Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 755 The torn red earth continent! Collapsed Warring States! (please order all!!)

The golden lion hits a general, no problem.

The top combat power in this world was raised to the seventh rank.

With the blessing of the fluttering fruit, the speed of the golden lion also broke through the sound barrier, reaching two or three times the speed of sound.

Coupled with his arrogance and domineering, even if he is fighting against the general Polsalino, who has the glittering fruit, he can still have the upper hand when his mind is not confused.

But while fighting with General Polsalino, you have to control the island to smash Judiciary Island, to smash Admiral Sengoku, and pay attention to whether the naval hero Garp, who has never been shot, will suddenly rush up from Judiciary Island , and besieged him with the general Kizaru!

He really...

I can't stand it!

But those fighter jets that broke through several times the speed of sound, constantly interspersed, helping General Polsalino to beat him, he really couldn't bear it!

"Go to hell!"

He directly canceled the ability of the fluttering fruit. The island group of hundreds of kilometers, with terrifying kinetic energy, kept hitting the Judiciary Island, and even covered the gate of justice and the sea currents of Sanjiao!

Admiral Warring States in the Great Buddha, his face changed instantly: "Not good!"

The back-and-forth cycle between the Navy Headquarters, Impelton Deep Sea 06 Prison (Propulsion City), and Judicial Island can increase the speed of warships several times or dozens of times, allowing ordinary warships to fly at the same speed, and make the three-day voyage, Shortened to three hours of great current!

Even if it is not cut off by these smashed islands.

The ocean current will also be completely chaotic and dangerous because of the blocking of these islands, and it can no longer be used as an ultra-fast maneuvering channel for the navy to quickly project combat power!

Absolutely not!

But even in the Warring States period, there is no ability to prevent the fall of such a large-scale island group!


In the roar of the Warring States Period, Garp, who was rushing to the sky with the moon step, planned to attack together with Polsalino to kill the golden lion, wrapped his body with domineering and kept hitting!

An island with a diameter of several kilometers, under the iron fist of Karp!

It was beaten and split into two parts!

three parts!

Four parts!

But only cracked!

The overall volume of the island has not become smaller!

After three breaths!

The ocean current is cut off!

Justice Island was completely destroyed and buried!

Even the Admiral Sengoku in the form of the Great Buddha, and the naval hero Garp were buried inside.

after all……

The golden lion Shiki, the island group that was thrown down is the result of preparation for several days, and even the islands of the great route have been pulled out a lot!

It is normal for Sengoku and Garp to be unable to cope in a short period of time.

The Golden Lion, who completely abandoned the island group, accelerated frantically while fighting Polsalino. When his speed exceeded the speed of sound, a sonic boom appeared on his body. He abandoned the battlefield without any hesitation, ignoring it. Afraid of the harassment of the fighter jets flying back and forth at supersonic speeds, he randomly chose a direction and flew away!

That's right!

The golden lion flew away!

While he kept dodging the shining light and kept flashing the general Polsalino who was chasing after him, he opened his mouth wide:

"Jie hahahaha... Polsalino, at our current speed, we will definitely get rid of Sengoku and Garp, and with your combat power, you can't kill me alone, you must be entangled with me. Go down? Jie ha ha ha..."

After a few minutes.

General Polsalino said that it was terrible, and stopped chasing the golden lion Shiki.

Just as the Golden Lion Shisky said.

He alone cannot solve the golden lion.

Once the Golden Lion Shiki is allowed to join some powerful pirates, he may be severely injured.

When Polusalino returned to Judicial Island, he lightly landed on an island fragment and lit a cigar. After a few seconds, the island fragment next to him was torn apart, revealing the shape of a big Buddha. The Sengoku and Karp.

The Warring States period, which canceled the form of the Great Buddha, looked quite ugly:

"I finally know why that force angered the Golden Lion and led the Golden Lion to Judicial Island!

They just want the golden lions to throw the island group to Judiciary Island, cut off the sea current, and completely destroy the super-fast mobility of the naval headquarters on the great route!

What they're doing..."

Sengoku's face became more and more ugly: "Temporarily separate me, Karp, and Polusalino from the three top combat powers!"

Even Garp, who has always been carefree, has a serious expression:

"That force intends to attack the 100,000 naval elites assembled in the naval headquarters and the combat power directly under the World Government, the king's Qiwuhai!

If that force dragged Kuzan and Sakaski again and threw some cannonballs at the naval headquarters that could destroy the island, the naval headquarters would be destroyed, and the 100,000 naval elites and the combat power directly under the World Government would suffer heavy casualties.

It is impossible for Doflamingo to intercept those powerful and terrifying artillery shells! "

Admiral Sengoku, looked at General Kizaru: "Polusalino!"

Admiral Kizaru nodded with a rather tangled smile on his face: "I'll rush back to the Navy Headquarters to sit down."

When Kiabou shone brightly and left.

Warring States took out the phone bug in a burst of Polulu's voice, and his emotions almost burst:

"What? The fleet of giant steel ships that has been missing for several days has appeared in Impelton?"

He and Karp looked at each other, and their eyes were red: "The purpose of that force 437, in addition to releasing those criminals and harassing the navy, the main purpose is the world destroyer Bundy Wald! It is Momo Fruit. !"

When I thought of the cannonballs that could destroy the island, the speed was magnified hundreds of times by Bundy Wald, the volume was magnified by hundreds of times, and the power was magnified by hundreds of times.

Their heads are blank!

Warring States roared at the phone bug: "Notify Magellan and kill Bundy Ward immediately! What? Impelton, the advancing city, cannot be reached at all?"

Phone bug in his hand.

slipped from his hand.

"Damn bastard!"


The Warring States period is now full of advancing the city!

The Golden Lion Shiki, who had been forgotten by him, lost his mind and was harassed by fighter jets again!

At a speed exceeding the speed of sound, he flew directly to the red soil continent. Under the constant provocation of the fighter jets, his eyes looked straight at the red soil continent that had cracked one after another, and he gave a wild smile:

"Jie ha ha ha ha...Why did I only think about lifting the island into the sky before, and didn't think about tearing the red earth continent into the sky?"

The golden lion Shiji pressed the palm of his hand on the red soil continent, and in the voice of Jie Hahaha, he activated his fruit ability!

Red Earth Continent!

Start to be torn apart! .

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