen to our explanation! Our Rose Flower team only joins your faction, but we will never covet the rewards after winning the space battle!

Our faction switching props, when we switch camps, as the leader of a single faction, you can use Teigu to set the relevant contract terms notarized by the Great Void Engine! "

Zhou Yuan twisted his neck and made a kakaka sound: "Not enough!"


not enough!

Zhou Yuan alone is a faction, the evaluation and benefits obtained by killing 95% of the reincarnation of the Great Void Engine and 95% of the reincarnation of the hostile unit space.

It is far more than the evaluation and benefits of winning the space kill after they join their own faction!

The difference between this!

It will even exceed one, or even several artifacts!

These five people, and the value of the intelligence they provide, are far from the difference.

Zhou Yuan looked directly at the five people: "If you are asking for this, then you can die now..."

Before Zhou Yuan's voice could fall, let alone Zhou Yuan's action, among the five people who had been on guard, Lolita, who was shorter in stature, took out a small house emperor tool the size of a slap, and started without any hesitation!

This emperor tool!

After activation, their team can be directly transferred to the safe house in the mysterious world of non-worldly space and dimension!

It is one of their life-saving tools!

And it is the strongest life-saving emperor!

The reincarnators who were transferred to the safe house in the mysterious world, looked at the boundless starry sky outside the window, looked at the huge and indescribable monsters comparable to the planet, drifting past the safe house, their bodies, in the strong pollution, twisted. , deformation, thinking gradually confusion.

"Don't look out the window ¨々!"

"Don't look out the window!"

The roar of the Teigu user awakened the minds of the other reincarnators, causing them to look away from the window.

The captain who turned from a man into a woman, looked at the barnacles and the slippery scales growing on his arms, and touched the ears that turned into tentacles, and the hair that turned into seaweed. His face was ashen.

"What I don't like the most! It is the system items such as Cthulhu, Outer God, Evil God, Dominator, etc., not only the items themselves are contaminated, but also often bring other mysterious pollution!"

She gritted her teeth, and there seemed to be a strong hatred in her eyes that could not be resolved in ten lifetimes:

"We all said that we would not want the benefits of the army lord, and we would provide all the information. He only asked to join his camp, but he didn't agree! He also wanted to kill us! Is he still a man?"

The wise man tore off the swarms of tentacles growing out of his face:

"The army lord now has an absolute advantage and can guarantee himself the final victory in the space killing field.

Naturally, he will not allow us to join his camp, lowering his rating and reducing the benefits he gets.

It's normal for him to kill us.

However, with his ability, he didn't immediately kill us, which shows that he still hopes to know the information on the reincarnators and the hostile unit space reincarnations governed by the Great Void Engine from us. "

The captain was silent for a moment before speaking:

"He doesn't allow us to join his camp, and he wants to get information from us. He wants to be beautiful."

She looked at the reincarnator who used Tegu, the safe house in the mysterious world:

"Child girl, you control the safe house, and after floating in the space of the mysterious world for half an hour, let us return to this world, and then we will use the extra-dimensional killing array to move to the place where the ambush army master is.

We... participated in the ambush of the army master!

It's all dead anyway!

Even if we die, we have to bite off a piece of meat from him! "

"it is good!"

They floated in the mysterious world for half an hour, and once again entered the killing field of the Crimson Eye Space, which was already hundreds of kilometers away from where the army lord was seen before!

The layers of magic circles are unfolding.

Their figures!

The dimensional square, Shangri-La, was directly teleported to the valley where the reincarnators ambushed the army master!

After a "long" wait!

When they reached the center of the valley, a pitch-black space channel appeared that seemed to be spread by countless mosaics. They saw that there were nine Taoist jade behind them, and the "General Budd" form of the army leader stepped out of the space channel!

In an instant!

In the hidden barrier, the reincarnator who had been prepared for a long time used various imperial tools on the army master!

"Space forbidden!"


The "General Budd" form of the military lord, the space channel formed by the ultimate time-space pupil technique Huangquan Hirazaka, was instantly blocked and erased by the space-like ability at the cost of destroying the emperor!

He is up to the seventh order!

Its flying ability!

It was also wiped out by the forbidden air ability at the cost of destroying the sixth-order emperor, like a meteorite, smashed from a height of 100 meters!


The military lord in the form of "General Budd" was directly pulled into the arena where all the mysterious forces of the military lord were banned!

With the sixth-order emperor, the seventh-order military leader is prohibited.

It definitely won't be too long.

Maybe only ten seconds!

But that's enough!

In this arena that only targets the military master, but not other reincarnators.

The other reincarnators, madly activated their Teigu!

"Activated the ban on resurrection-type Teijin!"

"It has been activated and banned the Emperor's first ball, and the first ball of the emperor's army has been banned! It has blocked his ability to save his life in every form, and his ability to be immortal!"

"The one-time destruction type Tegu has been activated! It can ensure that the commander in the form of General Bude will be completely destroyed!"

"Three seconds later, our team will join forces with Teigu, and it will be activated to create a black hole that exists for more than ten seconds. Even if the army master has a backhand, he will definitely die!"

One-time Teigu erupted!

A terrifying mushroom cloud rose up, covering the sky and destroying the valley!

The sonic boom cloud ring swept the clouds in the sky with a radius of hundreds of kilometers!

And then, the black hole that lasted for ten seconds swallowed up the earth that was killing the crimson pupil space with a radius of hundreds of kilometers!

Because the army lord was killed by the reincarnations of both sides.

Regardless of the reincarnation of the Great Void Engine or the reincarnation of the hostile unit space, it is counted as completing the task.

All are happy.

But the reincarnation of the Rose Flower team.

Not just unhappy.

Instead, his face was livid!

Suddenly they looked up!

They just saw the face of a huge and outrageous army master with a diameter of at least a thousand kilometers! Joe.

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