Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 756 The big fireball that the whole world can see! There are eight levels in this world!

The diameter of tens of kilometers, the height may reach tens of kilometers, or even higher fragments of laterite continent, slowly lift off.


The golden lion Shiji, like a hard-working little bee, kept touching the red soil continent, raising huge fragments of the red soil continent with a diameter of several kilometers and tens of kilometers into the sky.

Until he opened a huge channel with a width of dozens of kilometers on the red soil continent, which directly ran through the great route and the new world.

Until he was promoted to the seventh rank, his physical strength was almost exhausted!

"Jie ha ha ha..."

While laughing wildly, the golden lion slowly lifted off the red earth continent fragment group, which was even more terrifying than the island group hundreds of kilometers before!

This time, the golden lion did not only rise to dozens of kilometers from the island he controlled, as usual, and would not rise again!

Rather it keeps going up!

one kilometer!

Three kilometers!

Five kilometers!

ten kilometers!

One hundred kilometers!

He stared at the unmanned fighter jets that were frantically harassing him, his eyes became more and more red, and his emotions became more and more explosive, until the rudder on his head was hit by a shock wave caused by a missile, and he was completely lost. reason!

The golden lion sent out the anger like a wild beast, urging the incomparably huge group of fragments of the red soil continent to move quickly over a hundred kilometers above the red soil continent.

He flew to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and without hesitation canceled the ability of Fluttering Fruit!

That's right!

He didn't attack the navy headquarters!

He directly attacked the seat of the world government, the residence of the world aristocrats, the holy land of Mary Joa!

The huge debris group of the laterite continent rubbed against the atmosphere and burned into flames!

Whether it's the Great Route, the New World, or the four seas near the Red Earth Continent, you can clearly see such a huge fireball hitting the Holy Land Mary Joa!

The world seems to be destroyed in the next moment!

And under this huge fireball!

World Government!

The five lived for hundreds of years because of the fruit of the operation. Because of Zhou Yuan's invasion, the five old stars who were upgraded to the seventh rank looked up at the huge fireball that was about to fall, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

They originally thought that in Holy Land Mary Joa!

As long as the five of them are there, even if the four New World Pirate Emperors arrive together, they can keep Mary Joa and the Tianlong people.

But before the nuclear bomb, let them know that they can't do it.

And this huge fireball.

let them know.

When a world-destroying disaster comes, they are just a decoration!

They even want to inform the world government behind the scenes, the master of the Void Throne, Im who lives among the flowers in the deepest part of the ancient city of Mary Joapan, the Holy Land, can't do it!


They won't sit still!

Holding the five old stars of the first-generation ghost, he pulled out the first-generation ghost, and a terrifying slash that was enough to split the island rose into the sky.

Saint Nicholas among the Five Old Stars activated his fruit ability!

Mercury like a tsunami rose into the sky, intending to block the mercury that was about to fall.

One of the other Five Old Stars, a terrifying overlord rose up into the sky, as if to shred the fireball that was about to fall!

After a few breaths!

Huge fireball!

Hit the red soil continent!

The terrifying mushroom cloud has risen for hundreds of kilometers, covering the sky!

The whole world!

It seems at this moment!

are shaking!

The golden lion who was choked by the smoke and kept coughing, lost his mind, was being recovered, and his heart was broken: "No... No... This is not what I did! It must not be what I did! Jie ha ha ha... ¨々... "

The golden lion is not afraid of heaven and earth.

He even attacked the Navy Headquarters alone!

But he never thought of attacking the Holy Land Mary Joa alone!

Because he always knew that if he attacked the Navy Headquarters, he would not only cause serious damage to the Navy Headquarters, but even had great confidence that leaving the Navy Headquarters would make him even more famous!

But if the Holy Land Mary Joa was attacked, and Mary Joa was devastated.

It is really possible that he will be killed and achieve the prestige of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Because the Holy Land Mary Joya, in addition to the five five old stars who are even stronger than him, also has a terrifying existence that was just a breath of air, and his head was blank!

The golden lion looked at the smoke and dust that was gradually dissipating, at the fragments of the red earth continent, and at the red earth continent that had been destroyed, a gurgling sound came out of his throat: "Jie ha ha ha... It seems that I really did it. !"

next second.

The golden lion is running away!

Run fast!

He has decided!

He is looking for a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and when he gets up, no one can find him!

When he was fleeing, he seemed to have hallucinations, he seemed to smell the stench of the corpse, and he heard a woman's murmur: "' 'The one with the sword instead of the legs, the one with the power of fluttering fruit, the one with the rudder stuck in his head , I remember you."

"You remember Lao Tzu? Do you want to be Lao Tzu's woman? Jie ha ha ha..."

After a lot of nonsense.

The speed of the golden lion has entered supersonic speed and is rapidly disappearing!

He ran away!

On the red earth continent he destroyed, the fragments of those red earth continents collapsed into dust in an instant, revealing a huge protective shield that almost enveloped the entire Holy Land Mary Joa, shining with gray light!

The power in this shield!

Comparable to divine power!

If Zhou Yuan is here!

He can be 100% sure!

Im who lives among the flowers of Pangu!

After being promoted!

The barrier of the seventh order has been crossed!

her rank!

It's the eighth order!

He is more certain!

Im now!

The state is absolutely wrong, otherwise, even if she protects the Holy Land Mary Joa, she will never let the golden lion go!


Deep Sea Prison!

Advance the city!


Because the poison of the poisonous fruit is too terrifying, the poisonous fruit devil himself cannot completely shield the influence of the devil fruit. He needs to excrete toxins through excretion. Magellan, the director of the toilet, is in the toilet. Open.

Deputy Director Hannibal's expression was full of black cauldrons:

"Director! There is a problem in the sea of ​​Sanjiao!

And outside the prison, a group of large and terrifying steel giant ships has surrounded the advancing city! If the advance city is captured, everything is the responsibility of the director!

Then, I'll be the director! "

Then he covered his mouth tightly: "What I said just now is not my truth!"

Magellan pouted a purple poisonous gas from the corner of his mouth, frightened Hannibal, who was madly trying to usurp the throne, to step back and tidy up his clothes. Magellan gave an order: "At all costs! Arrest them all in jail!".

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