When the scrolling words fell, Yan Lu was stunned for a moment, and then an uncontrollable gloom gradually climbed into her eyes.

Henry Zhang, let her go?

Did she hear correctly?

"Say it again." Yan Lu's face was icy cold, with Yan Liang backing her, no one had dared to talk to her like this before, Henry Zhang, do you want to die?

Too lazy to pay attention to Yan Lu, Henry Zhang handed all the Thunder Spirit Grass on his right hand to the old man, and immediately took the fragments of the sacred mausoleum, threw them into the sky boundary stone at will, and turned away.

On Yan Lu's hand, she only wears the black Shenling Ring, and she is only a second-rank Linghuang herself. Henry Zhang doesn't even have the mood to care about such a thing.

If it wasn't for Yan Liang, Yan Lu probably wouldn't have dared to talk to him with that attitude.

"Bastard!" Yan Lu was furious.

Henry Zhang would rather choose the 200,000 fragments of the Shenling Mausoleum than her 220,000.

This is hitting her in the face!

"What did you just say?" The figure stopped suddenly, Henry Zhang slowly turned his head, a slight chill flashed across his eyes.

The word bastard is full of insults. If there is no deep hatred, how can anyone use such offensive words to address each other.

"I said you are a bastard, how about it? Not only are you a bastard, your whole family is a bastard like you!" Yan Lu sneered, and her flexible long whip with a sharp wind lashed towards Henry Zhang.

What Henry Zhang wears is the Red Stone Shenling Ring.

And her elder brother Yan Liang is the strongest among all the holders of the Red Stone Divine Tomb Ring. She believes that Henry Zhang will dodge or run for his life as before.

She wanted to get back some face for herself by humiliating Henry Zhang.


Under Yan Lu's shocked gaze, Henry Zhang grabbed the long whip and let the former pull it hard, but the long whip didn't move at all.

"Let go!" Yan Lu scolded angrily.


This time, there was a crisp slap sound. Henry Zhang's figure appeared in front of Yan Lu like lightning, and his raised palm left a crimson palm print on the latter's still delicate cheek.

The long whip came out, and Yan Lu staggered back a few steps, her eyes were dull, her mind was buzzing, and she couldn't recover for a while.

Henry Zhang, hit her?

Moreover, it is still in full view!


The white flame jumped up and burned the whole section of the long whip. Henry Zhang was expressionless, and in his slightly held right hand, a sharp snow knife emerged out of thin air, with a cold light.

"You want to kill me?" Yan Lu showed fear.

She finally understood that Henry Zhang is a lunatic, so what if Yan Liang is behind him, even if the latter can rush over, she will be split in half.


Just when Henry Zhang stepped on the soles of his feet and was about to rush out, the old cough suddenly resounded, and a strong coercion suppressed his body, making him unable to move.

"Those who kill in the ancient city will pay for their lives with their lives."

It was the puppet old man who spoke. He sat cross-legged on the spot, his eyes were deep, and his body was full of vigor and antiquity, accumulated over many years.

Hearing this, Henry Zhang frowned slightly, and the snow knife in his hand collapsed into snowflakes.

Although this old man is a puppet, his aura is stronger than that of the Linghuang, and he may have the combat power of the Lingwang. It is obviously not worth paying the price of his life because of Yan Lu.

Seeing this, some people are unbelievable.

The last one who killed people in the ancient city was directly photographed as a blood mist. The old man didn't give any warning at all. Could it be that today, he suddenly changed his temper?

Shouldn't it?

"Haha, bastard, bastard!" Yan Lu's face was full of joy, and her words were extremely mocking: "I will scold you, why don't you kill me, do it if you have the ability, useless things, useless!"

Hearing these vulgar words, many people were displeased. Yan Lu's quality was extremely poor. Henry Zhang didn't recruit her or provoke her, but he was almost whipped. Later, he relied on Gu Shi to not kill people. Sarcastic Henry Zhang like a clown.

If this kind of person is in the outside world, without the protection of the strong, it will be difficult to see the sun the next day.

"Aren't you very angry? It's useless to be angry, haha! Little bastard!" Yan Lu was still laughing wildly.

Frowning slightly, the old man's left hand, which had never been raised before, was suddenly raised in the air, and then snapped down.


The invisible force pressed down, and the ground collapsed. Yan Lu, who was located in it, was directly photographed into a puddle of flesh. She died in a miserable state. There seemed to be some kind of fear remaining on that broken face.

Suddenly, the entire ancient city was silent.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the deep pit.

Yan Lu, dead?


She didn't violate the rules of the ancient city, did she?

"It's really noisy." Slowly putting down his palm, the old man's voice without any emotion resounded in everyone's ears: "Whoever dares to make noise in the ancient city in the future, this is a lesson for the past."


The sound of swallowing saliva came up one after another, and everyone nodded repeatedly, fearing that if they moved slower, the old man would slap it down.

Probably even Baiyou and Hongshuangyue, the holders of the Jinshi Shenling Ring, could only be slapped to death in front of the old man.

"So strong." Henry Zhang's heart trembled slightly.

This is the strongest puppet he has seen so far.

"This puppet old man actually has feelings?" Master Mo muttered to himself, his voice was not heard by Henry Zhang: "It shouldn't be, those guys from the Shenlingmen have not been active in the mainland for a long time, why are the puppets they left behind?" There will be changes, and I was not like this before I lost consciousness."

Staring at the old man warily, Henry Zhang kept retreating. After confirming his safety, he opened the fire wings on his back, soared thousands of feet into the sky, and swept towards Wushuang City.

"This kid, it's over."

"Although Yan Lu said it was her own fault, she died because of him. Yan Liang will definitely not let him go."

"That's the strongest one among the holders of the Redstone God's Tomb Ring."

Everyone was full of sympathy for Henry Zhang, and they also wore the Red Stone Divine Tomb Ring, but there were also strong and weak. Some people present saw that Henry Zhang was only a fourth-order spirit.

As for Yan Liang, not long ago, he had just broken through to the sixth-order Spirit Emperor.

When the two fight against each other, Henry Zhang probably has only a dead end.

The news of Yan Lu's obliteration spread quickly to Yan Liang's ears like a storm. He put down the Nanyinling in his hand, his eyes were indifferent.

"Although I don't like Yan Lu's arrogance, she is my sister after all. Since she died because of you, then you should do well and prepare to be buried with her."


Stopping in front of Wushuang City, Henry Zhang retracted his fire wings and landed in front of the city gate.

To enter Wushuang City, each person needs to pay 100,000 fragments of the divine mausoleum, which is why there are so many people gathered in the ancient city. Many people have less than 100,000 fragments of the divine mausoleum in the empty boundary stone.

Looking up at the vast ancient city, Henry Zhang felt a little emotional, after all, it was the former site of the Shenling Gate, and its size was no less than ten small empires.

It's hard to imagine how prosperous Shenlingmen was when it was at its peak.

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